How to Survive at the Academy

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Spring, Come Forth (3)

My eyes had long adapted to the darkness, for my life had never known the light.

When I reluctantly opened my drowsy eyes, the blood-drenched world I encountered gnawed at my heart.

One image, in particular, was deeply etched into my mind the moment I opened my eyes to find myself driving a knife into my brothers heart.

He was the brother who stood by me even when the rest of the family turned their backs, the one I considered my sole ally. And yet, even he could not resist the cursed blood that drove my hand to betrayal.

Coughing blood, with his eyes bloodshot, my brother looked down at me and spoke. With teeth grinding and blood vessels bulging in the heat of his voice, perhaps he was cursing me. The words he spoke as the blood trailed from his mouth were

Why did you come all the way to the academys research office when all functions are to stop until the snowstorm ends? You dont have to come to work, you know?

Startled, Clevius quickly gathered his senses. He had nearly lost himself again to the hallucinations that occasionally surged through his mind.

The weather is erratic, and its best to stay in the dormitory as much as possible, isnt it?

But, despite that, Assistant Professor Claire, youre here at work

The youngest professors have their destinies, you see~. We are fated to work until our very limits ugh

Assistant Professor Claire hung her head and sighed deeply.

The sky was gradually filling with lush clouds, and soft flurry of snow began to fall intermittently. It resembled a cozy winter scene now, but the snow and wind would intensify in mere moments.

Acken Island was busy preparing for the storm, and the Laplace Bakery had also entered a temporary closure. It was a regretful oversight not to have stocked up on snacks beforehand.

About that thing you mentioned before, the um, the academic assistant position.

Clevius got straight to the point, foregoing any preliminaries.

Becoming a full-time member of the research office, huh? Its not a bad idea~. Since weve expanded our staff, everyone should be able to handle their duties more easily.

Thats not it, I I think Id rather not take part in it at all.

Eh? Why all of a sudden? Did you receive a better offer from another research office?!

No, its not that

Clevius hesitantly murmured in a quiet voice.

The conditions are generous, but Im not interested in taking on such responsible tasks I came to tell you that

Why? Youre quite diligent and capable of handling your assigned tasks, arent you, Clevius?

Well thats because its mandatory and beyond that, I dont like taking on roles that demand more responsibility or capability

Clevius swallowed dryly and spoke with conviction.

Whenever such duties were demanded of me Ive mostly lived through failures Maybe Ive finally gathered some wisdom from life Its best to avoid starting certain things in the first place It often turns out to be the right answer in the end more often than not, I ended up being a burden to others

Stuttering, the haggard and gloomy appearance of Clevius was all too familiar.

I thought maybe you were receiving better treatment elsewhere or had an offer from another place.

Its not that. Im not qualified for that, and the treatment here is really good, and I like it, but

Really? So, you could do it if you tried?

You mean? Uh, yes technically, I could

In front of the faltering Clevius, Assistant Professor Claire blocked his escape with a carefree, wide smile.

Then do it.

Even as the familiar Assistant Professor Claire, it felt like no further argument would be tolerated.

Clevius, perspiring anxiously, could not respond further.

* [ Magical Abilities Detail ]

Grade: Skilled Magic Student Specialty: Elemental Common Magic: Quick Casting Lv 10 Mana Detection Lv 10 Fire Elemental Magic: Ignition Lv 16 Wind Elemental Magic: Wind Blade Lv 15 Intermediate Magic can now be learned!

Spiritual Magic: Spirit Empathy Lv 13 Spirit Understanding Lv 13 Spirit Manifestation Lv 4 Shared Senses Lv 3 Spirit Slot: Subordinate Fire Spirit Muk Empathy Stage: 3 Spirit Summoning Efficiency: Good Unique Enchantment Skill: Grace of Fire (Temporary Immunity to Flame Surge) Explosion (Minor Explosive Magic)

Fire Magic Ability Enhanced Spirit Slot: Higher Wind Spirit Merilda Empathy Stage: 1 Spirit Summoning Efficiency: Very Poor Unique Enchantment Skill: Protection of the Storm (Periodic Neutralization of Damage) Rising Air Current (Intermediate Wind Magic)

Wind Magic Ability Enhanced Spirit Slot: Empty New Spirit Slot!: Empty

Looks like I should try bonding with a mid-tier spirit soon!

