Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 70: Aizen's Goal

Chapter 70: Aizen's Goal

A few more hours passed, and while Ichigo insisted on staying with the Visored to get better control over his Hollowfication, Naruto decided to go home.

He was just about to reach his destination when an old lady, who Naruto recognized as his neighbor, spoke to him.

"Excuse me, some weird muffled noise is coming from your backyard. Could you please do something to stop them?"

Although Naruto tilted his head in confusion, not really knowing what was going on, but in the end, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Not sure what is happening, but I'll take a look."

Satisfied with Naruto's answer, the old lady left while Naruto made his way to the backyard.

'A child? And... some strange thing?'

As soon as he reached the backyard, Naruto immediately saw what appeared to be a child with spiky white hair rolling around the garden with their arms and legs tied up, and some pie remains in their face.

Additionally, a strange device was discarded in the middle of the garden, which Naruto assumed the captured person carried in here.

'Wait a moment; if this was really a normal child, our defense system wouldn't have attacked so viciously, so there must be more to this than meets the eyes.

Mhh? Wait a moment. White spiky hair and a small body? That seems rather familiar.'

Naruto approached the struggling figure and quickly realized that his assumption was correct.

"Ohh! If it isn't Toshiro~ How have you been?"

Realizing that someone had finally appeared, Toshiro turned his head, and when he saw Naruto, fury filled his eyes, and he would have probably started cursing at Naruto if it wasn't for the ballgag in his mouth.

If it was the usual Toshiro, he could have easily torn through the restraints, as Naruto's house wasn't exactly designed to keep away captain-level enemies, but unfortunately, Toshiro was currently inside a Gigai, which made him only a little stronger than an average human.

"Geez, why are you glaring at me like that? It's not like I asked you to break into my backyard without permission."

Hearing Naruto's words, Toshiro at least stopped struggling, resulting in Naruto nodding his head in approval before untying him.

However, as soon as Toshiro's hands were freed, a fist flew at Naruto, who easily dodged it.

"Oops, seems like I have to reactive the defense mechanism~."

The moment those words entered Toshiro's ears, he froze in place just when he was about to throw a second punch. Realizing the situation he was in, he coughed awkwardly before fixing his disarrayed clothes.

"*Cough* Anyway, I was ordered to set up a communication device at your place since it seems like the Captain Commander has acquired important information that is relevant to the world of the living as well. That being said, we want you to participate in the meeting and, if possible, relay the information to Ichigo, whose current whereabouts we don't know."

Although Naruto found it a little shameless how the people in Soul Society just assumed they could install a communication device at his place, no questions asked, but in the end, he decided to agree, as he was rather curious about what was found out.

So, around half an hour later, a huge TV screen with a seriously grotesque-looking frame was placed in an unused room as Naruto, Rangiku, and Toshiro waited for the other side to make contact.

On a side note, Toshiro couldn't help but glare at Rangiku as he was fully aware she should be present at Naruto's house but didn't help him after getting tied up, to which she simply retorted that she had no way of knowing that Toshiro was captured, ending the conversation rather quickly.

Anyway, a few minutes of waiting later, the Captain Commander's face appeared on the large screen, ready to tell the trio what he had found out about Aizen's plans.

Apparently, Aizen plans to get his hands on the Oken, which is a key allowing him to enter Seireitei's royal palace and meet the king of Seireitei: The Spirit King.

Yamamoto continued his explanation, telling Naruto and the others that it was very likely that it was Aizen's goal to kill the Spirit King.

Obviously, everyone wanted to know where the so-called Oken was, but Yamamoto quickly revealed that it wasn't so easy to find it but that it would need to be created. Obviously, the next question was whether Aizewn had already created it or was in the process of doing so, but Yamamoto quickly denied that notion, as he had already found out how to create it.

Apparently, to create the Oken, 100000 human souls need to be sacrificed within a certain area, within a special place, while these souls need to possess a certain density.

Long story short, Aizen plans to sacrifice a large part of Karakuru town, which coincidently perfectly matches all the requirements needed to create the Oken.

The moment Yamamoto revealed what Aizen wanted to do, vicious Spiritual Pressure flooded the room, almost causing Rangiku and Toshiro to choke, while Yamamoto's eyes widened in surprise due to seeing the effect the Spiritual Pressure had on its surroundings and feeling some of it through the monitor device.

"Hee~ So Aizen plans to sacrifice that many people for his own desires, huh? Good, very good~."

Although Naruto spoke in a slow and measured manner, there was not a single person present who couldn't feel the utter viciousness in his words as his pair of blue eyes reflected incredibly concentrated killing intent.

While Rangiku and Toshiro were simply dumbfounded by the intense pressure radiating out of Naruto, Yamamoto had slightly different thoughts.

