Genius Warlock

Chapter 323

"Hmm … Has it been three days?"

Rose spoke in a room at Lake Village's top-class hotel.

Beside her were the Grand Master Theodore of the School of Life Magic, his grandson Carl, and the Dean Dejiehe of the Department of Life Alchemy.

Among the four, Rose looked the youngest without a doubt.

The other three enjoyed some youthfulness through the skill of life magic, but compared to Rose, who appeared in her early twenties, they were much older.

In reality, it was the exact opposite.

Rose spoke with confidence.

"May I dare ask our Grand Master, is the persuasion going well?"

Theodore, who valued authority, scowled at the mischievous question that didn't feel respectful at all.

But at the same time, he couldn't say anything.

They were in an equal alliance… No, maybe Theodore was in a slightly uncomfortable position.

Despite having knowledge, status, wealth, honor, power, influence, everything a human could possess, he was choked by the preordained destiny of death…

To escape this absolute death, he needed their help.

The help of the filthy, detestable Warlock.

"Oh my… Being brought up so grandly, you really can't manage your expression. Well, when frowning gets everyone's attention in your life. How cute."

It was an undeniably discomforting scene.

A young woman, just over twenty, toying with a man who appeared middle-aged but was in reality over eighty, as though he were a mere child.

Having never been treated like this in his life, Theodore's lips quivered with suppressed ire. Luckily, his sole family member, Carl, stepped in before his anger could manifest openly.

"Look at this. We are strictly allies. You are not our leader. If you want to maintain this relationship, keep your manners. If you defy manners again, I won't stand still."

Carl's words carried the same air of haughty arrogance he had displayed within the Tower—confidence borne from both skill and lineage.

However, beneath his exterior, Carl's nerves were taut.

He knew that the youthful maiden before him was no ordinary woman; she was a warlock who had lived for hundreds of years.

A wicked witch who used demonic power and knowledge to consume people, extending her lifespan.

Of course, Rose wasn't unaware of this. She knew that Carl was afraid of her.

Unlike her brother, who focused on black magic rather than magic, she was also a warlock.

Rose withdrew with a smirk.

"I'm sorry. Being from a poor lumberjack family, I feel inferior when I see well-off housewives. I can't bear it without picking a fight. I sincerely apologize."

Though everyone in the room recognized the insincerity in her words, none engaged in dispute.

The pressing matter at hand eclipsed any urge for further bickering.

Undeterred, Rose pressed on with her inquiry.

"Now I'll ask politely. Grand Master Theodore of the School of Life Magic, is the persuasion going well?"

Theodore glanced at Rose and began to speak, "The individuals consumed by greed that you mentioned have been nearly all successfully persuaded."

With his response, Theodore extracted the guest list for the conference and positioned it on the table. Several names were crossed out, indicating their completion.

"Hmm… And what about those without lines?" Rose questioned.

"They are individuals I haven't yet approached. Given their significance, I can't merely make casual attempts. The ones I'm unsure about persuading will be addressed individually and then collectively convinced at the end."

Recognizing the wisdom in this approach, Rose refrained from further commentary. It was evident that carelessly revealing information could result in complications. Securing those who were more amenable to persuasion first to create a favorable situation was a key strategy.

"It does seem to be a sound plan," Rose mused.

Shifting her attention to Dean Dejiehe of Life Alchemy, who stood beside her, Rose continued, "And how has your progress fared? Have you been met with success?"

Dean Dejiehe, who officially maintained a student-dean relationship with Rose but had reversed roles in this context, replied, "Yes. We commenced our efforts before they did, as you are aware."

Satisfied with the response, Rose turned her gaze to the list Theodore had presented, observing their accomplishments.

"Let's see … There are quite a few people to persuade at the end?"

"Don't worry. There are only a few to be wary of, such as Roar and Tilda Issai."

"Well, that's a relief. If these people can't be persuaded and it's unavoidable, we'll divide them as promised?"

"Since we promised. But you must hand over Kevin and his party to me, alive, as promised."

"That's simple. But… I'm curious. Why? There are many other superior materials, why do you want to have an inferior red man? Do you have something to hide?"

"Nothing to hide. I don't care about the man himself. It's his master that I'm interested in."

"Aha … I understand. Then, let's move as planned tomorrow. Mr. Theodore."

"I count on you. Gretel."


“Is this the water vein?”

“Yes, it was hastily drawn so it's not precise, but it should be roughly similar.”