The next day, Yenika, who seemingly recovered her spirits, arrived at the camp, her face glowing.

Only yesterday, she had been listlessly wandering with a sullen face, but today, she was completely revived, sitting cheerily around the campfire; the difference in her demeanor was tremendous.

Yenika, you seem to have gotten your energy back.

Eh? Ed, you make it sound like I was completely down.

Well, werent you? Just the other day when you came to the camp

The other day?! When was that?! I forgot!!!

Yenika raised her voice in a fluster, fanning her own face.

Apparently, the memory of showing up at the camp with a deathly pale face, draped in blankets, was too embarrassing for her to bear.

Back then, my response also felt emotionally charged. Seeing her shivering and hugging her knees, looking like a lost rodent, made it hard to leave her alone.

Perhaps its because Yenika is a character who steps out of the scenario, I feel my heart softens around her. After all, shes the only friend of my age whom I genuinely interact with

Is this level of social interaction enough for me?? The thought inevitably crosses my mind. Maybe I need to widen my circle of acquaintances.

In the end, the reason Im surviving in this forest is to live a better and more comfortable life later on.

While I might have achieved some degree of martial success, Im still insignificant compared to the core members of the scenario, especially since everyones growth skyrocketed from the third act. I had to actively keep up.

Financially, Ive always been struggling, and if my social circle is narrow as well, my journey still seems far from over.

Above all, Sylvania Academy is an unparalleled environment to meet all sorts of nobility freely. Its a wasted opportunity I cannot afford to discard, even though Ive not made the best first impressions and things havent been going smoothly.

Still, having Yenika is a boon.

Its just some minor misunderstanding with a friend. Yes.

Is that so?

Yes, its incredibly trivial and nothing to worry about, Ed. Its all been cleared up now, and were good again!

Smiling brightly, she indeed looked like the old Yenika, and I felt assured.

Anyhow, Ed, I knew about your contract with Merilda, but it did seem odd. You still lack the skill to handle a high spirit.

I had to resort to some tricks.

Did Merilda not mention the ring? It was intriguing that the chatty spirit kept certain secrets well-guarded.

I was keen to keep the details about the Phoenix Gold Ring left by Professor Glast to myself, but I pondered whether sharing it with Yenika seemed reasonable.

After all, she had been a great help with my training in spirit magic, and besides, the fact that I could contract with Merilda with this amount of magic power was unusual on so many levels that I couldnt hide it.

Yenika wasnt likely to gossip, and as a trustworthy comrade, it shouldnt be an issue.

So, I meticulously explained everything about the Phoenix Gold Ring left behind by Professor Glast.

Yenika listened attentively, sitting neatly before nodding in understanding at the end.

Then Ed, you are unable to use magic for now. Itll be difficult to contract with a mid-tier spirit right away.

The magic will come back around the start of the semester after the break.

A contract with a mid-tier spirit is needed. I knew this without Yenika having to tell me.

If Muk is a rifle, then Merilda is a tank.

The gap between the powers of a rifle and a tank is far too wide.

Merilda is a high spirit that Ive contracted with by force and is beyond my level of control. A single summoning drains my magical power completely, leaving me defenseless.

I had to pour all my mana stones and ask for Lucys help to barely manifest it. Its too strenuous to handle Merilda alone.

She can be used as a trump card in dire situations but is not a spirit that can be casually summoned at will. Even Yenika, unrivaled in spirit magic, carefully manages her mana when handling high spirits, and that speaks volumes.

Congratulations on being able to handle a high spirit, Ed. Among spirit masters, the day you make your first contract with a high spirit is called your second birthday. Not many spirit masters can even contract with high spirits in the first place.

