Full-time Artist

Chapter 1224: Galactic Empire

Chapter 1224: Galactic Empire

In terms of subdivisions, there are many writing directions for science fiction.

For example, world exploration, which can be the exploration of the planet where human beings are located, or the exploration of the universe;

For example, stories between civilizations, technological exchanges or wars between Earth and alien civilizations;

Such as the future world and even the parallel world;

Such as the apocalyptic wasteland, the re-establishment of civilization;

Another example is time travel, space-time paradox, and so on.

Among the many types of sci-fi subdivisions, robotic sci-fi is a very common writing direction.

There are countless science fictions with robots as their core subjects, and there are many excellent works on Earth and Bluestar.

Especially Blue Star right now.

The use of robotics is already widespread.

Don't say far.

Just in many high-end restaurants and several Yu Dynasty hotels under the name of Sun Yaohuo, there are signs of a large number of robots replacing human labor. .

Like delivering something to a guest.

The robot can already complete the task easily according to the pre-set program instructions.

This is just the most basic robot.

With the advent of the era of intelligence, some robots with more powerful functions also exist, but they have not yet entered thousands of households.

In such a case.

Science fiction with the theme of robots has always been quite popular in Bluestar.

This is also the reason why Weizhou science fiction writer Fan Chong chose robots as the theme of his new science fiction book.

Fan Chong also introduced his new book:

Although his new book is long, the story is connected by six stories, which are related to each other and have different themes.


Lin Yuan also decided to write about robots!

Come out!

Galactic Empire!

Lin Yuan's hands were fast, and as soon as the thought occurred, the four characters "Galaxy Empire" appeared on the computer screen!

That's right.

Lin Yuan's new book decided to write Isaac Asimov's "Empire of the Galaxy"!

We said earlier.

Keigo Higashino is an all-around genius writer. The subject of his works is reasoning best, but the subject matter of his creation is not just reasoning.

Really beefy.

However, what is insignificant is that compared to Asimov, the author of "The Galaxy Empire", the scope and influence of Higashino Keigo's works are actually insignificant.


Asimov is a truly omniscient and omnipotent writer. He has written more than 500 books in his life, and has waited for several books. Moreover, he actually dabbles in all the directories under the book classification method, and his works cover almost all aspects of human life. in every way!

heaven and sea;

through the ages;

Everything from dinosaurs to subatomic to the vast universe;

From popular to the history of the Roman Empire, from popular science books to the thousand-year history of the Far East, from Bible guides to scientific guides.

Each of his works is simple, rigorous and full of humorous style.

In order to give full play to his witty and funny talent, he even wrote a "Joke Collection".

Also because of this.

Asimov was hailed as a "god-like man" by readers!

The most outrageous are:

Asimov even wrote h-

In his later years he published a series of works on gender topics.

But no matter how many subjects they cover, writers always have the direction they are best at.

Asimov is one of the greatest science fiction writers in history, and his representative work is the "Galactic Empire" series.

This is a milestone in the history of science fiction on Earth!

Outline of the book:

With the help of robots, human beings quickly mastered the technology of transforming alien planets and started a magnificent interstellar colonization movement.

Humans multiply and expand like locusts in the galaxy, with their indelible ignorance and wisdom, greed and conscience, they boarded the desolate planets one by one, and involved the galaxy in the long interstellar warring states era until the entire galaxy was unified.


The rise of a vast empire that rules over 25 million inhabited planets, spans 100,000 light-years, and totals trillions of people

Galactic Empire!

Public opinion generally believes that the Hollywood Star Wars series draws on the concept of "Galaxy Empire", of course, the film side does not admit it.

Also Hollywood.

Public opinion believes that the best-selling movie "Avatar" in history plagiarized the idea of the book, of course, Cameron also disagreed.

On the contrary, Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, admitted:

His economic theory comes from the inspiration of "The Galactic Empire".

In addition, Yoshiki Tanaka's "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" is also a tribute to the Galactic Empire series.

There are also works by Nishio Restoration and so on.


The Guardian reported that:

Based on the base chapter of the Galactic Empire series, Ben La Lan established a terrorist organization of the same name


In short, since the publication of this book for more than half a century, it has had a profound impact on human space exploration, the world situation, cutting-edge economic theories, and Hollywood movies.

Of course.

The stories of the Galactic Empire series are too long. There are fifteen books in total, each of which is a long novel. It is impossible for Lin Yuan to write all of them in one go, so he is going to write about the Galactic Empire this time. The eighth part of the series.

That is "I, Robot"!

It is through this work.

Asimov created the three laws of robotics that are the cornerstones of contemporary science fiction.

