Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 73: The Den of Degeneracy

Chapter 73: The Den of Degeneracy

Some more time passed, and yet again, all of Aizen's Espada were gathered. However, silent pressure covered the room, which was emanating from Yuna, who was tapping the armrest of her chair with an annoyed expression on her face while Hinata was nestled on her lap, humming happily.

The reason for her rather foul mood was that a certain green-haired Espada was no longer present in the room and that her seat was now occupied by someone else. Yuna didn't know what exactly happened to her, but whoever caused her to no longer be present here will have to pay.

'Damnit, I wanted to increase the number quickly, so I put all my efforts into one basket. Had I known this might happen, I should have put my eggs in both baskets simultaneously.'

[How weird, Hisoka told you about one but not the other. I wonder what's that all about?]

Hearing Kurama's words, a glint passed through Yuna's eyes that sent a shiver through the spine of Hisoka, who wasn't even present in this dimension.

Unfortunately, Hisoka not telling Yuna about Nelliel stemmed from one simple fact: When Hisoka thought about Nelliel's appearance, the image of a small child automatically popped up in her mind, totally disregarding that a more adult form of her existed as well.

Although Hisoka knew Yuna to be a degenerate, she doubted that Yuna would have any interest in someone who looked like a three-year-old kid.

Anyway, moments later, a Garganta opened, revealing Orihime and Ulquiorra, and as soon as she entered the room, Orihime looked around and immediately spotted Yuna sitting directly next to Aizen while Hinata was resting on her lap.

'What is that all about? Why does it look like Yuna is the co-owner of this place?'

She quickly dismissed those thoughts with a shake of her head and nodded towards Yuna, who was currently happily waving at Orihime, completely disregarding the tense air in the room.

"Orihime Inoue. I welcome you to Las Noches. Unfortunately, I'll have to rush you a little, so please display me your power. After all, there are a few who aren't convinced of your power yet. Isn't that right, Luppi?"

"Yes, Aizen-sama. Our battle was just a diversion to get one stupid human girl, and I don't see how she is worth that."

"Hehe, aren't you just mad that you got your ass kicked~"

As soon as those words echoed through the room, all gazes gathered on Yuna, who was the one who spoke, and after digesting her words, a few Espada couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. Considering how ragged Luppi currently looked, there was no doubt that Yuna's words were at least partially correct.

Hearing Yuna's taunt, Luppi glared at her with hatred, only for Yuna to glance at him in disdain as her nose rose into the air, clearly showing that she was looking down on him while giving him one clear message: Attack me if you dare.

However, despite Yuna's provocations, Luppi only lowered his head while gnashing his death and clenching his hands hard enough to draw blood. He was fully aware that he had no chance of beating Yuna.

'That damn bitch, I'll definitely maker her pay for this humiliation!'

While Luppi was submissively lowering his head, Orihime could only stare dumbfounded at the situation in front of her. She had no clue what position Yuna had exactly, but it was clear to see that some Arrancar would listen to her, even if it was out of fear.

'What exactly has happened here? What has Yuna done?`

Meanwhile, seeing that the situation seemed to have resolved itself, Aizen coughed lightly, instantly silencing the room, and after making sure that everyone was listening to him, he resumed speaking.

"Anyway, why don't we have a little demonstration of your power? How about you heal Grimmjow's missing arm?"

Intimidated by Aizen's presence, Orihime only meekly nodded her head while her gaze landed on Grimmjows missing arm.

However, as soon as those words left Aizen's mouth, doubt-filled murmuring filled the room as few believed Orihime could heal... or rather restore a cut off arm. Unlike the other Espada, Luppi was more vocal about his thoughts.

"Aizen-sama, that is clearly impossible! There is nothing to heal there! The arm is gone! She isn't a god that can restore what isn't there!"

Unfortunately, Orihime cared little for Luppis's thought and simply approached Grimmjow as two of the petals of her hairpin came alive, covering the place where Grimmjow's arm was supposed to be.

"[Soten Kishun. I reject.]"

Luppi continued mocking Orihime for trying the impossible, but his mockery quickly died in his throat as Grimmjows arm was actually restored in a matter of seconds as if it had never been missing in the first place.

"I-Impossible! How did she do that!? That's far beyond what should be possible with healing!"

Hearing Luppi's outcry, Aizen nodded in agreement as he leisurely resumed talking with his trademark smile on his face.

"Indeed, this is not mere healing. Ulquiorra believes this to be the power of spatial or temporal regression."

"I-Impossible; how could a human have such a power!?"

"Indeed, and frankly, it is neither of those. What do you think, Yuna? What kind of power does Orihime possess?"