I can handle various mid-tier spirits well enough to be considered a veteran. Ive indeed grown a step as a spirit master.

You used a trick to do it, though. Hehe.

Her proud smile made me feel elated too, although I still have a long way to go before boasting.

But Ed, as you know, high spirits cant be handled comfortably all the time Theyre not a permanent asset. Thats why contracting with a mid-tier spirit is essential. Low spirits are always on hand, mid-tier spirits are a trump card, and high spirits are the last resort. Most high spirit masters operate this way.

So I need to have one or two mid-tier spirits that can be my core forces.

Right. You are sensitive to wind and fire elements, but its good to contract with other element spirits too. When your magic returns, lets try it. Ill help.

Yenika, bouncing excitedly, seemed delighted to talk about my growth. It felt truly gratifying to have her support.

To do that, I need my magic power back first. Once the semester starts, Ill be in your debt again. Sorry for always taking up your time; you must be busy.

No need to apologize, Ed. Im doing it because I enjoy it. And its not time to worry about me, is it? The snowstorm is coming. It seems youre preparing, at least.

Near the campfire, various hunting traps collected from around the forest were scattered about. Most were neatly organized and stored inside the cabins, but the ones needing maintenance were set aside.

Neglecting to properly clean the teeth-covered in blood or foreign matter can quickly deteriorate their condition.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, it looks like we wont be able to tidy them all up cleanly.

The camp seemed to be preparing for winter as I looked around.

Everything on the ground was securely tied and fastened with ropes.

The cabins were reinforced with ropes and extra support was added with poles. The same went for the storage shed.

The wooden shelter I first made upon entering this forest, which had become Lucys nap spot, also had windbreaks set up, but whether they will stand strong remains to be seen. If it gets blown away, it cant be helped.

Once this storm passes, spring will come, and a new semester will start. The environment in this forest will improve too!

Yenika declared before her tone seemed to deflate slightly, speaking rather timidly.

Maybe it would have been better to move into Dexs Hall? Its too harsh to have to spend this winter out here

Dont worry. Ill be in the Soul Library during the storm.

That facility in the underground lab?

Yes. Ive made a separate entrance. Well, it formed naturally, rather than me making it. It may be a bit claustrophobic underground, but at least there are no drafts. Dont worry too much. It seems like a good refuge.

Good to hear But it might be boring. Locked up for a week.

Ill dedicate myself to demonology training during that time. With all the materials and formulas Ive secured, it might even be quite a tight schedule to get through them all.


Ed, as always, you live your life diligently. You dont seem to waste any time.

Its more accurate to say that Im in an environment where I have to be diligent. And if we consider diligence, Yenika isnt exactly falling behind me.

The envy and respect that come with being the top student in the grade are not to be taken lightly.

Lets meet again after the snowstorm passes and the semester starts. We have to think about the joint combat practice, and theres the student council election too. Being the top student, youre bound to attract attention.

Even if I didnt, people are already trying to feel out whom to support. There seem to be quite a few candidates Honestly, Im not sure about it all, so Im trying to stay neutral.

During the election season, Yenika, as top student, didnt really seek the limelight. By nature, rather than strongly endorsing someone, she respected all the candidates.

By the way, Ed, your sister shes running for student council president, isnt she?

Yeah, thats right. Shes got a bit of ambition, you could say.

Suddenly remembering something, Yenika inhaled sharply and asked me slowly,

Ed, do you get along well with your sister?

Get along should I say we do?

To be precise, I dont know.

Tanya Rothtaylor is a villainous stepping stone that appears and exits in Act 3.

As a character who will soon be written out of the script, she doesnt require excessive caution but for now, she still merits some level of attention.

Still, she is the first kin I met in this harsh world.

Considering Ive been excommunicated, its hard to speak out but shes still family, after all. Whether I like it or not, theres a high chance Ill have to face her for a lifetime, so I really do want to get along with her. She doesnt seem to hold as much ill will against me as I thought After all, siblings dont always get along, right?