Rule 1: Robots must not harm humans, or stand idly by seeing humans being harmed.

Rule 2: Robots must obey orders from humans, unless this order contradicts Rule 1.

Article 3: Robots must protect themselves, unless such protection contradicts the above two.

These are the three laws of robotics.

Also known as the three laws of robotics.

After the development of time, in fact, Asimov later added a "zeroth rule", but Lin Yuan didn't want to throw it out.

It was Lin Yuan's habit to hide cards.

Asimov used three laws to build a series of seemingly perfect thinking logic for readers, and then used nine short stories to subvert the laws, trying to solve the loopholes and paradoxes in the theory. The writing is humorous and full of tension.

Someone might say.

Since the Galactic Empire has a total of fifteen books, why write the eighth first, and will the first few books affect reading?

of course not.

Anyone who has seen the Marvel movies should know that the release order of the Marvel movies does not equal the chronological order of the stories.

The same goes for the Galactic Empire series.

Although "I, Robot" is the eighth installment of the Galactic Empire series, in chronological order, this work is the origin and beginning of the Galactic Empire series.

In other words:

If you want to thoroughly understand the Galactic Empire series, starting from the eighth "I, Robot" is the correct reading order.

This is the real reason why Lin Yuan decided to write "I, Robot".

The Galactic Empire series is too long.

It was also time for Lin Yuan to give him a head start.

Isn't the new book of Weizhou science fiction writer Fan Chong connected by six stories?

Lin Yuan's "I, Robot" has nine stories, the first six stories are with Fan Chong.

The extra three are not wasted.

Just used to pk with the other three writers who started a literary fight.

Mind this.

Lin Yuan exchanged the energy potion and officially started writing.

If you want to quickly complete a long novel, it is necessary to exchange energy potions.

It is said that knowing the enemy and knowing yourself will never end in a hundred battles.

Lin Yuan has seen a lot of Blue Star's science fiction, including the direction of robots.

In the Blue Star science fiction at this time, robots still exist as imaginary enemies of mankind in the future.

The idea at the extreme point is that robots will develop high-level intelligence and resist human enslavement, thereby launching wars against humans.

Or it is in the worry and fear that "robots will threaten human beings".

It's not just science fiction writers who think so.

In the film and television works including the Blue Star robot theme, this setting is basically adopted in the same way, with occasional subversion, and it does not deviate from the general direction of this idea.

The greatness of Asimov is:

He wants to control the potential threat of robots from the source.

Robots are just industrial products made by engineers. The three principles are the root of robots, and protecting humans is the core safety mechanism after robots are created, so they will not pose a threat to humans.

It sounds simple.

But that's what makes this one interesting.

Because accidents are bound to happen, even with the constraints of the three laws, robots are not as flexible as human brains, and there will be loopholes of one kind or another, forming a typical prisoner's dilemma.

And when Lin Yuan started to write.

The second round of Wendou in Chu Kuangbi's pick of the world was also thoroughly boiled because of the addition of Weizhou science fiction writer Fan Chong!

Very unexpected.

This time, the people who support Chu Kuang on the Internet actually occupy the majority, and there are very few fans who make trouble!

Chu Kuang's blog comment area.

"Old thief, you must not fall here, there are three others who have not shot!"

"Trust the thief!"

"Although the old thief often abuses us, this time it's no joke. Fan Chong's level is really high!"

"Fan Chong is too good at writing robots."

"Fan Chong's famous works are the robot series. After he became famous, he no longer used robots as the main direction of his creation. This time, he suddenly wanted to write robots again because he had a higher understanding of this direction."

"It's getting harder and harder."

"Chu Kuang selected ten opponents from all over the world, but I have to say that the ones that are truly terrifying are the opponents of Wei Zhou and Zhongzhou. In comparison, the opponents of other continents are strong. , but did not reach the top of the Blue Star Science Fiction Pyramid, otherwise why did this matter cause a huge sensation, or because Chu Kuang's opponents have four world-class science fiction masters?"

"Ten winning streaks are not realistic."

"However, the top sci-fi masters in Zhongzhou and Weizhou, the old thief has to kill one of them, or they will be laughed at by some people."

Funny to say.

These people jumped sideways repeatedly before, as if they were specifically fighting against Chu Kuang.

Although Chu Kuang's works were still bought in the bookstore in the end, these people have always been cheering for the old thieves and their opponents.

Tracing the source.

It's just because these people don't think Chu Kuang will lose.

This time, they supported Chu Kuang one by one, because they were really anxious, otherwise they wouldn't be so worried.

Chu Kuang's fans are worried.

Writers in the sci-fi circle are excited!

