Elemental Cats

Chapter 318 Breaking The Chains

Keeping the mana in the cell in a string-like shape put an extreme toll on Toz's mind and the clone inside his consciousness, but the feeling of being able to stand up and move around while training his mana at the same time was exhilarating, and Toz couldn't help himself.

Toz wanted to continue training, but he quickly realized a problem. The mana in the cell wasn't infinite. Since the cell was isolated from the world outside, there was no way for the mana to increase. And because there was only enough mana to sustain the enchantments, there wasn't a lot of mana within the cell.

Toz wanted to continue training, but he quickly realized that he didn't need to since he had already accomplished what he wanted and then some.

Toz didn't stop his mana until it drew in every last bit of mana in the cell, effectively removing what powered the enchantments. Since the cell wasn't designed as a training room, Toz wasn't surprised that there wasn't a lot of mana in it. He also realized that the ones who constructed and designed the cell didn't count with anyone being able to break the seal on the mana pool.

He felt proud that he had managed to do something that his captors hadn't prepared for since it probably meant they wouldn't be able to handle him once he finally freed himself. Hopefully, Yill wouldn't still be around. If she were close to Toz's cell, it wouldn't matter, even if Toz had learned mana vision or broken out of his imprisonment. He still wouldn't be able to fight or escape from Yill.

Toz shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts as he decided to speed up the process of emptying the cell of mana by absorbing all the mana manually. Automatic training was useful and surprisingly efficient as long as Toz maintained some degree of focus, but doing it himself was still faster.

It didn't take long until the room didn't have any mana left. Now, it was only a matter of time until the enchantments on the chains and the walls stopped working.

Toz was slightly worried that there would be enchantments to alert his captors if magic appeared inside the cell, so he decided to wait, which took a surprisingly long time. Toz would have lost his mind from boredom if he didn't realize he could continue training his clone by exposing it to the pressure of the outside world. He could train it by making it exert itself while still inside his mind, but it wasn't as efficient as using the outside world.

And since he didn't know how much longer or when he would be able to use such a peaceful training environment again, Toz gladly took the opportunity to strengthen his clone as much as he could.

Before he realized it, the enchantments were rapidly losing their sheen, one at a time. Toz used his mana vision to confirm that the enchantments were burning through their remaining dregs of mana. Without more mana to continue sustaining themselves, the enchantments quickly became useless.

It was probably a result of the cell's isolation. Otherwise, there would have been no way that the enchantments would run out of mana. It wasn't even a faulty design since the mana that was inside the cell would have been enough to power the enchantments for as long as needed. Only in a case where the prisoner managed to break free from the seal on their mana pool and drained the room of its mana would it prove to be a problem.

After confirming that the enchantments were rapidly losing their effect, the first thing did was to use his inclination to try and reach the cats. Unfortunately, there was either a second layer of isolation or the cats were also isolated in a similar manner to Toz. Toz could barely get a slightly better feeling that they were alright.

Toz sighed angrily before he turned his mana vision toward the chains around his wrists and ankles. It was the last place where the enchantments remained, and until they also died down, Toz didn't want to make a move.

But as soon as the last enchantment used up all its mana, Toz didn't hesitate. Anticipating that there would be mana hidden away under some concealment enchantments similar to the Hidden Blood Dagger Brunswick discovered seemed like excessive worry.

Toz grabbed the chains with his hands and, with mana vision still filling his eyes, activated his void spell, Dissolution.

Void mana flooded out of Toz's hands and into the chains. The chains were sturdier than most treasures Toz had worked with, which explained why he couldn't break them with only his physical strength, even after the enchantments lost effect. But without enchantments to protect them against Toz's invading void mana, the chains were defenseless.

The chains melted away under Toz's hands, and Toz could finally stand upright and stretch.

Toz let his void mana continue traveling through the remnant enchantments, permanently destroying them and also opening up a path for his senses to travel through to the other side of the walls.

After stretching his body to satisfaction, Toz sighed deeply, happy about getting a taste of freedom again.

Prepared for anything, Toz reached out with his senses. Supported by void and space magic, they had no problem going through the walls, which turned out to be several meters thick and made of a material that hindered mana from passing through. Other than the innermost layer with enchantments, the rest was of a material Toz didn't know about that even managed to stop his space magic from reaching the other side.

Left with no other choice, Toz would have to brute force his way to the other side while preparing for a hostile celebration of him regaining his freedom.

Toz only pondered for a moment before deciding on how to break through the walls. They might be resistant to magic and mana, but they would probably have lowered resistance against other, more physical, effects.

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