That might be indeed sibling squabbles are quite common, I guess

Yeah. Whatever highs and lows we go through deep down, I want to maintain a good relationship with her. I quite well, not to extreme extents, but I do care for her a lot.

Even though I havent done much for her considering my rather limited social circle, the existence of kin has significant meaning to me. I want to start treating her well now to maintain a harmonious relationship.

Its like finding a kinship connection alone in a barren desert-like world.

As the Rothtaylor family will fall into decline by the end of the scenario, Tanya will likely end up in the same boat as me. But Tanya seems like the type of girl who will struggle to survive without much fuss, so oddly enough, that brings me some peace of mind.

So, you care a lot for her It was just a typical sibling fight after all

Suddenly gripping the sleeve of my coat, Yenika began to sweat profusely, turning pale.

Ed, by the way does Tanya like anything? Is there something she would enjoy as a gift? Maybe some kind of food?

Yenika asked me this out of the blue while tugging at my clothes.

I looked intently at Yenika and then spoke softly,

What did you do to Tanya?

Nothing at all!

Yenika isnt one for lying convincingly due to her honest nature.

It took her about three seconds, sweating profusely, before she confessed, though she made it sound much more serious than it was.


The blizzard has been raging since dawn. Unless theres an urgent need, please refrain from going outside, and if you absolutely must attend to something, inform us through a maid.

A maid from Ophelius Hall, her uniform crisply ironed, nodded quietly and left the room.

The howling winter wind echoed eerily. Occasionally the windows shook, and snowflakes hit the glass, melting away in the warmth of the room.

Quietly lying on the excessively ornate, frilly bed, Kylie Clarice sighed deeply and sat in the private room of Ophelius Hall, looking into the dressing mirror.

The tri-fold mirror was bigger than Clarices frame, large enough to envelop Kylies form entirely.

She had let down her hair, and the brooch that maintained her illusory magic was put aside.

The brown of her hair quickly faded, revealing the shimmering silver strands flowing down to her waist.

Clad in the protection of saintly magic, and capable of wielding powerful sacred magic, Clarice could fend off threats of violence. But survival through the harsh cold and potential danger? That was an entirely different matter.

But the fear of her identity being discovered that was more terrifying than any danger of the wilderness. A mishap here could merely result in getting lost within Acken Island; there were plenty of buildings and facilities to find shelter from the cold.

Alright I cant just sit by!

Clarice thrust open the window.


The biting wind sliced across her pale cheeks, her silver hair fanned out with the gust.


She closed the window again.

It was terrifying.

Too terrifying!

Ed was scary, darkness was scary, the cold was scary, being stranded was scary!

Regardless, the words of the romantic, Adelle, began to float back into Clarices mind, overcoming the fear of the unknown and always pursuing freedom.

Claire knew that Anis wasnt lying.

Anis had confidently consulted her about testing Eds mettle.

I was never into that type of guy in the first place! Dont worry about it, Yenika!

Anis, too, began to assert herself with a trembling voice out of nowhere.

He looks like a troublemaker from the start, arrogant, always grumbling, and living off his supposed superiority. Why would I follow someone like that, huh?!

Thats too harsh, Anis! You dont even know Ed well enough to say that!

Well, what do you want me to do then! Anis retorted, then took a deep breath before slamming the table and standing up.

Im sorry for hitting on that guy without consulting you Sorry, Yenika!

If you apologize so suddenly I I dont know what to do! Reacting this way makes it seem like Ed and I are in that kind of relationship..

Claire felt as if her soul was being drained.

Was she really going to deny any relationship with Ed now? It seemed to Claire that Yenika had long crossed the point of mere friendship.

Moreover Why did you do something I didnt ask for, Anis! Whether Ed is a good person or not is for me to decide Wait.. talking like this makes it seem again like Ed and I are in that kind of relationship I didnt mean that?

Yenika. Youre too confused right now to think straight.

Yenika continued to fret.

