Gun-ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara

Chapter 140: New Pure Maiden Knights Everyday

Chapter 140: New Pure Maiden Knights Everyday

This is the begining of the 9 chapter in the web novel. I dont know how it correlates with the light novels. Because there is some disatisfaction with the Chrysanthemum Knights name I changed it for Pure Maiden Knights.


Lute, 15 years old

Equipment: S & W M10 4 inch (revolver)

: AK47 (assault rifle)

Snow, 15 years old

Magician A-minus class

Equipment: S & W M10 2 inch (revolver)

: AK47 (assault rifle)

Chris, 14 years old

Equipment: M700P (sniper rifle)

: SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle)

Liz, 181 years old

Magician B class

Blessing of spirits: Infinite storage

Equipment: PKM (General-purpose machine gun)

: other

After about a month since the hellish training, Peacemaker and its subordinate Legion, the new pure maiden Knights began to protect Kokori Street.

When I finish my office work in the morning and have lunch, I go around the city- The Guard. It is a rule that guards are performed by a pair of people. It is Snows turn to be with me today.

Garma, who is in charge of administrative work, asked me if I could help him with the paperwork in the afternoon, but of course, I rejected it. I cant change my schedule, and its more fun to look around the city with Snow than to stay in the room with Garma.

Garma seems to have been thinking about retiring as an advisor after becoming the new Pure Maiden Knights but forcibly stopped him. There are tons of jobs such as administrative work, managers, and negotiators.

Now, anyone can forgive me for being selfish and getting easier.

He continues to work, probably because he has the burden of imposing the Knights on us. As for paperwork, I have a high level of ability and experience, so all I must do is check the key points. Thankfully.

Lute-kun, Im ready, so lets go.

Okay, okay. Do you remember the way to go around?

Of course!

Snow and I wear military uniforms and AK47s on our shoulders. This is the outfit to patrol around the city. I want to have MP5K to patrol around the city, but I dont have enough for all the members. Therefore, I had an AK47 to unify the appearance.

By the way, Im telling them not to use the AK47 unless its something urgent. This is because the AK47 is so powerful that it is dangerous to fire it easily in the city.

After leaving the headquarters building, we see about 10 members training on the ground. Its easy to see that Shia is the instructor today.

All the members who are training are wearing maid clothes, and they are training how to move, attack, and rush inside the wooden frame that looks like a room.

Shia, the instructor, is accusing the maids of being slow.

In the new Pure Maiden Knights, 20 people protect the city and 10 people waiting at the headquarters training.

The 10 people on standby at the headquarters were used for training time to improve their training, although they were waiting. This time its Shea, but the instructors are replaced by the waiting members such as Snow, Chris, and Reese.

The training for this 10-member waiting group will be held for 3 days, and the 4th day will be a complete holiday.

The 20 guardians of the city do a lot of work, such as those who go to the city to guard like us, those who go to a scene to deal with troubles that occur, those who teach those who have lost their way to the headquarters.

Snow and I leave the headquarters quickly so as not to disturb Shia. The destination is the main street.

Kokori Street is one of the transit points for carrying goods to the interior of the Beastman Continent. The city has one large street in the center, and one main street intersects in a cross shape. Seen from above, it depicts . This is because the goods sent to each city are separated for easy transportation.

Therefore, we head to Main Street, which is the busiest in the city. As I walk down the road, I can hear many residents.

I and Snow are the representatives of the peacemaker and my wives, they are well received by residents. By the way, the feelings of the residents towards the new Knights are on hold.

They were reborn as the subordinate legion of Peacemaker, who solved the Sorcerers murder case. I think thats why theyre watching the situation.

We arrived at the main street. Horse-drawn carriages, luggage loading, and unloading, merchants shaking hands after price negotiations, the boulevard are full of people and bustling until dark.

When people get together, conflicts easily occur. The task of a guard is to remonstrate before a dispute becomes an incident or a commotion. Today too, there were quarreling and swearing on the main street.

Snow and I are used to arbitrating the situations.

There is no way that the people who were yelling can get into a fight with the representative of PEACEMAKER and his wives who protect the city, so they cool down their anger and regain their calm.

The content of the quarrel is about price negotiations. It seems that they have settled down to a mutually acceptable price because we stood in between.

I looked around the main street like this. We head to the commercial and residential areas north and south of our office. Find a lost child near the commercial area, which is the kitchen of the city. It is also our job to protect lost children.

