Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 92: An Interesting Encounter... IV

Chapter 92: An Interesting Encounter... IV

Chapter 92: An Interesting Encounter… IV

Quite frankly, Jason was already very impressed by Adele’s commitment to her dreams and even identified with her quite a bit as they both had dreams that they were willing to do almost anything for.

Not to mention that he liked her work ethic which already did a lot to display how far she would go to ensure his benefits if he hired her as his agent.

Also, he didn’t even have anybody in mind for an agent in the first place and the girl worked for the company that Jorge Mendes, the super agent who worked for Cristiano Ronaldo created, so he was quite literally already sold on hiring her.

There was even the added benefit that he was to be her first client thus she would not have that aggressiveness and hard-headedness that other agents who already had clients would have that would make them sometimes ignore the client’s concerns thinking themselves to know best.

So, in all honesty, the only thing preventing him from telling her to prepare a contract was that he wanted to take some time to consider a few things, but was he going to tell her that he was already planning to hire her?

Definitely not!

Part of it was because he wanted to consider his options and also take this time to check how much patience she had in waiting for things, and the other reason was that he had a sudden urge to play around with her emotions and keep her on tenterhooks around him.

He was mostly doing it because he wanted her to know that he was the one calling the shots so that she wouldn’t develop into the second coming of Rico Gulaz if he hired her immediately, but there was also a part of him that was deriving pleasure from what he was doing.

It was a part of himself that he didn’t really pay attention to previously, but it seemed that he… liked teasing people, which was quite frankly a new discovery about himself.

But this wasn’t the time to focus on this new behavior that would soon turn into a habit if he continued and Jason took up his oven mitts to check the muffins he was baking.

After checking the muffins, Jason served himself a platter of pasta and tore up some of the chicken while gesturing for Adele to do the same.

Not taking much time to wolf up the meal, he quickly finished up, placed the dishes in the dishwasher, and turned off the oven, estimating the muffins to be done baking before heading towards his room to change.

As he headed to his room, he heard hurried footsteps in the direction of Mylo’s bedroom which probably Mylo who was probably done washing up and was now dressing up.

With Mylo done washing up, he quickly ran into the kitchen to serve himself some pasta, tore a piece of the chicken, and started wolfing it down, not paying much attention to much else.

Jason in his room pulled open his dresser and took out a white T-shirt, a baggy black hoodie, black cargo pants, and a pair of white and black Nike Air shoes.

Quickly dressing up before finally adding his accessories like his chain, wristwatch, wrist chain, diamond studs, and black shades.

“As they say, never be caught unfresh,” Jason murmured to himself as he checked his fit in the mirror before turning around to leave.

Grabbing his HUGO cross bag that held his phone, keys, some cash, his cards, a hand sanitizer, and some nose masks, Jason left his room and closed the door behind him.

He met Mylo in the living room, wolfing down some pasta while holding a piece of grilled chicken in his other hand while Adele remained in the kitchen also eating as well, but it was quite strange to notice that they weren’t speaking to each other.

“Hold up, are you going out?” Mylo asked when he saw Jason’s get up.

“Uh, yeah, I’d obviously not wear all this just so I can kick back on the couch and watch TV, you know?” Jason answered back with a raised eyebrow.

“Can I come with? I got nothing to do today,” Mylo asked, putting the chicken into his mouth.

“… Hurry up then,” Jason thought for a while before agreeing.

There was no harm in letting Mylo go shopping with him, after all, Mylo wasn’t a woman and it wouldn’t be bad to have a pair of extra arms and an extra opinion… a sensible one, though he doubted if Mylo could provide that, but no harm in taking the risk, he could always ignore whatever Mylo said if it sounded stupid.

With Jason giving the go-ahead, Mylo quickly stuffed the rest of the food on his plate into himself at record speed and rushed into his room to change into clothes that he could wear to leave as his current outfit was a bit lacking.

“You hurry up as well, there’s no time for you to sit around and eat my food that slowly,” Jason said to Adele, almost causing her to choke on the piece of chicken in her mouth.

‘Can he not be so harsh with his words?’ she thought tearfully to herself but did not stop stuffing herself.

‘I’m only staying silent because I can’t annoy him and give him a reason to reject me, it’s definitely not because the food is delicious,’ she thought to herself as she kept her mouth shut and continued eating, but her speed of eating had become noticeably faster.

Mylo quickly finished changing and soon came out of his room, ready to head out.

At this point, Adele had already finished eating and was already heading out of the house with Jason in the lead, so Mylo quickly followed after them and locked the door behind him.

Outside the apartment, Jason and Mylo headed toward Jason’s car while Adele headed toward another car that was parked across the street which was a black colored Toyota Yaris.

Just before reaching her car, she suddenly turned back and called out to Jason,

“Hey don’t forget to call me,” she said in a loud voice before opening the door to her car, getting in, and driving off without awaiting a reply from Jason.

“Bruh… I’m the one who brought the girl home, how come you’re the one she wants a call from?” Mylo muttered.

“I’m just that much more charming than you are,” Jason heard Mylo’s words and answered, but was inwardly thinking to himself while opening up his door,

‘Do you think I’d normally care for your leftovers?’

Just as they both got into the car and shut the door, Mylo suddenly replied,

“Funny thing is all I remember was drinking with her at the club before I blanked out and woke up in my bed,”

“I don’t know why I can’t remember anything at all, and I wish I could since she’s that hot, but she’s got an attitude and didn’t let me get any closer to her this morning,” Mylo confessed in slight confusion and regret.

‘I guess she wasn’t lying when she said nothing happened between them, but I wonder how she managed to get Mylo to blackout as I’m sure this guy only drinks a few beers at most,’ Jason wondered to himself.

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