Do you know how much Ive been worrying?! I couldnt even sleep at night Anis is a precious friend, but should I feel betrayed like this? Am I even in a position to feel betrayed? Im actually nothing worrying over nothing

Dont worry, Yenika. To that man, youre quite special. Somewhere between friends and lovers for sure. From what Ive observed, thats true.

But saying that makes me unsure how to respond again, its hot! Hot!

Yenika, flushed to her limits, fanned her face while glancing back and forth between Anis and Claire. It wasnt the first time Yenika showed her bashfulness, but today was exceptionally intense.

The directness of Aniss words was too much for the innately shy Yenika, making her wonder when the right time for progress was.

Anyway since youre saying its a misunderstanding then it must be a misunderstanding Right! Honestly, judging and evaluating Ed like that isnt right, but since it was intended for my sake, I cant be mad Anyway, thanks for being honest, Anis!

Yenikas clear declaration eased Claires mind.

It was unusual for Anis. Known for her flawless handling of tasks, it was surprising to see her causing discord with Yenika like this.

But it was resolved, so it was just a misunderstanding.

Claire laughed at herself for thinking Anis might have genuinely fallen for Ed.

Yeah, Yenika.

But Claire caught the real expression on Aniss face.

Looking down, subtly blushing, Aniss response to Yenikas words made Claire acutely aware of the chill running down her skin.


After the tea party, Yenika hastened towards the northern forest.

She had been focusing on spirit sensitivity training and, consumed by the misunderstanding with Anis, hadnt visited Ed much.

Intending to see Ed regularly, Yenikas lighter spirit led her to the northern forest.

Claire, unaware of Eds whereabouts, saw it as just another training session. She waved goodbye.

Once alone with Anis, Claire softly called her name.

Claire, can we not delve into details?

If thats what you want But, Anisstill

I have my reasons.

What reasons?

As they crossed the living hall, Claire asked quietly, and Anis, swallowing dryly, grasped Claires collar with a desperate look.

Introduce me to a guy.

It seemed familiar, but this time, the request felt more earnest. Unfortunately, Claire had no experience in love either

Thats a bit too much to ask

Is it..?

Peoples feelings dont just change easily, Anis.

No, Claire. You dont understand. Feelings and emotions can be overlaid!

Anis, saying this, looked directly at Claire, trembling.

Dont look at me with those eyes, Claire!

What eyes? I was just looking!

Anis took several deep breaths.

Im sorry for lying to Yenika, but I didnt want to burden her emotionally. I can deal with my own feelings. Its just that I dont have any new connections yet!

Take your time to explain! Youre excited, Anis! And finding new connections isnt that easy!

Is that so?

Anis, youre busy, and you dont invest enough in others to become that special Wait, is this the right time to say this?

No, youre right Your words make sense

Anis grabbed Claires shoulders and shook them a couple of times.

Claire. Maybe the idea of having to date a man is just a societal expectation. Lets think more progressively if its about being special Claire, will you go out with me?!

Please come to your senses, Anis. Think logically. Youre usually calm. Just think it over, please.

Right, Claire. I shouldnt be swayed by such things.

Anis, steadying her spinning vision, spoke clearly to Claire.

Distance leads to emotional distance. Once this blizzard passes and the vacation ends, and the scholarship students move to their new posts I wont have to face that man again.

We hardly share any academic interests besides elemental studies, so our classes will be different I just need to get through until the scholarship duties end. Yeah just until the scholarship students leave!

The scholarship students will continue working with me as student assistants throughout the semester~!

The next morning, as the students gathered in the lab, Assistant Professor Claire, mimicking a trumpet, announced.

Clevius and Yenika have been diligent, and especially Ed has been very proactive and skilled, so it seemed a shame to transfer him to another lab~.

Claire, looking utterly relaxed, bit into a tart.

Since youll be closer to student assistant status, therell be more scholarships, and the atmosphere here is more comfortable than in other labs~. Welcome everyone~.

Claires lab indeed had a favorable working environment, with the professor lacking any sense of authority.

As the students seemed to accept this, Anis, sitting alone at her desk, held her face in despair as if she had lost her country.

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