Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 104: Nicknames

Chapter 104: Nicknames

Chapter 104: Nicknames

“Oh? I mean wow?” Jason said, his words sounding more like a question than a statement since he had a hard time believing what he was hearing.

Jason may not be an expert in psychology, but even he knew that such a sudden change of behavior was strange.

Unfortunately, Mylo probably wouldn’t tell him what was causing the change… if he knew, which he probably did.

Also, Jason wasn’t really interested in finding out as there were a lot more interesting things to do with his time than to become the greatest detective on earth… he’d leave that recreational activity to the jealous females.

After all, it didn’t really matter to him what was causing Mylo’s change as long as it was to his benefit.

Mylo’s change… if he kept this up, would drastically reduce the likelihood of either of them contacting the virus, and leaving with Mylo during the lockdown period would be a lot easier.

Jason was still going to leave the apartment immediately after as he felt like he had already overstayed his welcome.

“Yeah, man, I still need to live for a long time, you know. I still have many things to do,” Mylo replied with a cheeky grin as he took out his phone.

Jason just glanced at him with a wry smile and continued drinking his milk.

“Hey, you’re on the news!” Mylo suddenly exclaimed as he looked through his phone, his sudden exaggerated shout almost making Jason spit out his milk.

Jason looked at him annoyedly, but Mylo didn’t seem to notice and showed Jason the phone’s screen.

Jason’s eyes fell to the screen and he read the headlines aloud,

“Porto’s gentlemanly young rose dragon stamps his authority on Leverkusen again,” Jason read with a weird look on his face.

“What do you mean they’re talking about me?” he asked confused as he didn’t see the link with him despite his picture accompanying the headlines.

“Of course, they’re talking about you! You’re the gentlemanly young rose dragon!” Mylo stated with exuberance.

This time, Jason couldn’t stop himself and choked on his milk, before ending up with a coughing fit as he tried to cough up the milk that had gone to the wrong place.

After almost a full minute of coughing Jason asked with a look of confusion and horror on his face,


“What do you mean what?” Mylo asked back, holding out a tissue to Jason.

“What the hell is that wacky ass name!” Jason was horrified.

‘This can’t be the name I’ll be ending up with for the rest of my career, right?’ he wondered inwardly, horrified by the mere thought.

“Actually there are many nicknames for you, but most of them have the word “rose” in them because of that jubilation you did on your debut,” Mylo cleared his confusion by plunging him into more confusion and horror.

“Ah, shit,” he muttered almost tearfully while thinking to himself that if knew that that was what was going to happen, he would have thrown away the damned rose the moment he had caught it.

“Wait, you said there are many nicknames, right?”Despite his horror, Jason still had a bit of curiosity and asked.

“Yeah, some call you “the gentleman of the rose”, some call you “the rose dragon”, others call you “the elusive black rose”, while some others also call you “the sapphire-eyed rose”,” Mylo began listing leaving Jason thinking,

‘What the hell!’

‘To be fair, some of the names don’t sound that bad, though some of them feel a bit far-fetched and some sounded like a name one would get in a fantasy novel,’ Jason thought to himself but Mylo hadn’t stopped listing.

“There are also other names like; The Rose Knight, Jason Rose, Roux Thorn, Blue Rose Quartz,” Mylo continued but was immediately interrupted by Jason.

“Okay, okay, I get it, that’s a lot of names. You can make it stop feeling like a Nigerian naming ceremony now,” Jason thought while rubbing his brows and heaving a sigh of relief.

The names didn’t really sound that bad. Some were a bit cringey, but they weren’t horrific and the name in the news seemed to have been an amalgamation of some of the nicknames which was why it felt weird and horrific.

Jason was now stuck wondering if the level of journalism was really that bad in Porto that they allowed a stupid name like that to be on the headlines, but then he realized that it was probably meant as a clickbait so it wouldn’t mean much for now.

Such a long and stupid nickname would probably find it difficult to gain any traction as the people of this generation were too lazy to remember such a long-ass name.

The thought of that caused Jason to heave a sigh of relief only for his relief to disappear the next second when he heard Mylo’s words.

“Funny thing is that most of those nicknames were given to you by girls,” Mylo casually dropped the biggest bomb yet in this conversation.

If Jason were still drinking milk, he would probably have choked and died on the milk, but he just barely managed to croak,

“What?” A funny look of realization appeared on his face.

No wonder some of the names felt kind of off as he knew that most men were not romantic enough to think up such a nickname for a fellow man, unless of course they were gay, and even most gay men’s thinking would be more inclined to a more macho nickname for another man.

Women on the other hand were wired differently and could casually dish out the most ridiculous of nicknames.

It all made sense now… No, wait, it still didn’t make that much sense.

How many women were so interested in football to the point that they would know about an upcoming player like him and were already giving him tons of nicknames that weren’t half-bad?

From this, he could infer that they didn’t hate him, but why were they so interested in him?

All sorts of cogs were turning in his head and his brain cells were working at full power to try and decode the current situation, but as he was thinking, a question suddenly popped up.

Something didn’t add up here.

It was one thing for him to have many nicknames, and it was another thing for most of those nicknames to come from women, but it was a completely different thing for Mylo to know so much about the matter.

Jason was a major fan of Cristiano dos Santos Aveiro Ronaldo, but even he couldn’t list ten nicknames of Cristiano off the top of his head, yet Mylo literally recited almost ten nicknames for him and he had only had his debut barely seven days ago.

Something was very wrong here, Jason thought with a shiver.

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