Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch263- Morning Tort-Exercise

Ch263- Morning Tort-Exercise

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As the meal wound down, the group began to disperse, each heading off to their own activities. Astoria, still grumbling about Potions, dragged herself off to the library, determined to get a head start on her next assignment. Harry promised to help her later, knowing she’d likely need it.

Harry made his way to the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets, his thoughts focused on the quest at hand. He had recently begun uncovering the secrets behind Salazar Slytherin’s inheritance test, and while it was a complex and intricate puzzle, he was confident that he could crack it before Christmas. Doing so would grant him access to Slytherin’s vault at Gringotts, a treasure trove of ancient magic and artifacts that had piqued his curiosity since he first learned of its existence.

As he approached the entrance, the stone door slid open with a low rumble, revealing the dark tunnel that led down to the Chamber. Without hesitation, Harry stepped onto the hidden elevator that would take him to the depths of the castle. The descent was smooth, the cold air of the Chamber gradually replacing the warmth of the castle above.

When the elevator reached the bottom, Harry stepped out into the vast, dimly lit chamber. The massive stone statues of serpents loomed overhead, their eyes seemingly watching his every move. The silence was thick, almost oppressive, but Harry paid it no mind as he made his way toward the central platform where he knew Basi would be waiting.

As he approached, the massive form of the basilisk emerged from the shadows, its emerald scales shimmering in the faint light. The creature moved with a slow, graceful rhythm, its large, yellow eyes fixing on Harry with recognition and curiosity.

“Basi, looking good,” Harry greeted the basilisk with a smile.

The basilisk’s massive head dipped slightly in what could almost be considered a nod, its tongue flicking out as it hissed in response. “Heir,” the basilisk replied, its voice a low, rumbling hiss that reverberated through the chamber. “It is good to see you again. What brings you to the depths today?”

Harry walked closer, unbothered by the creature’s sheer size and presence. “I will be working on Salazar’s inheritance test,” he explained.

The basilisk inclined its massive head slightly, acknowledging Harry’s words. “I will return to my slumber then,” it hissed.

Harry nodded, offering a small smile. “You don’t need to come out and greet me every time, Basi. If I need you, I’ll call. You can rest easy.”

The basilisk blinked its large yellow eyes, grateful for consideration. Being awake meant hunting more, and his hunting ground was very limited. With a final flick of its tongue, it turned and slithered back into the shadows, its enormous body disappearing into the darkness of the chamber.

As the quiet settled back over the chamber, Harry made his way to the back, where the entrance to the next room waited. The corridor was cold and damp, a fitting lead-up to the chamber dominated by the grand statue of Salazar Slytherin himself. It loomed over the space, its stone eyes seemingly watching Harry’s every move.

At the base of the statue sat an ornate pedestal, and on it rested an ancient book bound in green leather. It wasn’t just any book—it was Salazar Slytherin’s test, a challenge that Harry still hadn’t fully deciphered. Basi’s cryptic words echoed in his mind: “Prove you are worthy.”

This was the book Harry had discovered during his last visit to the Chamber. It was the key to a theory he had long been pondering—runes crafted not from the usual languages, but from the tongues of magical creatures. He'd been toying with the idea of creating runes from various animal languages, but the challenge was knowing where to begin. The concept was complex, and while the idea intrigued him, he hadn’t found a way to start until now.

The most likely candidate for such an experiment, he had reasoned, would be Parseltongue. It was a language known by all around the world, and one that carried a natural connection to powerful magic. And here, in Salazar Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets, he had finally stumbled upon the first of these Parseltongue runes.

The discovery had been both thrilling and frustrating. He had recognized the significance of the runes almost immediately, but understanding them fully was another matter entirely. The book in front of him was ancient, its pages filled with delicate, flowing script that seemed to pulse with latent power. These runes were unlike anything he had encountered before, and while he could sense their potential, deciphering their meaning was proving to be a slow, meticulous process.

