Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0206 What is that?

0206 What is that?

Harry had never played Quidditch in such dangerous weather before. The sky was a dark gray, and the air was heavy with mist. The gale hurled icy droplets that stung his cheeks like tiny bullets. The dark sky was occasionally lit up by terrifying blasts of lightning, and nothing seemed to exist between sky and earth except wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Harry felt like a small boat struggling in the boiling sea under the typhoon, ready to capsize at any moment. He could barely see the other players or the hoops, and he had to rely on his instincts and reflexes to avoid collisions and injuries.

Tightening his grip on the frozen handle of his broom, he quickly pulled it up to dodge the incoming bludger that was aiming for his head. He heard a loud clang as the iron ball hit the tail of his broom, sending a jolt of pain through his spine. 

"Sorry, Harry!" 

The Weasley twin's apology reached his ears through the raging wind, but he had no time to reply. He was too busy trying to keep his balance and his eyes open. He squinted through the rain and saw a flash of yellow. Cedric Diggory, the captain of Hufflepuff, broke through the rain curtain and whistled past him. He was flying on a sleek and shiny broom that looked much faster and smoother than Harry's. 

"It's not easy, is it!" 

Cedric flashed a friendly smile at Harry as he flew past him and headed to the back. He seemed to enjoy the challenge of the weather, and his face was glowing with excitement and determination.

"If we both can't catch the snitch, this game might last until midnight!" he called out over his shoulder, his voice barely audible over the thunder. 

"If Wood agrees with you!" Harry shouted back, but Cedric had already flown far away, and didn't hear him clearly.

However, the poor visibility and the howling storm made the game very unwatchable. The dim sky dyed the robes of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff players gray, and most of the students crowded on the stands couldn't tell which house the players in the sky belonged to, but that didn't stop them from cheering and shouting. That was the charm of Quidditch. 

Influenced by this cheerful atmosphere, Dumbledore, who rarely went out, was always smiling in the center of the stands. He didn't mind getting wet with the students, and gave more space under the umbrellas to Professor McGonagall, who kept making nervous calls. 

"Harry!" Suddenly, Wood, who was guarding the Gryffindor goal, caught everyone's attention. He had spotted something that no one else had seen. At his reminder, everyone looked up and saw a faint golden flash in the middle of Harry and Cedric. The enthusiastic atmosphere reached its peak, and the sudden burst of shouts shifted the slanting rain. In the next few moments, a lot of things happened.

Neville, who only had one hand to balance, was knocked off his wand by Hermione, who suddenly stood up. She jumped up from her seat, and screamed Harry's name, but in doing so, she accidentally hit Neville's wand, which flew out of his hand and landed on the ground. Neville, who was already nervous and clumsy, lost his balance and fell off the bench, landing on top of a group of Hufflepuff students, who were not very pleased.

Professor McGonagall, whose heart jumped to her throat, grabbed Dumbledore's right hand in a panic. She clutched his hand tightly, as if to convey her fear and urgency.

At the top of the stands, a black dog curled up behind a wooden pillar under the roof suddenly stood up. It seemed to want to escape, but the fear that was almost bound to its soul made its limbs tremble. It accidentally fell from the high platform into the muddy ground. He wanted to run away, but he was paralyzed by fear. He lost his balance and fell, and he felt a sharp pain in his ribs.

The pain from his internal organs made him slightly get rid of the stiffness. He didn't hesitate to step forward and try to escape, but before that, he saw a small black shadow floating not far from him. 

Silence fell over the world, and a mass of dark ink spewed from the big iron gate at the school gate at an astonishing speed, staining the world with rainwater. The bone-chilling cold crept silently. Time seemed to stop, and in the blink of an eye, the happy expressions on the faces of the students froze, and they watched Harry's body fall weakly from the air. Ron and Hermione's eyes showed despair.

Dumbledore's deep blue pupils showed icy anger. He weighed the priorities of driving away the dementors and saving Harry in his mind, and made a decision in an instant. He shook his right hand, trying to pop out the wand in his sleeve, but when he did, he found that his arm was firmly pinched by Professor McGonagall and couldn't move. She was still holding his hand, and she was too scared and shocked to let go. 

