Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 205: New status

Chapter 205: New status

Yunan was enjoying a dip in the hot pool while checking his new found power, it was much more than he thought, he could feel endless mana flowing through his body, he had the feeling he was blessed with unlimited power as if he could sunder the world and rip the sky apart.

The armour was dormant, it felt empty and lifeless, the sentience it had was nowhere to be found, Yunan could still feed it and let it grow but I could no longer grow sentient, according to the Black Fate, the armor choose to merge with Yunan as the ultimate path to grant Yunan its strength and fulfil the objective it was created for. Finally, Yunan could not stand it and asked the Black Fate for his status and it was wonderful to read.

Name: Yunan the wise prowler

Title: Lucky bastard

Attributes : Strength: 10k, Constitution: 10k, Dexterity: 10k, Wisdom: 10k. (k=kilo=1000).

Skills: Combat mastery: master (encompasses blade, blunt, shield, archery and unarmed). Heavenly smithing: level 80, Appraisal: level 90, Ranging: level 49, Multi-wielding, Multi-casting, Lucky cover, Tactician, Leader, scholar, Invulnerable body (includes all body strengthening skills, reduces all damage taken, grants passive damage buff depending on target), True sight (encompasses all ocular skills like dark sight and heat vision, grants immunity to visual illusion), Voice (includes all vocal skills, like persuasion, taunt, intimidation, pacification, voice range manipulation and voice frequency manipulation), Sound mastery (includes all the skills that make use of sound, like echolocation, sound attacks and muffle), Cooking, Cleaning, Therapeutic massage, Traceless casting, Mapping, Regeneration, Climbing, Water breathing, Flying, Presence (dragon's dignity), Magical body (includes all skills that deal with mana flow, like mana sensitivity and detect magic), Elemental body (includes all skills that grants elements sensitivity and element resistance), Aerodynamic, Hidden (includes all skills that prevents detection like shadow meld and invisibility), Absorption (includes all skills that allows Yunan to absorb mana, water and materials, without digestion), Shapeshift, Detection (includes all skills that allow detection of enemies and danger sensitivity), Metallurgy (identification and acquisition of all metals), Beast taming, Toxicology (includes all skills that creates, handles and absorbs toxins, grants partial immunity to toxins), Navigation, puppetry, weaving, enhanced senses, riding, artist (includes skills like painting, music and acting), mana manipulation, assassination.

Spells : healing (includes all healing spells) all attribute buff, all attribute debuff, toxin flush, pyrokinesis (includes all flame control spells), automated looting, negative status effect application and removal, teleport, spatial shift, spatial lock, cryokinesis (includes all ice and water manipulation spells), Electrokinesis (includes all lighting type spells), aerokinesis (includes all wind type spells, Geokinesis (includes all earth type spells), spell break, elemental coating, mana syphon, maelstrom, camouflage, invisibility, Illusion, Extra Sensory Perception (includes all psychic spells, like telekinesis, telepathy and mental communication), hallowed light(includes all light and holy type spells), twisted nether (includes all dark type spells), divination, shape (includes all creation spells like sculpt, create golem and build totem), raise undead, summon (includes all summoning spells like summon spirit, summon daemon, summon elemental).

Pet: Drogon, Valyrian, 2nd evolution.

Attributes: Strength: 15k, Constitution: 15k, Dexterity: 15k, Wisdom: 15k.

Skills: luck bringer, enhancer, lucky cover, shape-shifting, taunting cry, intimidating roar, imposing presence, flame control, mana syphon.

Pet: Sapphira, Egyptian Mau

Attributes: Strength 11k, Constitution: 13k, Dexterity: 15k, Wisdom: 15k.

Skills: hiding, sprint, leader, stalker, lighting control

Armour: Dragonification, level: 80, draconic nature.

Abilities and enchantments: master mark, self-repair, storage space, camouflaged, hidden presence, isolation, damage reduction, integration.

Integrated effects: contact sensitivity, elemental cores, elemental cloaking,

Resistance: elemental, decay, damage, plague, toxin, detection.

Yunan could barely contain his smile, the number of items he had digested, the spells and skills he got were basically all of them, there were things in there that he did not think he would use, not even in this lifetime, but who knows, it was good to have such things at hand even if he did not know about half of them existing before.

Next came the question "where did all the powers of my armour go and why did I become level 47 as well as become a Dragonborn?". The Black Fate gave the answer almost immediately "the armour has deemed its existence unnecessary of the user could be granted a power that has disappeared from the world, thus it sacrificed its own sentience to transfer all the powers and effects it had digested so far along with all the benefits from those dragon body parts to create a draconic bloodline in the user, a more natural one than most Dragonborn and dragonkin, it also used the blood of the Valyrian companion to guide the creation of the bloodline, it is regrettable that you have not become a full dragon with all that power pumped inside your body, the only reason I can think of is that Tartarus deemed you becoming a Dragonborn is better than becoming a full-fledged dragon".

"It stands to reason that with that amount of power wreaking havoc in your body that you are granted attribute points equal to the damage received, as for the benefit of being Dragonborn instead of a full dragon, is that you currently have both bloodlines of humans and Valyrian dragons coexisting in your body, unlike previous Dragonborn who have parts of either human genome integrated into their dragon bloodline or dragon genome in their human bloodline, in essence you are both dragon and man, the same as the original Dragonborn who were imitated but never truly replicated".

"As for the armour its has become an ordinary one that might regain sentience with years of care and high-grade materials, but that is very unlikely, therefore it has transferred all its abilities to you to make sure you would not lose the aid it granted you after its death, and you were lucky to recover all of it, usually there are losses when doing such massive transfer, but it seems that some of the excess power has been redirected to the preservation of the abilities of the armour, so basically you were just lucky like usual".

Although Yunan was sad to see his armour become a dead object he was nonetheless happy about what he gained from the whole event, especially the fact that he is now both dragon and human, not half or mixed, he was both at the same time, something noteworthy in the history of Burkan. Yunan was so focused on the Black Fate that he did not notice Kitty who has come to celebrate with him whatever made him happy, she jumped inside the hot pool and wrapped herself around him grinning like a fool "what are you so happy about?"

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