Yuna, who was currently busy cuddling Hinata, heard someone calling her name, so she looked around the room in confusion as, moments later, her gaze landed on Aizen.

'Did he say something? I felt like someone had just said my name. I assume he asked me a question. Kurama, were you listening?'

[More or less. Something about that woman's power.]

'Mhh? Orihime's power? Why would he ask me about that? Is he trying to test me? Or maybe he wants to embarrass me by asking a question I can't answer? Oh well, I guess I'll just explain it to him. Mhh... Should I take a risk with my explanation in an attempt to pile up some mockery on Aizen? What a stupid question: Of course I should!'

Seeing Yuna looking around the room, confusion clearly visible in her eyes, Aizen couldn't help but smile smugly.

'As expected, no matter how much Spiritual Power she has, she still is a young woman with little experience. It's only natural that she wouldn't know about more complex phenomena appearing in this world.'

Aizen was just about to answer the question he himself asked when Yuna leisurely shrugged her shoulders and started speaking.

"Oh? You actually couldn't see through Orihime's power, Aizen? Oh well, I might as well explain it to you: Orihime's so-called 'healing' has actually nothing to do with real 'healing'.

She has the power to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events, closely tying her power to the power of fate. Mhh, I guess cause and effect would be more appropriate. Oh well, that doesn't really matter. In the end, she has the ability to interfere with reality, which would allow her, if pushed to the limit, to enter the realm of gods."

'A pity she is just a little school girl whose ambitions only reach as far as getting together with the guy she likes.'

[Oh? You aren't going for her?]

'Nah. She has been deeply in love with Ichigo from the time I first saw these two together. I'm not into NTR.'

[It's honestly surprising you aren't.]

'Geez, I might be a degenerate, but... err... well... I'm not a degenerate.'


While Aizen was annoyed that Yuna acted like she had to teach him about Orihime's power, the rest of the room grew silent as they looked at Orihime in utter bewilderment. Although not everyone understood fully what Yuna had just said, they at least realized how ridiculous Orihime's power was

"Indeed, no matter how I look at it, her power violates divine law."

"Meh, as long as there's no thunder, it's fine~"

Hearing Aizen's words about violating divine law, Yuna couldn't help but intervene, causing Aizen to frown as he had no idea what Yuna was talking about.

Meanwhile, Grimmjow stared at his freshly grown arm in bewilderment, moving it up and down to make sure it worked properly. After realizing that he might as well have never lost his arm, a vicious grin appeared on his face as his gaze landed on Orihime.

"Oi, girl. There is something else I want you to heal."

The moment Grimmjow stopped speaking, he turned around and showed a wound on his back where the number representing his Espada ranking was previously tattoed on. After he lost his arm, he was no longer qualified to be an Espada, so he lost his ranking of number seven. Now that he got his arm back, he wanted to reclaim that position.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing."

Obviously, Luppi, who took over Grimmjow's position, wasn't happy in the slightest, but before he could comment on the situation any further, the "seven" on Grimmjow's back was restored.

"Hee~ Isn't that obvious?"

Suddenly, Grimmjow moved, instantly appearing in front of Luppi, his hand piercing through his stomach, causing blood to splatter.

"I'm taking back my position~"

Luppi wanted to retort, but before he could get a single word out, a [Cero] shot out of Grimmjow's palm, instantly obliterating the upper part of Luppi's body, killing him instantly.


While Grimmjow was laughing like a maniac, no one else in the room paid much attention to him, as killing and getting killed was pretty normal in the ranks of Espada. The only one affected by what had just happened was Orihime, who looked uncomfortable due to the violence she had just witnessed.

Just like that, the meeting ended, with no one really caring about the death of Luppi, and another hour later, a small group of Arrancar could be seen walking toward a certain room in Las Noches.

"Harribel-sama, I'm really against this! You don't need to do this for us."

"That's right, Harribel-sama, we'll figure this out by ourselves!"

"I agree; there is no need to force yourself to do something you are reluctant to do just for our sake!"

The group of four consisted of Harribel, and her three Fraccion, who were currently trying their best to stop Harribel from doing what she was about to do: Going to Yuna's room and accepting the offer to help her three Fraccion unlock their Zanpakuto in exchange for... some fun.

Harribel has been thinking about Yuna's offer for a while now, and after thinking about it for quite a while, she finally made a decision: She wanted her three Fraccion to become more powerful. Well, that was one of the reasons she accepted the offer, while the other one...

"Mhh? Force myself? Reluctant... Ah! *cough* Yes, I'm definitely forcing myself. *Cough* Anyway, don't worry about it. If it is for your sake, I don't mind forcing myself to do something like this."

[Come on, drop the act already. We both know why you are doing what you are doing~]

'S-Shut up! This is just for... RIGHT!!! This is just for research purposes!'

