Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 223: What Did You Do, Styles?!

Chapter 223: What Did You Do, Styles?!

Katherine's gaze landed on Falcon Err Amelia. She wanted to ignore Falcon's presence for a while because of too much confusion. Katherine was still trying to understand how Styles is alive and well but with the other person in the room, she couldn't just look at Amelia and not connect her with Damien. It was too difficult.

She swallowed and continued to ask, "What help? What could I possibly help you with? Wait Styles, how did you get out of Castle? Are you still with Shadow? Are you a double agent?"

"I know this is all so confusing to you but okay, here it goes... basically, after the blast, I got injured and I saw Chris taking you out of the base. I followed you out but I fell unconscious on the road. When I woke up, I was already in Falcon's home." 

Styles glanced at the woman next to him and Katherine could see the admiration and respect in his eyes. "I didn't recognize her at first but after she told me who she was..."

"He suddenly went on Karate Kid with me while having an injured leg and arm," Amelia added and the two of them laughed at the memory.

"Anyway, after I calmed down, she told me what Shadow really was. Or what it was when she left. I figured that must be why you did what you did. I put the pieces together until I remembered that you accessed my computer that day and Chris was so mad accusing me that I hacked his computer."

Katherine could still remember that day so well. Because of how close she was with Styles, she could use his computer anytime. However, the data in his computer was also limited as the very confidential ones were only accessible in Chris's and Parker's computers.

It was why she couldn't find anything regarding her family's case until she overheard Chris and Parker talking and they mentioned about Operation Scorpion. Her search was immediately narrowed to one. And that was what led her to open a pandora box.

Katherine was enraged just thinking about Chris. She suppressed herself and breathed deeply, "Okay, and it took you five years to get to me?!" She knew Styles would never lie to her. And she knew everything was Parker's doing. 

Styles became quiet. The room was silent for a minute before he managed to speak again, "I looked for you everywhere I only know that Chris saved you from the blast but what he did after that, I didn't know. It was two months later when we learned that you were in the list of 'Deceased Agents'. So I thought you were dead"

"Wait, so Shadow, noParker doesn't know that I'm alive?" Katherine was conflicted. What did Chris do exactly?

"I think Chris faked your death or something. 'Coz if Parker knew you were alive and was hiding from Shadow, he would definitely send people to have you canceled."

Exasperated, Katherine got up from her chair and started pacing. "So, Chris faked my death to hide me from Parker. And he erased my memory. Did you know that he erased my memory?!" she snapped.

"We had followed Chris very discreetly. He also assigned someone to watch over you. And I didn't know what monkey business he was up to until I found you in the hospital in a coma. So yeah, I kinda figured that out after you woke up. You don't know how relieved I was to see you alive." 

Styles met Katherine's eyes and added, "I had faith that one day you would wake up. When you did, I couldn't exactly go near you because there was always someone watching behind the sidelines. And if they found out that I was also alive" Styles shrugged. There was no need for him to explain as they both knew what will happen then.

"After that, I learned that you had no recollection about anything at all and for some reason, I was kinda thankful." Styles raised his hands when he saw Katherine's scowl and explained fast, "Wait, don't get mad. It's just I know what Chris did to you was really bad but I understand why he did what he did. And I thought that maybe it wasn't so bad for you because you were given a second chance to live your life away from Shadow."

Katherine shut her eyes. She understood what Styles meant yet she couldn't help but feel extremely wronged. She felt so lost the entire time that she didn't have her memories. It was as if she was living a life that wasn't hers.

Her silence allowed Styles to continue. "What happened to you was both bad and good and we thought that maybe it was for the best, at least you were finally out."

"But I was never really out, Styles" Katherine said with a trembling voice, "I was always scared especially at night when all the questions I had about my identity would come to haunt me."

"I'm sorry." Styles immediately walked towards her and gave her a brotherly hug. "We never really knew what was the right thing to do Just like what you said, you were never really out. It was the same for me. I was no longer in Shadow but I'm not a free man either. But I still know about the horrible things that they did While you didn't. And so maybe, not knowing was also a good thing."

Styles released her and she asked, "What happened then?"

"Well, I did try to meet you one time. And it was really risky. That was when you came to the hospital for a session and I tried to help you remember"

"You came to see me?"

"Yeah but that didn't really go so well. I think somehow I triggered a bad spot and you went crazy attacked a nurse and a doctor You were sedated and when you woke up, you didn't remember what happened. So after that, we couldn't risk going near you anymore. I didn't want to cause you any more trouble so I stopped seeing you."

Katherine remembered a particular time that it happened. It was even in her medical report.

"But I didn't stop watching out for you from afar. From time to time I sent someone to check on you just to make sure you're still okay. However, we had to move far away to lessen the risk of being caught. We couldn't stay here."

"You were watching out for me the entire time? Why do I feel like you've done something?" Katherine raised her chin and narrowed her eyes as she asked, "Styles What else did you do?"

Katherine watched as Styles stepped back and gulped loudly. He couldn't look at her in the eye and he started moving behind Falcon as though he was trying to shield himself.

"Umm nothing really. I just helped you out a little. No biggie."

"If so, then why are you hiding?" Katherine tilted her head to look at him whose face was already mostly covered.

"Umm Okay, so remember that time when you were applying for a job at CRG?" Styles's voice was a little breathy. His heart was pounding in his chest, afraid that Katherine might actually just kill him.

"Yes. What did you do?!" She started stalking towards Styles very slowly.

"I may have um bumped you to the top and landed you a job as the CEO's secretary."

Katherine's widened eyes caused Styles to swallow again and he cowered when she snapped, "You what?!" 

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