Harry ran his fingers over the worn leather cover, feeling the faint hum of magic that still clung to it. This book held secrets—secrets that had been buried for centuries, waiting for someone like him to unlock them. He flipped open the cover, revealing the first page of dense, intricate script. The language was Parseltongue, but it wasn’t simply written out like any ordinary text. Each word seemed to intertwine with the next, forming complex patterns that required careful study to untangle.

As Harry began reading, he focused on the task at hand, letting the outside world fade into the background. The air in the chamber was still and heavy, the only sound the faint rustle of pages as he turned them, his eyes scanning the ancient text.

This wasn't just another theory. This was something tangible, something he could work with. Parseltongue runes were real, and if he could decode them, it would open up a whole new realm of possibilities for him. The potential applications were vast—runes that could be used in ways the wizarding world had never seen before, spells woven into the very fabric of magical language itself. And with it, would come many inventions that sat at back of Harry's mind rent-free.

The next morning, Harry woke up with a yawn and glanced around the damp chamber. Only three hours of sleep, but it was enough for him. He’d spent the entire night studying the Parseltongue runes, barely scratching the surface of their complexity. Still, there was no rush. He could take his time. After gathering his things, he slipped on his Invisibility Cloak and made his way out of the Chamber of Secrets.

Back in the Slytherin dorms, Harry headed straight for the shower, letting the cold water wash away the lingering fatigue. It was Saturday, which meant no classes, but he had a full day planned. He still needed to teach Astoria Potions, but there was something else he’d been meaning to do for a while now. Once he was dressed, Harry took out a small metal card, focusing his intent. Words appeared on its surface: "By the lake, in twenty minutes." The message vanished from the card and appeared in the magical books he’d given his friends.

Satisfied, Harry slipped the card back into his pocket and left the dorm, making his way down to the lake. The morning air was crisp, the grass still damp with dew. As he approached the lake’s edge, he called out, "Good morning, Krak."

In response, a large tentacle lazily waved in the air before sinking back into the water. The giant squid had become a familiar presence over the years, and Harry couldn’t help but smile at the creature's casual greeting. He found a comfortable spot near the water and sat down, leaning back on his hands as he waited for his friends to arrive.

First to arrive was Pansy, which was surprising in itself. Harry raised an eyebrow as she sauntered up, clearly proud of herself. "You're early," he remarked, not hiding his surprise.

Pansy grinned wickedly. "Don’t get used to it, Harry. I just wanted to see your shocked face."

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, you succeeded."

Not long after, Daphne and Tracey appeared together, both of them chatting quietly, followed by a sleepy-looking Astoria, who yawned widely as she joined the group. Hermione, Neville, and Ginny arrived soon after. Neville mentioned that Ron had opted out, choosing to sleep in, to which Harry simply shrugged.

Luna came next, accompanied by Cho and Padma. They explained that Penelope was busy with her Head Girl duties and couldn’t make it. Draco, Blaise, and Theodore joined soon after, looking as sleepy as others. Susan and Hannah arrived with Cedric in tow, and finally, Lavender, Parvati, and the Weasley twins rounded out the group.

George groaned loudly as he plopped down on the grass. "Why so early, Potter?"

Harry chuckled, already expecting the complaints. "I’ve been meaning to introduce you all to working out for a while now. It’s about time."

Pansy’s face immediately drained of color. "No way, Potter. I’m going back to sleep."

Harry stepped in front of her before she could turn back. "No one’s going anywhere. Physical exercise is just as important as magical training. You’ve got to keep your bodies healthy and active."

Fred groaned dramatically, flopping onto the ground next to his brother. "Mate, you’re killing us before the day even starts."

Harry smirked, folding his arms. "You’ll thank me later. Now, up on your feet. We’re starting with some basic stretches."

The group begrudgingly complied, each one grumbling under their breath as they stretched out their limbs. Harry demonstrated the stretches, making sure everyone followed along correctly. He kept the instructions straightforward, knowing that any added complexity would only invite more complaints.


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