Two days into the conference, during the afternoon.

Derick, Felix, and Oliver toured the various venues and exhibition sites set up in the village. At this juncture, Oliver unveiled a map of the water veins he had managed to sketch over three days.

Though hastily sketched on a pamphlet, it was easily recognizable thanks to the neat lines.

According to what Oliver showed to Kevin, the artificially opened water veins were surrounding the whole Lake Village.

“It looks like a barrier, doesn’t it?”

“A barrier, you say?”

“Don’t you know?”

“No, I understand the concept. It's a large-scale magic that uses a great amount of mana and magical circles to physically defend a specific space or cause confusion and block movement through illusions. I've read about it once in Elder's library. Although I didn't read it in detail.”

Indeed, Oliver had once read the relevant book in Merlin's library.

Given its requirement of substantial time, mana, and stringent conditions for use, he had only skimmed the concepts and variations, as it lay outside his primary area of interest.

“It's the same here. It's just that it seems like multiple barriers are mixed together.”

“Can you mix barriers?”

“If you have the skill to handle it. But I wonder who can handle such a large scale and such a complicated ritual.”

In essence, it was an exceedingly challenging task, even by Kevin's standards, who was highly skilled among the Tower's masters.

Kevin's brow furrowed with unease.

The presence of such a barrier within a tourist village, particularly one that had experienced decline for nearly five decades, was perplexing.

Perhaps it had been established during the village's prosperous days, but that explanation didn't entirely fit either.

Even if the water veins had been opened during the village's golden era, consistent maintenance would have been necessary. Yet, according to Oliver, that wasn't the case.

“The water veins are flowing strongly, without obstruction.”

As Oliver relayed this observation, Kevin squinted his eyes, lost in contemplation.


“Yes, Professor?”

“You said the hotel staff seemed odd too, right?”

“Yes. I can’t explain it in detail, but the villagers seem to have something similar too.”

“The villagers too?”

“Yes, not all, but some. Like the hotel people, there's an inexplicable feeling of strangeness? Their emotions seem too regular, perhaps……? But what bothers me the most is something else.”

“What bothers you the most?”

“Yes, I couldn’t find the right time to say it, but the Rokuri university-”

“-Professor, are you not coming to the wide-range binding magic demonstration? It's about to begin.”

Derick and Felix arrived just as Kevin and Oliver were engrossed in their discussion, considering the current situation.

Though the interruption was slightly irksome, given the schedule and upcoming available time, Kevin decided to postpone the conversation.

“I'm sorry. I was lost in thought.”

Derick shook his head as if it was okay.

“It’s fine. I understand why you would be like that. The conference itself has been rather dull, especially compared to the appearance of Dean Dejiehe on the first day.”

Derick expressed his dissatisfaction openly.

He wasn't alone in this sentiment. After witnessing Dean Dejiehe's sudden vitality on the inaugural day, the invited guests found the conference's subsequent schedule and content unexpectedly mundane.

Consequently, the initial anticipation and excitement had waned, and many attendees regarded the event more as a sightseeing opportunity rather than a chance to witness impressive demonstrations.

The dispersion of presentation venues and demonstration sites throughout the village only exacerbated this sentiment.

Some even contemplated leaving early, yet most held on in anticipation of the forthcoming comprehensive presentations on Life Magic and Life Alchemy scheduled for the following day.

"Let's set our discussion aside for now and observe the demonstration," Kevin suggested to Oliver before melding into the crowd, heading toward the Rokuri University Department of Pure Magic's wide-range binding magic demonstration.

The demonstration site was located on the village's outskirts, and a considerable crowd had already gathered.

Though there weren't any high-profile figures present, notable figures like Philip Roar, Tilda Issai, and others could be spotted intermittently.

"There's quite a turnout."

Oliver remarked, noting a larger audience than anticipated.

"Magic isn't always sought for its destructive power. Non-lethal magic also holds its demand."

"Utilized in localized conflicts?"


Kevin nodded in a confirming manner, and Oliver reciprocated with a satisfied nod, recognizing the extent to which he had absorbed knowledge.

In his role as a personal assistant to the professor, Oliver engaged in tasks such as procuring research materials for Kevin, Derick, and Felix, as well as preparing coffee. Through these activities, he had garnered some insights into military magic research.

Surprisingly, even among the allied nations, including the United Kingdom, there existed a tendency to exercise restraint when employing force in their own conflicts, despite their involvement in wars around the world.