'How is this possible? That brat isn't even in his twenties, and yet his eyes tell a completely different story. Ancient beyond ancient, having seen everything from times of ultimate peace to wars filled with nothing but destruction. Who is he really?'

Unaware of Yamamoto's thoughts, Naruto realized that his Spiritual Pressure was being influenced by his emotions, so he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, allowing him to calm down significantly.

"I apologize. When innocent people get involved, I always get a little... angry."

Although everyone wanted to comment on the "little" part of that statement, they collectively decided not to do so, as Yamamoto resumed talking about Aizen while still contemplating how he was supposed to handle Naruto in the back of his mind.

Anyway, Yamamoto continued his story, telling everyone that there was no need to immediately take action due to the Hogyoku still being in a sealed state. Additionally, he said that it would take at least a month for it to be unsealed, giving Seireitei a lot of time to make preparations.

However, as Yamamoto was about to continue his story, Naruto interrupted him.

"Sorry about that, but could we confirm this whole 'we have a while month' matter? I feel like we somewhat lack a proper source of information, and we're merely working on assumptions."

Hearing Naruto's words, Yamamoto could only shake his head, as there was nothing to do about that.

"Unfortunately, that is all we have. We can only base our assumptions on the data we received from Urahara Kisuke and the estimation made by Mayuri Kurotsuchi."

Hearing Yamato's words, Naruto nodded in understanding before he took something out that looked like a kunai ancient shinobi might have used, but instead of a normal hilt, it had multiple protrusions, making it look like a snowflake.

"Sorry, but give me a minute."

Although no one was entirely sure what Naruto was doing, they still waited patiently for Naruto to finish to do whatever he was doing as he was continuously putting Spiritual Power into different spots of the device he was holding.

He did so for about half a minute when surprisingly, a voice came out of the device he was holding.

"Oh, it's been a while, Naruto. How is it going? Have you finally f*cked Tatsuki?"

"*Moan* Please, more, Yuna-sama~"

"I'm good, nee-san. Nah, not yet, but I'm working on it. Anyway, I'm currently communicating with old man Yamamoto, and he wants to know what's going on in Mueco Mundo. Do you have a minute?"


"*Moan* Harder, Yuna-sama~"

Everyone could only look at Naruto dumbfounded as he was communicating with the assumed to be his sister, while there was clearly someone else moaning in the background. They didn't need to be a genius to know what Yuna was currently doing, and while Toshiro and Yamamoto could only be dumbfounded due to Yuna's shamelessness, Rangiku had a pout on her face.

'Damnit, Hinata is having the time of her life, and I'm stranded in the world of the living. I should have followed Yuna to Hueco Mundo.'

"Anyway, tell me what's going on in Hueco Mundo, nee-san."

"Well, first of all, you will have a few more sisters-in-law soon~ The number isn't set in place yet, but it's probably going to be at least four."

"Nee-san, that isn't important right now. I was talking about Aizen."

"Yuna-sama, please~"


"Keeping swinging those hips, Hinata. Aizen? Meh, making him part of my harem won't be easy, but we'll see what I can do~"

"*Moan* Yes, Yuna-sama~"

"I'm not talking about that either, nee-san. I want information about the war between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, especially what is currently going on with the Hogyoku."

"War? What w... Oh, right! The war. Naturally, I was fully aware of that and didn't forget about it in the least.

*Cough* Anyway, Aizen can use the Hogyoku even before it is completely unsealed by channeling a massive amount of Spiritual Power into it. I haven't witnessed whether he can actually do it with the amount of Spiritual Power he possesses, but I managed to briefly get my hands on the Hogyoku, so I could confirm how its seal works.

That being said, his Arrancar army is already more or less ready to be deployed, and the only thing Aizen is waiting for is the unsealing of the Hogyoku.

As I previously mentioned, I managed to get my hands on it, so I have a pretty good grasp on how long that will take. You have 27 days until it is fully unsealed.

Additionally, I don't know how relevant that information is, but Aizen plans to fuse himself with the Hogyoku, which would make him pretty hard to kill, so maybe preparing a seal would be a good idea.

Hinata, you are slowing down. Do I need to punish you?"

"No, Yuna-sama. *Moan* I'll try harder."

Yet again, ignoring the moaning in the background, Naruto briefly pondered what he had just heard before nodding his head in understanding.

"Thanks for the info, nee-san."

"Sure, no big deal. Oh, and Hinata is onto you, so good luck and thanks~."


Hearing Yuna's send-off, a shiver went through Naruto's spine as he realized that Hinata was onto him for giving Yuna's books to Lisa, potentially introducing a new harem member.

'Damn, I'm in danger.'

[You reap what you sow~]

'F*ck you, Kurama. We are in this together.'