[Sure, just keep lying to yourself.]

While Harribel was losing an argument with her Zanpakuto Spirit, she reached Yuna's room, and after turning around to her Fraccion, she resumed speaking.

"Don't worry about me. This will all turn out fine. However, there is no point in dragging you into this, so you three should leave for now."

All three of her Fraccion were moved by Harribel's words, but all of them had somewhat different thoughts in their mind.

"No! This is unacceptable, Harribel-sama!"

"That's right; I can't agree to us leaving just like that."

"Yes, if Harribel-sama has to suffer like that, we will not back down either!"

While mentally fist-pumping due to all of her Fraccion wanting to join in on the fun, Harribel put on a kind expression as she gently stroked the faces of all three of them.

"You girls really are the best. Very well. In that case, follow me, and we'll go through this together."

Following that, Harribel, quickly wiping away the drool spilling from the corner of her mouth, knocked on Yuna's door, and moments later, she got permission to enter.

Opening the door, Harribel took the first step into the room and instantly froze due to what she was seeing. Usually, rooms within Las Noches were rather simple, as Hollow society hasn't really developed much towards any cultural aspects, but Yuna's room was entirely different.

The first thing Harribel noticed were the wall decorations... Well, "decorations" was really the correct word, as everything hanging on the walls could be summarized with one single term: Sex toys.

Considering sex toys literally didn't exist in Hueco Mundo, and Harribel only knew about them due to the book Yuna had gifted her, Harribel couldn't help but wonder how Yuna managed to get all this stuff in here. Additionally to wondering how those toys got here, Harribel could only stare dumbfounded at around half of them, having no clue what she was even supposed to do with that kind of toy.

Taking in the whole room, another question instantly popped up within Harribel's mind, as she really wanted to know how Yuna managed to get a mirror large enough to cover the whole ceiling into this room, despite the room having no a single entry that could accommodate such a large object.

Next, her eyes landed on the colossal bed, occupying around three fourth of the room, yet again causing Harribel to wonder where all this stuff was coming from and finally, her eyes landed on Yuna, who was currently sitting on the massive bed, pampering Hinata, who currently had a pair of cat ears and a cat tail.

'How exactly is that tail attached to her!?'

As those thoughts passed Harribel's mind, her gaze briefly rested on a few of the toys hanging on the walls, her gaze lingering on the one looking like a shark tail with a round protrusion attached to its base for a few seconds before she quickly averted her gaze, with a light blush on her face.

'What the hell is this? Some kind of den of degeneracy!?'

Meanwhile, Harribel's three Fraccion entered the room as well and immediately bumped into Harribel, who came to an abrupt halt. They were about to apologize to her for bumping into her when all three of them froze as well.

A few days after Harribel got her first book, books mysteriously kept appearing in the rooms of her Fraccion as well, and after their curiosity was aroused, neither of them could stop reading.

All three of them had the same thoughts as they started devouring the book's content with fervor: With this, I will be able to pleasure Harribel-sama even better, and I'll surely gain her favor doing so!

Unfortunately, as all three had the same books and the same fervor, the end result was that all three of them became more skilled while neither surpassed the others.

However, that wasn't all, as Harribel became a more balanced Hollow-Shinigami hybrid, resulting in some Hollow-like traits vanishing while some Shinigami-like traits became more pronounced.

That, and the fact that Yuna was providing Harribel with reading material, paired with her Fraccion reading a similar kind of material while trying to trump each other, had only a single result: All four of them grew hornier.

So, seeing a room filled with toys all three of them had only read about in books, and despite the trio usually being at each other's throats, they actually shared the same thought for probably the first time in their lives.

' ' 'Okay, this might actually turn out to be pretty fun.' ' '

Meanwhile, unaware of the degeneracy that is about to happen within the walls of Las Noches, a small group had gathered to travel towards Hueco Mundo with the help of Urahara Kisuke.

This group consisted of Naruto, Tatsuki, Ichigo, Sado, and Ishida. While everyone wore serious expressions, Naruto's expression struck out, as he was clearly worried about something.

"Is something wrong, Naruto?"

Hearing Tatsuki's worried words, Naruto only shook his head as a light smile appeared on his face.

"Nah, don't worry about it, Tatsuki."

Although he said those words to calm down Tatsuki, he couldn't help but sigh internally.

'*Sigh* I really hope Nee-san leaves a few interesting fights for me~ I don't want to go to another dimension just to knock out a few small fries~'

[You sure are carefree, huh?]

'Well, I mean, nee-san is there. I bet the only reason why Aizen hasn't surrendered to Soul Society yet, is because Nee-san is too busy seducing women.'

[That... might actually be true...]

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