Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch269- Avery

Ch269- Avery

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Once Mundungus was out of sight, Harry turned his attention back to the rest of the room. The Carrows had moved on to other conversations, their interest in him seemingly waning now that they had assessed him as a potential threat. Harry knew better than to let his guard down around them, but for now, they didn’t seem to pose an immediate danger.

Tonks, on the other hand, was still watching. Harry could feel her eyes on him, even as she pretended to be absorbed in her drink. She was good—probably better than most of the people in this room—but not good enough.

Deciding it was time to make his move, Harry stood up, finishing the last of his butterbeer in one gulp. He made his way toward the door, keeping his pace casual. He could feel someone following, their presence like a shadow at his back. 

As he stepped out into the cool night air, Harry took a moment to breathe in deeply, clearing his head. The streets of Knockturn Alley were quieter now, the hustle and bustle of the day giving way to the more sinister activities of the night. Harry walked slow and casual, keeping to the shadows as he made his way down the narrow, twisting streets.

Taking a sharp turn into a dark alley, Harry quickly slipped the Invisibility Ring onto his finger, disappearing from view in an instant. He moved silently, positioning himself behind the person who had been tailing him, his wand at the ready. With a quick jab, he pressed the tip of his wand against the person's back.

"Move and you’re done," Harry whispered coldly.

To his surprise, the man who had been following him wasn’t Tonks in disguise. Instead, it was Avery II, the former Death Eater Harry had spotted earlier in the pub. Avery raised his hands slowly, his wand held high in the air, showing no intention of fighting back.

"I just want to talk," Avery said, his voice calm, though there was an edge of desperation in it.

Harry didn’t lower his wand, his eyes narrowing as he took in the man’s appearance. "Talk about what?" he demanded, keeping his tone flat and unyielding.

Avery turned his head slightly, just enough to meet Harry's gaze without making any sudden movements. "I saw you in the pub. Heard you were asking about Bellatrix Lestrange. I’m curious why you’re looking for her."

Harry kept his wand trained on Avery, not trusting him in the slightest. "Why should I tell you anything?"

Avery sighed, sensing that he needed to tread carefully. "Look, I’m not interested in getting involved in whatever business you have with her. I’ve been trying to keep my head down, avoid the mess she’s left behind. But if you’re looking for her, then it’s likely for something important, and that means it’s important for me to know."

Harry studied him for a moment, weighing his options. He could feel that Avery wasn’t lying, but that didn’t mean he could be trusted either. Still, there might be some use in getting more information from him. Lowering his wand slightly, but keeping it ready, Harry asked, "What do you know about Bellatrix’s whereabouts?"

Avery hesitated, glancing around as if to make sure they weren’t being overheard. "Not much, to be honest. Last I heard, she was in Albania, trying to track down something or someone. But she’s been keeping a low profile, staying off the grid. There are rumors that she’s planning something big, something that could shake up everything."

Harry didn’t react. He had already gotten Bellatrix’s whereabouts from Mundungus, and this sudden encounter didn’t sit right with him. He looked directly at Avery, who was still keeping his hands up in a defensive gesture.

"And what exactly made you think following me with your wand out was a good idea?" Harry asked, his voice laced with a hint of challenge.

Avery shifted uneasily, clearly aware that he was on thin ice. “Look, I didn’t mean any harm. I just... I wanted to make sure you weren’t here to mess things up for the rest of us. People in Knockturn Alley, we don’t take kindly to strangers poking around.”

Harry kept his gaze steady, not buying the excuse for a second. “You’re telling me you followed me just to keep the peace? Sounds more like you were planning to make sure I didn’t leave the alley.”

Avery flinched at the accusation, knowing he was caught. “Alright, alright,” he admitted, lowering his voice. “Maybe I was just being cautious. A guy like you, showing up here, asking about Bellatrix... it’s not exactly something that goes unnoticed. I figured if I could find out what you’re really after, maybe I could use it to my advantage.”

Harry didn’t bother hiding his disdain. “And you thought holding a wand to my back was the best way to get answers? You’re either desperate or stupid.”

Avery grimaced, realizing how badly he’d misjudged the situation. “Desperate, I suppose. Things have been rough since... well, since the Dark Lord fell. Everyone’s scrambling for a way to stay relevant, to stay alive. I’m just trying to survive like the rest of us.”

Harry considered Avery’s words, weighing whether there was any truth in them. The man in front of him was clearly more pitiful than dangerous, and Harry decided to push further. “If you’re so keen on surviving, why don’t you start by telling me what you know about Bellatrix’s plans? Because if you’re holding back, your chances of making it out of this alley are looking pretty slim.”

Avery swallowed hard, the threat sinking in. “Look, all I know is that she’s been laying low in Albania, like I said. There’s talk that she’s gathering followers again, but nothing solid. She’s always been a bit... unpredictable. Nobody’s sure what she’s really up to.”

Harry kept his expression neutral, though inwardly he noted the information. It aligned with what he’d heard earlier from Mundungus, but it didn’t give him much more to work with. “And you expect me to believe that’s all you know? You must have heard more than just rumors.”

Avery hesitated, clearly weighing his options. Finally, he let out a long breath. “Alright, there’s one more thing. I’ve heard she’s looking for something, some kind of powerful object. No one’s sure what it is, but it’s got the old crowd on edge. They’re saying it’s something that could bring the Dark Lord back, or at least give her enough power to cause serious trouble.”

Harry’s eyes narrowed at that. This was new information, and it made sense. Bellatrix wasn’t the type to lay low without a plan, and if she was searching for something with that kind of power, it meant she was still a serious threat. “And you just happened to hear this from the grapevine?”

Avery nodded quickly. “Yeah, yeah. It’s all whispers, though. Nothing solid. But if she’s after something that dangerous, I figured it’s best to keep my distance. I don’t want any part of whatever madness she’s planning.”

Harry let a sliver of that dark, chilling aura slip through, just enough to make Avery’s knees wobble. "And what if she does manage to bring him back?" Harry's voice was low, carrying a dangerous edge. "Wouldn't the Dark Lord be more than a little displeased to find out you’ve been keeping your head down while he’s been gone?"

Avery swallowed hard, his face paling. "I— I didn’t mean to—"

"Save it," Harry cut him off, his tone cold. "I’ve got no time for excuses. You better start thinking about where your loyalties lie if Bellatrix actually succeeds. Because if she does, you'll be one of the first on her list."

Avery’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. He was too terrified to speak, the implications of Harry’s words sinking in. Harry kept his gaze locked on the man, watching as Avery tried to piece together a response, his mind clearly racing.

"Look," Avery finally stammered, desperation creeping into his voice. "I don’t want any part of this. I just want to survive. If she brings him back, I’m done for. I know it."

Harry’s expression didn’t soften. "Then you better make sure she doesn’t. Start thinking about what you can do to help me find her before she gets too far. Because if she does succeed, there won’t be anyplace for you to hide."

Avery nodded frantically, his fear palpable. "I’ll do what I can. Just... just don’t let her bring him back. Please."

Harry didn’t bother with reassurances. He knew Avery would betray him the moment it became convenient. But for now, the man was useful, and Harry intended to keep him in line just long enough to get what he needed.

"Go back to the pub," Harry ordered, his voice hard. "Keep your ears open, and if you hear anything—anything at all—you come straight to me. Got it?"

Avery nodded again, his movements jerky with fear. "Yes, yes, of course. I’ll keep an ear out, I swear."


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