Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch259- Flying With More Girls!

Ch259- Flying With More Girls!

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

Harry slipped the sickle onto the counter with a nod of thanks. He made his way to the fireplace, reaching into his pocket for the pouch of Floo powder he always kept handy. He lied at the Three Broomsticks, as he wanted them to believe he had no idea what Floo Powder was. Tossing a pinch into the flames, he watched as they roared green, then stepped into the hearth.

"The Three Broomsticks," he said clearly, feeling the familiar tug as he was whisked away through the Floo Network.

As Harry stepped out of the green flames into the familiar warmth of the Three Broomsticks, he quickly scanned the room. Several pairs of eyes turned toward him, wary and ready, their hands drifting toward their wands. The atmosphere in the pub tensed, the patrons clearly ready for trouble.

Before anything could escalate, the barmaid appeared, a wide smile on her face. “Back so soon, love?” she called out, her voice cutting through the tension like a charm. The patrons relaxed, their hands moving away from their wands as they returned to their drinks and conversations.

Harry returned her smile with one of his own, stepping away from the hearth. “Yes, I’m done with the official side of things. Now, I’m off to take care of some business. Thanks again for letting me use your fireplace—it’s really convenient.”

The barmaid chuckled, clearly pleased with his polite demeanor. “You’re welcome, love. Care for another drink before you go?”

Harry shook his head, his smile turning slightly apologetic. “I’d love to, but I’ve got something else to take care of. I’ll be back tomorrow evening, though. Thanks again.”

The barmaid nodded, her smile never faltering. “Anytime, love. You take care now.”

With a final nod, Harry stepped out of the Three Broomsticks, feeling the cold air hit his face as he left the warmth of the pub behind. The eyes of the patrons lingered on him for a brief moment, but they soon returned to their own business, conversations resuming as if nothing unusual had happened.

Finding a quiet alley nearby, Harry pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and draped it over himself. As the cloak settled around him, his appearance began to shift back to his original form. The face of Tom Riddle melted away, replaced by Harry's familiar features. He adjusted his robes and made sure his cloak was secure before heading toward the secret passage that would lead him back to Hogwarts.

Harry navigated the hidden route with ease, the familiar path winding through the dark, narrow corridors beneath the castle. He knew his absence would be noticed eventually, but with no classes scheduled for the morning, he had time to slip back in unnoticed.

Once inside the castle, Harry carefully stashed the Invisibility Cloak away and made his way toward the Great Hall. Although he'd already had breakfast, he figured it wouldn't hurt to join his friends and keep things light. After all, maintaining appearances was just as important as everything else.

As he entered the Great Hall, the usual buzz of morning chatter greeted him. He quickly spotted his friends and made his way over to them, slipping into a seat at the Slytherin table. Daphne, Tracey, and the others were already engaged in their usual banter, their laughter filling the air.

"Morning, Harry," Daphne greeted him with a smile, her eyes flicking up from her plate. "You're bit late today."

Harry shrugged casually, reaching for a piece of toast. "Had a few things to take care of. You know how it is."

Tracey raised an eyebrow, clearly curious. "Anything interesting?"

Harry smirked but kept his tone light. "Nothing worth getting excited about. Just some errands."

The conversation flowed easily after that, with the group exchanging stories about their morning classes and making plans for the first Hogsmeade visit, again. Harry joined in the laughter and teasing, enjoying the easy camaraderie with his friends.

After breakfast, the group split up for the day. Some went off to their classes, while others decided to tackle homework in the library. A few, more eager for excitement, headed to the Duelling Club. Harry, however, found himself making his way to Hagrid's hut with Susan, Hannah, Ginny, Luna, and Astoria—keeping his promise to take them on a ride with the Hippogriffs.

They reached Hagrid's hut, the familiar earthy smell of the surrounding forest and the sight of the old wooden structure bringing back memories of their past adventures. Harry knocked on the door, and after a brief moment, it swung open to reveal Hagrid, looking as surprised as ever.

"Harry! What brings yeh down ‘ere today?" Hagrid boomed, his broad face breaking into a grin.

Harry smiled back, gesturing to the girls around him. "I promised them a Hippogriff ride, Hagrid. Think you can help us out?"

Hagrid's eyes lit up with excitement, but there was a flicker of uncertainty too. "Well, yeh know I’d love to, but are yeh sure? They’re a bit tricky, and... well, not everyone gets on with ‘em as well as yeh do, Harry."

Harry gave Hagrid a reassuring nod. "They’ll be fine. We’ll follow your instructions exactly."

Hagrid hesitated for a moment longer before his usual enthusiasm won out. "A'right then, le's give it a go! C'mon, I’ve got Buckbeak and a few others ready."

The group followed Hagrid to the paddock where the Hippogriffs were waiting. The majestic creatures stood proudly, their wings tucked in and their sharp eyes scanning the new arrivals.

Hagrid gave them a quick rundown of the proper etiquette—bow low and wait for the Hippogriff to bow back. "If they don’t bow, back away nice an’ slow," he reminded them.