Chu Kuang was one to ten, and he had already defeated three opponents. Not to mention, there were still three opponents who had become a group before the fight started.

The entire sci-fi circle is mad at the brain congestion!

Because for them, these ten people represent the Blue Star sci-fi circle and Chu Kuang pk!

They confessed in advance.

The entire Blue Star sci-fi circle has a dull face.

Now Fan Chong's shot has finally made the Blue Star sci-fi circle look up again!

"it's over!"

"I won't let him be arrogant anymore."

"Mr. Fan Chong is right, this is a farce!"

"One pick ten?"

"You have only defeated three, do you think you are invincible?"

"Even if they beat six, those six people can't represent the highest level of Blue Star's science fiction, but at most their own continent."

"The peak of Blue Star's science fiction is in Weizhou, in Central Continent!"

"We don't need Zhongzhou to take action, Wei Zhou can solve Chu Kuang."

"Actually, to put it objectively, Chu Kuang is really powerful. Before, I thought I could solve him without Wei Zhou's action. After all, he could handle it if several people beat him."

Really great.

But in the end, it was under Weizhou and Zhongzhou.

The existence of Wei Zhou and Zhongzhou is the source of confidence in the Blue Star sci-fi circle.

As long as these two continents didn't make a move, even if Chu Kuang won six games, he wouldn't be considered Blue Star's top sci-fi writer.

Not just Blue Star sci-fi circles.

Many netizens who don't like Chu Kuang are also revelling.

This is normal.

Chu Kuang is arrogant and domineering, arrogant and conceited, and is indeed widely loved by the public with the addition of the charm of his works, but there are also many netizens who are not interested in his personality.

To know.

Chu Kuang has traveled all the way for so many years, although he rarely has conflicts with people, but for various reasons, he has offended some people more or less.

Like Lu Yang's fans, Xu Ping's fans, etc., it's normal not to like him.

"Fan Chong yyds!"

"Brother Fan, this wave can be regarded as killing harm for the people."

"I haven't won yet."

"Isn't this a win?"

"Fan Chong is different from the previous opponents."

"If you're not confident enough, I suggest you check out Mr. Fan Chong's earlier robot themes. I personally think it's the pinnacle of Bluestar's robot themes!"

"If he wins, Fan Chong's ranking is expected to skyrocket."

"Chu Kuang is the tenth writer on the list. If he wins, he will definitely earn blood."

"I just can't get used to Chu Kuang's arrogance, and I don't respect readers at all."

"Readers don't think so."

"Speaking of which, Chu Kuang's readers seem to be cowardly. It's rare that they didn't make a fuss and cheer on their opponents, including Chu Kuang himself, who has never responded."

"Haha, this is scary."

Chu Kuang's fans keep an eye on what's going on online.

When someone said they were afraid, they went straight to the top one by one!

You must know that Chu Kuang's fans dared to hedge against Honghuang fans back then.

Can this be tolerated?

Both sides quarreled immediately.

The torment of the major social platforms suddenly turned the entire network into a pot of porridge.

Especially this side of the geek tribe.

Directly rush to the hot search for the topic of Chu Kuang!

It's hard not to suspect that someone is driving the rhythm.

At this time, Lin Yuan, who was writing a book at home, was unaware of everything that was happening outside. UU reading www.

It wasn't until he finished the first chapter and glanced at his comment area while taking a break that he knew what happened.

Fans quarreled with people?

This group of people is really, why get angry, just continue to cheer on the opponents according to the old rules?


Lin Yuan understood in his heart.

This is because the fans lack confidence in Chu Kuang and are afraid that they will really lose this fight, so they dare not make jokes.

In the end it's the same sentence:

What kind of author has what kind of fans.

Whether fans are mad at Chu or cheering on their opponents, these strange behaviors are essentially small games between old thieves and fans.

A tacit fun little game.

It's like those who lose friends can usually belittle each other in various ways, but in the face of the real "crisis", the position of Chu Kuang fans is actually very firm.

Chu Kuang is also good.

Even fans.

Everyone has been unaware of this.

Looking at these fans who used to like all kinds of old thieves in the past, in order to maintain their alignment with the sunspots, Lin Yuan still had ripples in his heart after all.


Lin Yuan logged in to Chu Kuang's account and posted a new update: "The Galactic Empire series set sail, the new book "I, Robot"."

Galactic Empire set sail!

This is the heart of Ann fans.

However, when all netizens saw this dynamic, their eyes were unanimously locked on the last three words of the name:


Chu Kuang also wants to write robots! ?

ps: The update of the past two days was delayed by Kavin, and I couldnt use it with strength. Now the plot is basically straightened out, and the update will restore the previous strength in the next few days.

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