Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 534 - Ivy's Call

The night was still young even though it was already approaching midnight. And to many, it was a sleepless night, and one among them was the President, Luis Truman. Since the news about organ trafficking matter had broken out, he had been forced to attend a lot of meetings. And despite the time of night, a lot of reporters had swarmed to the Princep House to get his opinion of the matter.

Neither could he ignore the reporters, nor could he skip the meetings. Luis had to face the people's wrath even though he was in no way involved in the scandal. Frustrated by the sudden trouble that had come by his way, Luis almost had the intention to curse out loud. But his position and dignity stopped him from even raising his voice. He could swallow all the profanities that were ready to leave his lips if given a chance.

The meeting with his ministers and advisors had not been fruitful. They were unable to come up with any decisions. The matter was too serious and devastating to not take any decisions quickly. But it was also important to take a good decision rather than a reckless one. Some of the top hospitals had been involved in the scandal, and it was impossible to let them get away without punishing them.

However, it was also difficult for them to close more than half the hospitals in the country. Luis was in a dilemma, and he did not know how to salvage this situation. Even his ministers had been futile in producing a satisfactory solution.

"What do we do now, Sir?" Luis's assistant queried from the side as he watched the President stare into space, lost in thoughts. "The reporters are still waiting outside for an interview. And they might wait all night given the seriousness of the issue."

"Tell the reporters that I will be addressing the nation tomorrow morning at seven. I will answer all their questions then." Luis sighed. Though he did not have much time to find a solution for the problem, he could as well find answers to their questions. 

Luis was the only one present in the meeting room. All the ministers had left the Princep House once the meeting had ended. And now, his assistant had gone to inform the reporters about the President's message to them. So, Luis was all alone, and right at this moment, his phone rang, startling him completely.

Luis frowned on hearing the ring tone. Not many people knew his personal number and the ones who knew never called him at this time of the night. He was puzzled and wondered who was calling him. He was pleasantly surprised to see who it was and even more so because this was the first time the girl had taken an initiative to call him on his own.

"Hello," He answered, still in denial to think that the girl who had impressed him during the press meet last time was calling him out of her own accord. But soon, his surprise turned into annoyance when he realized what her profession was. His voice unknowingly turned cold and harsh when he discerned what her intentions would be. 

"Hello, am I speaking to President Luis Truman? This is Ivy West speaking." Ivy's voice fell on his ears, and Luis's gritted his teeth in frustration. He understood what the girl wanted of him. Just like the other reporters, she too wanted his interview, and she was using their past connection for her work. Though he did not mind giving her an interview, he still did not appreciate the way she had approached him.

"Miss West, I remember you." Luis hid his annoyance and tried to appear as courteous as possible, completely oblivious to the fact that Ivy had perceived what his thoughts would be before she had even placed the call.

"Sir, I apologize for calling you at this time of the night. I have something important to speak to you about." Ivy did not beat around the bush and brought the issue she wanted to talk about.

"Tell me, Miss West." Though Luis appeared enthusiastic to listen to what she had in mind, he was secretly not that curious for he already knew about it.

"Sir, you have already seen the news about the organ trafficking mafia. What I wanted to tell you was that it was my team and agency that published the news."

"Oh," Luis was shocked to hear her words. It was completely different than what he had anticipated. Never had he expected her to accept that it was her team who had broadcasted the news. It was out of his expectations.

"Yes, Sir. And from the evidence we have, we even know who the mastermind behind this matter is." Ivy stated as she looked at the people around her. While Noah and Aria assured her to continue, Ian just put on a poker face, not giving out any expressions. She had no idea what had got his pants twisted for him to put on such a cold expression. This was the first time she was seeing him this irritated. Ivy made a mental note to speak about it with him later.

"Who is the mastermind, Miss West?" Luis was now intrigued, and he too wanted to know who that bastard was. Many people's lives had been destroyed by him. While people were suffering due to his actions, he had been filling his pockets using their sufferings.

"I will tell you everything, Sir. But before I need to list out all his crimes, for they are more horrible than this."

"What could be more horrible than planning the harvesting of organs from people without their consent?" Luis let out a satirical laugh as he thought about it.

"There is, Mr. President. There is. Once you find out, you too will be mortified to think such a man even exists between us. I will send a video clip to you. Please have a look at it. You will find out everything from it. Let me tell you that clip is just a small gist of what the criminal has done. Take a good look at it, Mr. President. I will wait for your call."

Luis ended the call and waited for Ivy's message, and the moment his phone vibrated, he opened the message and played the video in it. What he saw made him drop his phone in shock. Ivy had sent him a video clip that proved Jared guilty of all the crimes he had committed, and Luis was stunned to even think that the man he had once assumed to be a good businessman was such a bastard. Not only did he find out about Jared, but he also found out all the crimes he had committed. Just as Ivy had stated, each crime of his was way too terrifying than the other.

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