Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2308 Despair

Chapter 2308  Despair

Julian spent several weeks in prison, trapped in a dire situation with no one willing to listen to his claims of innocence. The Magus officials he had previously reported to had vanished, leaving him increasingly desperate.

"What the hell is happening?" Julian's frustration and confusion grew as the days passed. He began to suspect that he was being caught in some kind of scheme.

Initially, Julian was hesitant to reach out to his Earth friends for help, but the absurdity of the situation forced his hand. Just as he was about to request communication with them, he was unexpectedly released from prison.

"Why? I demand an explanation!" One of the Magus Alliance officers, with a dismissive tone, responded, "A lower realm like you end up in such a situation means you've offended someone powerful" he added "Word of advice... You should know your place."

Julian was stunned by the officer's blunt admission. The implication was unmistakable: the Nephilim was the only powerful faction that could orchestrate such a situation. After all, just months ago, Emery had rejected Jinkan's father, the Lord of the Amarhikks, from joining their faction, and this was likely a consequence of that rejection.

The realization hit him hard. He immediately began making arrangements to return to Earth, deeply concerned about the safety of his friends.

Just as he was about to set off, he received a critical message from Earth.

Julian's heart sank as he read the notice from Klea.

The message detailed an imminent pirate attack on Earth involving Nephilim Kronos forces. Klea's message was clear—there was hope that Julian would come and assist. However, the report was several weeks old, and the attack had already taken place during his time in prison.

The follow-up message described how the attack had been successfully thwarted with minimal casualties. Although Julian felt a wave of relief knowing his friends had managed to avert disaster, it was overshadowed by a deep sense of regret and frustration.

He had been unable to contribute or help his friends in their time of need, and the realization of his powerlessness only deepened his despair.

The report also highlighted Emery's remarkable feat—defeating two Grand Magus-level pirates. Julian's admiration for his friend was tinged with bitterness. Emery had reached new heights of power and accomplishment, while Julian had fallen into a scheme, losing not only all his savings but, more crucially, his spirit and confidence.

In his frustration and despair, Julian decided to pause his journey back to Earth halfway. He found himself in an unfamiliar city, overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness. Stumbling into the nearest bar, he sought solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol.

"Maybe this is my fate… this is all I can become…" he muttered to himself, wallowing in self-pity.

For a week, Julian wasted his life in a haze of drinks and regret. His despair led him into a bar fight, and once again, he found himself on the wrong side of the law, arrested and confined.

During his lowest moments, Julian was visited by a vivid dream.

He saw a radiant and awe-inspiring figure bathed in a divine glow. The figure spoke in a voice that resonated with both authority and comfort, whispering words that seemed to echo through Julian's very soul:

"You are meant for great things, stand up and go try again!"

The dream felt like an eternity, and when Julian awoke, the harsh reality of his prison cell was gone. Instead, he found himself lying in a comfortable bed, in an unfamiliar room. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

At his bedside stood a familiar beautifull female magus.

"You're finally awake," she said, her voice gentle yet authoritative.

Julian blinked, disoriented, and recognized her as Athena—the daughter of Zeus from the Kronos family.

They had once been close, Julian and Athena—unlikely allies who had forged a bond through shared vision and interest. Yet everything had changed at the Earth Summit. It was there that Athena had aligned herself with her family's dark scheme, a plot that had put the Earth warriors in grave danger. The betrayal was still fresh in Julian's mind, and the recent pirate attack that involved her family only deepened his distrust. The sight of her now—after everything—set his blood boiling.

"Why are you here? What do you want?!" Julian's eyes snapped open, confusion and anger mingling as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Yet here was Athena, standing calmly at the foot of his bed, her response was unexpected. "Believe it or not, a divine voice led me to find you," "..."

Julian's initial reaction to Athena's claim was a bitter chuckle, tinged with skepticism. But he couldn't help but recall the soothing voice from his dream. "This must be one of your tricks!!" Julian said, his voice was laden with distrust. "You can say whatever you want, Julian... I was brought here by the voices... and I was just as surprised to find you like this."

Julian stared at her for a moment, his anger simmering beneath the surface, but something about her words gnawed at him. He remained silent, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of what she was saying.

"Voices?... Whose voices?!"

"The voices of the gods, The Nephilim gods. They spoke to me... guided me here."

Julian's skepticism flared immediately, but something was unsettling about her unwavering conviction. The Nephilim gods? He had heard of their supposed divine connections, but to think they had led her here, to him, in his darkest hour—it seemed absurd. Yet, his curiosity got the better of him.

"Tell me more..."

Athena was more than willing to elaborate. She explained the enigmatic nature of the Nephilim gods. Julian, however, remained skeptical. After all, everything that had been happening to Earth, he shared with Athena what had recently happened to him. His bitterness, which had been simmering for weeks, finally surfaced.

"It was definitely your doing! Only the Nephilim would go to such lengths!" Julian snapped, his frustration spilling over.

Athena didn't dispute his accusation. In fact, she nodded, acknowledging his anger. "I can't say if it's true or not, but I understand why you'd feel that way," she said calmly.

She then suggested "Maybe you should confront the Amarhikss directly. Or perhaps... someone with more authority within the Nephilim. My family might know more."

"What!? Your grandfather?!" he exclaimed. The idea was almost laughable to him. "Ha ha, I would never ask for help from the Kronos! Not in a million years!"

Athena remained calm. "Alright then... don't you have anyone else within the Nephilim ranks who could help?"

Julian had no intention of going through Jinkan, someone connected to Emery, but one name stood out in his mind: Grand Magus Marius, a prominent Nephilim elder he had known well. Marius was the very person who first recognized and nurtured Julian's potential in the law of sovereign during his academy days.

The dark clouds of his recent misfortunes slowly parted, revealing a sliver of light. Despite his lingering doubts, the idea of reconnecting with Marius offered a tangible path forward. With a renewed sense of purpose, Julian set out on their journey to meet the esteemed Nephilim elder.

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