A trace of helplessness flashed in Dumbledore's eyes. In the nick of time, he stretched out his left hand and pointed his slender index finger at Harry. He muttered a word under his breath, and Harry quickly slowed down his falling speed. 

And when he was about to take back his right hand and drive away the dementors that were trying to get close to Harry, a surge of magma-like magic made Dumbledore's body pause, and he breathed a sigh of relief. 


The roar of Bryan blowing open the windows of his office was the only sound in this silent world. The sudden burst of magic made the rain curtain sway, and a white light like a wave exploded from the office door and window, and rolled over after expanding. The countless raindrops that solidified in the air were instantly cleared, and the world was clear! The mist and the darkness were dispelled, and the Quidditch pitch was revealed in all its glory.

Gazing at the dozens of dementors hovering in the air, Bryan's expression was calm, but his eyes were like electrifying. He was not afraid of these foul creatures, and he was not intimidated by their numbers. He lifted his robe, stepped out of the blasted window, and turned into a shadow, crossing a mile in an instant, and standing on the tall hoop of the Quidditch pitch! 


A blue-purple lightning tore through the sky and struck the muddy ground. In the dark world, the dazzling thunder light illuminated Bryan's stern side face. This scene would be unforgettable for all the teachers and students present! 

"What is Professor Watson trying to do?!" The Hufflepuff players, who were still floating in the air with a bewildered look, asked each other. Meanwhile, the Gryffindor players, the Weasley twins, had rushed to the ground to check on Harry. In the distance, Hermione and Ron, who were running to the pitch, also stopped their steps. They looked up at Professor Watson, who stood above, like a god of thunder. They were shocked and confused, and they couldn't suppress the questions in their hearts. 

"Send them back to where they belong, Bryan." On the stands, Dumbledore, who was also angry, said in a loud voice amplified by magic. 

Bryan nodded slightly, he raised his head, and looked coldly at the dozens of dementors who were like shadows of grim reapers and reluctant to leave. He raised his wand and exploded at the tip, as if opening a dam, a silver torrent of water rushed out like a raging river, and in a moment, in the dim world, a bright moon rose slowly,


"What is that-" 

Looking at the huge silver body that filled the sky, like a winding mountain range, surrounding the entire Quidditch pitch, Fred's hand went limp, and he threw his broom into the mud and muttered to himself, 

"What the Hell is that." He was stunned, speechless, and scared. 

Plop– Hermione's weak legs could no longer support her body, she knelt in the mud, her body trembling with fear. Ron beside her wanted to give her some help, but his trembling legs made him unable to bend down. 

Whoosh! The giant snake flapped its white wings, sprinkling billions of silver silk mist on the ground, freeing the students from the influence of the dementors, but it didn't make the atmosphere cheerful again. 

After Bryan's patronus appeared, the Quidditch pitch fell into a more complete depression. Every student who looked at the towering figure felt that they couldn't look directly at it, and the pressure from the soul made everyone on the verge of collapse! 

"How-" Snape whispered in a raspy voice from the stands, staring at the creature in disbelief, "-Did it get so big?" 

"Have you seen Bryan's patronus, Severus?" Dumbledore, who also felt a slight pressure, withdrew his solemn gaze and asked solemnly.

Snape's lips moved, and under Dumbledore's pressure, he hesitated and said, "I gave him some guidance when he was learning the patronus charm, but… At that time, this creature looked normal."

"What on earth is this, Albus?" Professor McGonagall gasped, clutching her chest in shock, "Patronus, is that a Patronus?" 

"It's a- a snake? ....The Feathered Serpent - Quetzalcoatl?, professor, a rare magical beast that went extinct ages ago, from the time of the ancient wizards!" Hagrid exclaimed, his voice trembling as he explained to everyone.

And above the hoop, Bryan, who had conjured such a remarkable patronus, also frowned. . .


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