While force was employed when deemed necessary, the frequency and intensity of its usage remained relatively low.

This contrasted with the situation in the colonies… Oliver had yet to comprehend the rationale behind this distinction.

‘What's the reason for the difference… Huh?'

Oliver observed the fog on the demonstration stage growing denser once more as the professor stepped onto it to present his research.

Though imperceptible to the naked eye, the phenomenon was evident to a warlock like Oliver, who possessed the ability to perceive emotions and life-force.

Undoubtedly, this was an artificial phenomenon, not a natural occurrence.

Cautiously, Oliver contacted Kevin.


"I'm aware."

Kevin's response came in hushed tones.

While their conversation transpired, the fog had noticeably thickened. However, the lead professor on the stage had captured everyone's attention with his mana-infused voice.

[We appreciate your presence, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, as you gather to witness our presentation. The focus of this demonstration is wide-area binding magic—a fundamental aspect of the pure magic school. As you're all aware, its principle is straightforward: it materializes physical force by interlinking magical particles akin to chains, thus ensnaring the intended target.]

The wizards in the audience, driven by their scholarly inclinations, immediately became fully engaged.

[However, our approach significantly augments both the scale and efficacy of this magic. It's a spell capable of subduing not only regular soldiers but also fellow wizards.]

With a flick of his finger, the presenting professor employed a pre-arranged device to project an image into the air.

The image featured diagrams and concise explanations.

Several wizards collaborated to initiate the spell, and once activated, it instantaneously ensnared both soldiers and war wizards who ventured onto its boundaries.

The spell resembled a fusion of spider and bear traps.

[The crux of this magic lies in its ability to neutralize even a skilled wizard completely.]

A hand rose amid the assembly.

“Binding magic might ensnare a wizard, but isn't the term ‘neutralize' an exaggeration? Do you possess substantial evidence?”

[Indeed, we do. The chain-based magic not only applies physical restraint but is also engineered to disrupt the flow of the target's mana. By disrupting the flow, it effectively suppresses the target's mana.]

This explanation piqued the interest of some, finding the argument persuasive.

[However, the ease of dismantling depends on the target's skill level. Consequently, we have refined the binding magic into eight distinct stages to ensure efficient and effective usage. While it's not a flawless solution, our improvements have enhanced its efficacy to a certain extent. Notably, the 8th stage, though time-intensive, yields significant results.]

The notion was sound. Military magic needed to prioritize efficiency alongside effectiveness.

Another wizard raised a hand to pose a query.

“Not a bad concept. But if a wizard possesses exceptional mana detection abilities, wouldn't they perceive it in advance, rendering it useless?”

[An excellent question, and thank you for raising it. We shared the same concern, yet we devised a solution. We can excavate deep into the ground, rendering detection considerably more difficult.]

“…? I fail to grasp. Digging to such depths would demand a substantial investment of time and labor, wouldn't it?”

[For us, however, that suffices.]

The response was perplexing, causing suspicion to simmer. Simultaneously, the fog began to pulsate, evoking an impression of vitality.

Like iron filings responding to a magnet, it reacted to a specific force, maneuvering in a distinct pattern. This culminated in the condensation of the mist into a white drapery that enveloped the vicinity– Like a white prison.

Instinctively, Oliver knew it was reacting with an underground water vein.

Yet, the phenomenon was astonishing.

A large-scale magic that merged fog and water veins.

While the precise outcomes remained enigmatic, the intricacy and range of the preparation signaled that this was no ordinary magic. Individuals lacking fundamental information found themselves in disarray and confusion.

“What's this? What's happening now?”

“Excuse me, Professor! Do you know what this is?”

Despite the bewildered outcries, the presenting professor responded differently by forcefully driving his mana-charged hand onto the ground.

Instantaneously, the deeply embedded magic responded, and an array of blue and purple magical chains sprang forth, ensnaring the nearby wizards.


A stunned silence enveloped the scene.

Several attempted to employ mana to shatter the magical chains, but as previously elucidated, none could manipulate their mana.

The chains' finely woven mana impeded the flow of magic within the ensnared wizards.

Though some could escape given time, the opponent seemed unwilling to wait.


[—Earth Thorn]

Just as the professor who activated the binding magic was poised to strike, Kevin, by compressing the emotions into his hand, forcefully shattered the magical chain and promptly cast a spell. A stone spear erupted from the ground, impaling the professor.

Taken off guard, the professor hung suspended in midair, coughing up blood with a strangled sound.


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