Harry went first, demonstrating with Buckbeak. As expected, the Hippogriff didn’t wait for Harry to bow; instead, Buckbeak lowered its head in respect almost immediately, acknowledging him. Harry smirked slightly at the creature’s eagerness, patting Buckbeak’s neck before stepping back to allow the others their turn.

“Alright, your turn,” Harry said, gesturing to the girls. “Go on, do the bowing thing.” They stepped forward, each bowing deeply and cautiously as Harry had instructed. The Hippogriffs, now more at ease after Harry's interaction, responded to the girls' bows with polite dips of their heads.

As the girls completed their etiquette, Harry moved to the side where Hagrid was standing. Harry nodded in approval, then turned his attention to Hagrid, who was beaming with pride as he watched his favorite creature. “How’s teaching going, Professor?” Harry asked, his tone light and teasing.

Hagrid chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ah, yeh know, Harry, it’s a bit tougher than I expected. Keepin’ the kids from gettin’ themselves into trouble with the creatures is a full-time job.”

Harry grinned. “You should start by not introducing them to Hippogriffs on day one. Might help keep them alive.”

Hagrid let out a booming laugh. “Yeh’ve got a point there, Harry. But where’s the fun in that, eh?”

Meanwhile, the girls were getting more comfortable around Buckbeak. Harry, noticing that they were ready for the next step, gestured to Susan and Hannah. “Alright, you two. Ready for the first ride?”

Susan, always the more adventurous of the pair, stepped forward immediately. “I am ready!” she said with a grin, her excitement barely contained.

Harry helped her up onto Buckbeak’s back, making sure she was securely seated. Hannah, looking slightly more hesitant, followed suit with Harry’s help. Once both girls were in place—Susan in front and Hannah behind—Harry climbed up as well, settling in between them.

“Hold on tight,” Harry instructed, his hands lightly resting on Susan’s waist as he prepared to guide Buckbeak. Behind him, Hannah wrapped her arms around his waist, her grip firm but hesitant.

With a gentle nudge, Buckbeak took off, his powerful wings lifting them into the air. The ground fell away beneath them, and the wind rushed past as they soared above the Hogwarts grounds. Harry could feel both girls tense at first, but as they adjusted to the rhythm of Buckbeak’s flight, they began to relax, the tension in their grips easing.

“This is amazing!” Susan shouted over the wind, her voice full of excitement.

Harry grinned. “Told you it’d be worth it.”

Hannah, still clinging to Harry, managed a nervous laugh. “It’s a lot higher than I thought it would be,” she admitted, though there was a hint of awe in her tone.

Harry guided Buckbeak in a wide arc around the castle, giving the girls a breathtaking view of the grounds. As they flew, he couldn’t help but enjoy the moment as well. It wasn’t often that he got to share these experiences with his friends, and seeing the joy on their faces made it all the more worthwhile.

After a few more minutes in the air, Harry gently guided Buckbeak back down, landing smoothly on the soft grass. He helped the girls dismount, both of them grinning from ear to ear, their earlier nerves forgotten. Ginny and Luna, eager, moved towards them.

Ginny stepped forward first, her usual fiery confidence showing as she approached Buckbeak. Harry helped her up, making sure she was secure before climbing up behind her. Luna, with her constant smile, followed next, sitting behindHarry with her usual grace.

Once everyone was settled, Harry gave Buckbeak the signal, and they were off again. This time, the flight was quieter, with Ginny and Luna simply enjoying the ride. Harry guided Buckbeak with ease, letting the girls take in the sights and sounds of Hogwarts from the air.

As they circled the castle, Ginny turned her head slightly to speak to Harry over her shoulder. “I can see why you enjoy flying so much,” she said, her voice carrying a note of admiration.

Harry chuckled. “It’s hard to beat, that’s for sure.”

After a few more laps around the grounds, Harry brought Buckbeak back down for a landing. The girls dismounted with bright smiles, thanking Harry and Buckbeak for the experience.

Finally, it was Astoria’s turn. She was smaller than the others, so Harry let her sit in front while he guided the Hippogriff. Astoria’s eyes were wide with excitement as she held onto the creature’s feathers, her grip tight but confident.

As they took off, Astoria’s laughter filled the air, her joy contagious. Harry couldn’t help but smile as he watched her enjoy the ride, her previous nerves completely forgotten.

“Is it everything you imagined?” Harry asked, his voice carrying easily over the wind.

“Even better!” Astoria exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as they soared over the lake.

After a few more minutes, Harry brought them back down to the paddock, dismounting smoothly and helping Astoria down. The other girls crowded around, all of them talking excitedly about their rides.

Hagrid, who had been watching with a grin, clapped Harry on the back. “Ye did a good job with ‘em, Harry. Maybe yeh should think about teachin’ magical creatures yerself someday.”

Harry chuckled. “I’ll leave that to you, Hagrid. I’m just here for the fun.”

The girls, still buzzing with excitement, thanked Harry profusely, each one of them wearing wide smiles.


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