The lost child is a girl about 5 years old. It has small horns and a devilish tail. She looks like a demon race. The first thing I noticed is Snow, who runs up and calls out. I go in front of the girl and crouch down to look at the same line of sight.

Hello, why are you crying? Where are your Mom and Dad?

The girl talks to snow and stops crying, but stares at her with an uneasy expression. Snow speaks with a smile without concern.

The ribbon is cute. Who tied it to you?


Snow praises the ribbon tied to the girls hair and connects the conversation.

Where is mom? Is she shopping?

do not know

Oh, dont you know? Then, your sister will look for mom with you together. Yes, lets hold hands so that we dont get lost.

Snow is good with kids. It may be the result of taking care of the younger children during our time at the orphanage.

Look, lets hold lute-kuns hand on the other side.

Okay, so lets find mom right away.

Snow and I hold the girls hands from the left and right and walk through the commercial district. I called the girls name and called out for her parents to the surroundings.

Occasionally, to comfort the girl, we lift our left and right hands and make them jump high. Each time the girl smiled happily. It seems like a lie that she was crying so much. Every time the girl laughs, Snow also smiles.

From a strangers point of view, it may seem as if a young couple has children.

An incident occurred when we were searching for her parents like that.

From the corner a little ahead, a man who pulled his luggage appears. The sound of thief echoes from behind the wheel.

It seems that the man didnt even imagine that we were on the street by chance, and he turned his back with a blue face and started running.

I let go of the girls hand and point the AK47s muzzle on my shoulder to the sky.

Stop! If you dont stop, Ill shoot!


The man is frightened but immediately continues to flee.

I thought about shooting him at the foot, but if I shoot in a place where there are many people like this, there is a high possibility that it will hit other people.

Lute kun, please take care of this child.


She released the girls hand and left her to me. She assisted her body with physical strengthening techniques! She jumped on the roof in a breath and ran after the man. Her movement was like a hound that has found prey.

The man ran in a crowd and Snow ran on an empty roof. Snow caught up in a blink of an eye, she jumped off the roof and kicked the mans back. The man let go of his luggage and rolled on the ground. Snow thrust an AK47 at the back of the fallen man.

I will arrest you for the crime of theft. If you go wild anymore, I will shoot through your limbs. It will hurt if you are shot by a bullet, but it cant be helped, right?

Oh, I wont go wild! I wont go wild, so please stop!

The man was frightened and did not run anymore. She tied up the mans hands and handed him to the members of the guard who just passed by.

The man went to the new Pure Maiden Knights Headquarters as it is. After settling the theft situation, we threw it into the jail. And when the date came, he would be put in a convoy with other criminals and taken to the city where the court was located.

The girl got excited about Snows success and her cheeks dyed red. Besides, the parents of the girl who heard the noise appeared. They were looking for the girl all the time.

When I handed over the child, they bowed their head so many times that I was worried that their neck would break and thanked me. The girl smiled and waved her hand and parted from us.

We returned to patrol again.

Im glad we found that childs parents right away.

Snow walked in a good mood when the girls parents were found.

That girl was so cute.

Thats right. But if shes so cute, hell be worried about a lot of things as a father. Cant you get a strange bug? Im sure Ill be worried about that if I have a daughter in the future.

Snow laughed at my impression.

Lute-Kun, I cant believe youre going to be so worried of a baby that hasnt been born yet.

It cant be helped. If shes a girl like Snow, shell definitely be cute, and shell be beautiful in the future! Men will never leave her alone!

Snow laughs even more at my remarks.

I want to give birth to Lutes baby soon. Im sure she will be so cute.

Unconsciously she strokes the lower abdomen.

We are not going to make a child because we have a lot of work to do now. And were still young. So, its a decision that theres no need to rush. It is everyones judgment in consideration of the current situation.

It might be that Snows heart was dissatisfied. I realized that possibility and thought about whether to ask.

She smiled at the air.

Its okay, Im not dissatisfied with my life now. I know why we dont have a baby. The anxiety Im thinking about right now is Lutes thoughts.

Oh, Im glad.

I felt relieved.

And now I am very happy. Theres Lute, Chris, Reese, Shia. miss Meiya, its fun to have everyone here.

I thought it was too late to come out only when Meiya was there, but Im sure its just my imagination.

I took Snows hand and smiled.

Im happy every day with Snow and everyone else.

I hope these days will continue forever!

In this way, we smiled, held hands, and continued to guard.

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