Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 291: Champions League Today II

Chapter 291: Champions League Today II

Chapter 291: Champions League Today II

“Did I say that out loud?” Jason suddenly muttered in surprise as he hadn’t meant to actually say it to Micah Richards though the thought did pop up in his head.

The mouths of everyone watching the Champions League Today show on the CBS channel dropped open along with the mouth of three of the show’s hosts.

The surprised laughter followed after as everyone but Jason and Micah Richards began laughing.

No one had expected such a response from Jason and this single reply from Jason got him the attention of everyone watching the show.

{Here is a living example of when you let your intrusive thoughts slip out} Kate Abdo managed to say in between laughs.

{And ooh does it burn} Jamie Carragher added as he laughed as well.

“Sorry Micah, your hairline is perfectly fine, don’t mind what I said earlier,” Jason said with a wry smile, doing his best to hold back his laughter.

{I don’t know whether to believe you now} Micah Richards replied, laughing a little and not taking Jason’s earlier words too seriously.

“Nah, you should, I’m sort of a hair expert,” Jason pointed to his hair, putting his hand through the band that held his hair up in a bun and pulled it out, letting his hair fall and frame his face while the rest fell down his back.

{True, he does have gorgeous hair} Kate Abdo responded as she looked at Jason running his hand through his hair to pull it out of his view.

{Oh, does somebody sound jealous?} Micah Richards quickly picked on the tone of longing from Kate as she looked at Jason’s hair in admiration.

{I won’t deny that he has beautiful hair, but I wouldn’t say I’m jealous} Kate Abdo immediately became defensive.

{Sure you are, his hair is curlier and even longer than yours, and you’re the woman here} Micah Richards did not let up and quickly took this chance to shift the audience’s attention from Jason absolutely violating him earlier.

{What does my being a woman have anything to do with my hair?} Kate Abdo asked Micah Richards immediately.

Roberto Martinez’s mouth twitched as he saw the conversation moving toward hair.

{Guys, guys, we’re getting a bit off topic here} Jamie Carragher quickly interrupted before they got carried away with arguing over hair.

{Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be back with the Hair Wars later, but for today, let’s get back on track} Roberto Martinez quickly aided Jamie Carragher in helping the show get back on track, wanting to end the discussion before one of them turned on him who had absolutely no hairs on his face apart from his eyebrows.

{Okay… Porto have lost their first Champions League game of the group stages, how would you say that affects your chances of making it to the knockout stages?} Kate Abdo asked Jason.

“Uhm, well, I’ll say I’m optimistic about our chances. After losing the first game, I know we don’t want to lose any more points so we’ll be doing our best in the coming games and hope things work out well,” Jason replied with ease, not caring that he was the cause of the earlier racket.

{We’ll hope to see Porto go further as well and will look forward to having you back on the show next week} Jamie Carragher nodded.

{Thank you for your time} Kate Abdo said in appreciation as they prepared to move to the next part of the show.

“Thank you for having me, I’ll see y’all next week then,” Jason said a quick goodbye.

The second half of his sentence sounded like a mere formality, but it was Jason making a declaration to himself that he would perform well enough to be called for an interview at the end of the match.

With that the interview was over and Jason removed the microphone and handed it over to the CBS technical staff before heading off, picking up his stuff heading into the tunnel, and heading to the locker room.

On entering the locker room, Jason went to wash up and prepare to leave the stadium.

Minutes later he was done cleaning up had packed his bag and was waiting for the others.

Pulling out his phone to check his messages, Jason came across a message he had been expecting.

It was from the little Miss Agent.

Just before the end of the previous season, Jason had gotten an offer from a perfume company called Scentual Escapades, and though he had stalled it for a while, he had later signed the deal, but he later had to put it off for a while because of his injury.

Luckily, the perfume company didn’t need to rush him as they only wanted him in a commercial for a new product that was to be released around the end of the year.

Now that Jason had recovered, he wanted to fulfill all the needed obligations so he could once again put a full focus on his football and that was what led to him awaiting a message from Adele.

The company Scentual Escapades was based in the UK and Jason had reasoned that he could make use of the time that he was to be in the UK to quickly get it over with, hence he had told Adele to arrange everything with the company.

Like the professional she was, Adele had quickly responded and had contacted the company and they had come to an agreement, and the details of the agreement were to be sent to Jason that evening.

Looking at the messages that had the details of the agreement, Jason nodded mentally.

He would stay back in the UK for a few more hours to shoot his part of the commercial, and also take a few other promotional shots after which he would head back to Portugal.

Everything worked out okay as he had a day off after the match and he could easily deal with one of his commitments.

He got the money, they got his services, everything works out and everyone’s happy.

Once he was done checking the messages and taking note of everything they had to say which simply stated the time and place he would be going to, as Adele would take care of everything else, Jason closed the messaging app and opened the YouTube app, the number one time-wasting app he had on his phone.

However, before he could lose himself in the ocean of videos, Sergio Conceicao walked into the locker room.

First glancing around the room to see if every member of the team was in there, he didn’t notice anyone missing and his lips parted,

“Good work out there guys, we may not have won the game, but I cannot deny your efforts,”

“Things did not go our way, but I believe we can do better in upcoming games and bounce back from this minor setback,”

“That being said, our performance out there still needs a lot of work and I expect your full focus in the coming training sessions to improve from this loss,”

“I didn’t see what I expected from some of you guys and I know you can do better, your teammates expect more from you and the fans expect even more from you,”

“Don’t let them down,” Sergio Conceicao finished his post-match speech and began to head out to the team bus with the Porto players coming after him.

Soon the Porto players had all boarded the bus and headed back to the hotel where they would be staying the night before heading back to Porto the next day.


**22nd October 2020**

*9:30 am*

A black G30 BMW 5 series luxury car drove through the streets of Manchester, easily cruising at almost 60 mph due to the little traffic.

In the backseat of the car, Jason read through a sheet of paper that held his part of the commercial shoot that he was heading to.

Adele had gotten across to the Scentual Escapades management and told them of Jason’s visit to Manchester and about his availability for the shoot and the shoot had been arranged to be held that very day and in Manchester as well.

The Scentual Escapades management had previously been searching for a location for the shooting and it seemed like Jason’s location had helped them make a decision.

Manchester was a place with a vibrant cityscape and modern architecture which was exactly what they needed and thus the shooting was scheduled to be held in Manchester, ensuring that Jason wouldn’t have to get on more than one plane that day.

With the club management pre-informed about his movements, Jason had separated from the team at the hotel and gotten into the car that Adele had rented to take him to where they needed to be.

On getting in the car, Adele handed over the piece of paper that Jason was currently reading through.

The paper held a summary of what the commercial shoot was supposed to be like and Jason easily found his part in the commercial after reading for less than a minute, and all he had to say after reading his part was,

“What the absolute fu*k?”

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