Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2234 Reputation

Chapter 2234  Reputation

The Capitol Building in Golden City was abuzz with tension. Inside, Lord Hassa Karat, the son of the city's founder, sat in the center of a grand hall, facing a panel of council members and hundreds of city officials. The scrutiny was intense. For hours, he had been subjected to relentless questioning, not just about the current pirate campaign but also about various unrelated matters. The aim was clear: to undermine his reputation.

"I have been more than patient to answer all of your questions…" As he spoke, one of his staff members rushed forward, handing him a message with an urgent expression. The staffer's demeanor did not go unnoticed by the assembled officials and council members. Lord Hassa's face tightened as he read the contents of the message. He tried to maintain his composure, but the shift in his expression was unmistakable.

"If there is nothing else... I have an urgent matter to attend to…" he said, rising from his seat.

However, Barry Croft, a vocal member of the opposition, stood up, his tone dripping with barely concealed antagonism. "Lord Hassa, I think it's clear that the people of Golden City care for you… it's best if you stop hiding things from us…"

The room fell silent, all eyes on Lord Hassa. He paused, his hand gripping the edge of the podium. He turned to face the audience, his gaze firm.

"I just received updated news from the battle," he began, his voice carrying a weight that silenced any further murmurs. "A large number of unidentified ships have come to reinforce the pirates… I have to go confirm this matter."

The news had created a palpable wave of anxiety and tension among the gathered officials. Sensing an opportunity to press his advantage, Barry Croft, stood up and raised his voice.

"Lord Hassa, even if it's true… you cannot just casually leave the hearing," he shouted, his tone both challenging and demanding. "Instead, you need to give us a better explanation of this matter!"

Lord Hassa's usual composed demeanor faltered, giving way to visible anger. "Barry Croft! How dare you!!... this is your doing, isn't it?!"

Barry Croft responded with a slight, almost imperceptible smirk before adopting a more emotional and indignant expression. "That is a serious accusation! Are you that desperate to smear my reputation?!!"

"Huh!! There is no way a large number of fleets could enter this sector without anyone knowing! Your faction handles most of the checkpoints!" Lord Hassa's voice rang with conviction and frustration, his accusatory finger pointing directly at Barry.

Unfortunately for Hassa, Barry Croft was a skilled diplomat, adept at handling accusations and turning situations to his advantage. Not only did he deflect all of Lord Hassa's accusations with ease, but he also managed to shift the narrative, painting himself as the voice of reason. Frustrated and seeing no point in further debate, Lord Hassa decided to leave the Capitol, signaling to his men to follow him.

As soon as Lord Hassa stepped out of the building, he was met with a cacophony of angry shouts and curses from the crowd of protesters who had gathered outside. Their faces were twisted with anger and desperation, their voices rising in a furious chorus.

Not in the mood to engage with the crowd, Lord Hassa simply looked up and took to the sky, his men following suit. The sight of the Karat patriarch flying away only further incensed the protesters. The tension in the streets reached a boiling point. The protesters, tens of thousands, began to push against the guards, their anger manifesting in physical aggression. The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, and the air was thick with the potential for violence.

Sensing the need to take control of the situation, Barry Croft, ever the opportunist, stepped out onto the Capitol steps. As the spokesperson for the council, he raised his hands, calling for silence. "The council shares your anger and frustration," Barry began, his voice carrying the practiced authority of a seasoned politician. "Unfortunatly... Lord Hassa Karat, after delivering troubling news about the battle, has left the building without our consent"

These words from Barry Croft further enraged the people. Within moments, the crowd's agitation escalated. Hundreds of civilians with golden bird markings on their clothes began pushing and shoving, forcing themselves into the center of the mass. The tension was palpable, and the situation was rapidly devolving into chaos.

Amid this growing unrest, several golden bird activist emerged from the crowd, their movements quick and deliberate. With practiced precision, they hurled bottles into the Capitol Building. Some of these bottles exploded on impact, while others released plumes of poisonous smoke, creating pockets of toxic clouds that added to the confusion and fear.

The Golden Bird activist leader stood atop a makeshift platform and began shouting, cursing the Karat's family. his voice was a mix of anger and desperation. Before he could finish his speech, a striking figure emerged from the turmoil. A beautiful female magus, her presence commanding and courageous, stepped forward. It was Victoria Qin. Flanked by her men, dozens of magus in pristine white uniforms, she moved with purpose and authority, filling the area with a sense of order.

As the tension mounted, another figure descended from the sky, hovering above the chaos. He was a renowned three cosmos grand magus of the Qin family, his reputation alone enough to command respect. With a single sentence, his voice imbued with the power and calm of a seasoned leader, he managed to quiet the crowd. "Enough!"

The effect was instantaneous. The crowd, previously teetering on the brink of violence, fell silent, their collective anger momentarily abated by the sheer force of his presence. Seizing the opportunity, Victoria Qin stepped forward, her white uniform gleaming under the sun.

"People of the Golden City, I know you are all angry, but we must not resort to violence! Violence is never the answer!" Her words echoed through the air, reaching the ears of every person present. "Please, believe in us. We will do what is best for our city!"

The crowd, swayed by her impassioned plea, began to calm down. The anger in their eyes slowly gave way to a reluctant acceptance.

Meanwhile, Barry Croft, who had been temporarily incapacitated by the poisonous gas, struggled to his feet. Determined to reclaim his position of influence, he made his way to the forefront, ready to address the crowd. However, by the time he managed to join the fray, the situation had already been defused. Victoria and her formidable contingent of white-uniformed magus had effectively saved the day. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

The entire situation was being observed and reported to Emery through Morgana's eyes. 

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