[I don't think so~]

Gnashing his teeth due to Kurama's words, Naruto didn't even notice how everyone was looking at him, utterly dumbfounded due to what had just happened.

The first to regain their bearing was Captain Yamamoto, who could only utter a few words.

"D-Did you just communicate with your sister in Hueco Mundo?"

"Mhh? Yeah, no big deal. Due to being twins, we already have a deep connection anyway, so that, compared with a reasonable understanding of space, time, and dimensional travel, setting up a device that allows us to communicate is decently manageable."

"S-space, time, and dimensional travel!?"

Obviously, hearing Naruto casually about such abstruse subjects, Yamamoto could only be dumbfounded even more. Shinigami had a little grasp of dimensional travel, as they usually traveled from Soul Society to the world of the living and back, but despite doing so, none of them really got how that even worked.

They knew how to use the system already in place, with their Zanpakuto opening the pathway, but few had even the slightest clue about the details of traveling toward another dimension.

As for the concepts of time and space, Yamamoto had not the slightest clue. He had easily lived for over a thousand years, and despite that, he had barely any clue what Naruto was talking about, so he couldn't help but wonder how exactly Naruto knew so much about such complex themes.

Toshiro, on the other hand, wasn't even thinking about how Naruto managed to contact someone who was currently within Hueco Mundo and had a different problem to deal with, as his face was flushed crimson while slightly bending his body forward.

'W-W-What the hell was that!? A-A-Am I the only one who heard that moaning in the background!? No matter how I look at it, that certainly was the sound of a woman...'

Thinking about the sounds he had just heard, Toshiro managed to blush even harder as steam was about to come out of his ears.

'That damn pervert! What the hell is going on in her mind for her to... do that kind of thing while giving a report!?'

As Toshiro's thoughts were going haywire, a rather unhealthy image of Yuna doing... stuff... flashed through his mind, causing a trickle of blood to flow out of his nose, as a slightly perverted smile appeared on his face, which he quickly suppressed.

'NO! I'm a captain of the Gotei 13, and I will not be corrupted by that kind of degenerate behavior! My mind is pure, and there is no degeneracy inside of it!'

While his thoughts finally managed to calm down, as his body heat was slowly cooling down as well, two soft mountains pressed into his back, almost causing him to shoot a geyser of blood out of his nose.

"Captain~ I wanna go to Hueco Mundo~ Is there a way for me to go there?

Usually, Toshiro had no trouble ignoring Rangiku's less-than-appropriate approaches concerning the distance between two people he was comfortable with, but after hearing whatever Yuna was doing, he couldn't help but be conscious of it.

Despite that, he still somehow managed to answer Rangiku without revealing his plight.

"W-Why in the world would you want to go to Hueco Mundo?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Hearing Toshiro's question, Rangiku couldn't help but retort with a question of her own as the pout on her face intensified.

"Didn't you hear how much fun Hinata was having? I wanna participate as well."

Rangiku was almost purring those words into Toshiro's ear, seriously dealing some damage to his psyche, as Rangiku continued speaking, seemingly not aware of his plight.

"It's been a while since I had some fun, so I really wanna meet Yuna and Hinata again. Geez, I really feel like bullying Hinata right now, but I wouldn't mind getting bullied by her either~"

As more and more unhealthy images started flooding Toshiro's mind, the blood flowing out of his nose grew in volume, cumulating in his body, swaying around due to blood loss, and finally collapsing on the ground.

Seeing her captain collapsing, Rangiku's eyes widened in surprise as her gaze landed on Yamamoto, who was still talking with Naruto about how he managed to set up communication with Hueco Mundo.

"Captain Commander, my captain just collapsed. I think something is wrong with him!"

While Yamamoto immediately got alerted, Naruto, who had paid attention to the interaction between Rangiku and Toshiro, could only shake his head with a wry smile.

'She's either a complete airhead, who had no idea what is happening around her, or a master manipulator that loves messing with people.

Thinking about it, I feel like she is a mix of both. She should be fully aware of what kind of killer body she has while simultaneously occasionally forgetting about it when she is dealing with people she knows.

I somewhat doubt she could act this innocently in front of Toshiro if she had been aware of what kind of effect her body has on a healthy human man.'

[You seem to be rather fine with her thought.]

'Well, she already is part of nee-san's harem, so she is off-limits.'

[Oh? That alone is enough for you to stop pursuing a good-looking woman?]

'Kurama, please think before you speak. I consider myself to be rather gutsy, but do you really think I have the guts to go after a woman nee-san has already got a liking to?

What if she went after the woman I found a liking to? I'd rather not die alone, okay?'

[Although I feel like you are extravagating this matter, no matter how I look at it, I can't deny that you are somewhat correct.]

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