D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1219 1219 Another Look at Ulf

Chapter 1219 Chapter 1219 Another Look at Ulf

*Hey, so technically I've used my question asking for you right? Can you ask why the royalty all make fun of the humans and the beastkin?*

[Sure thing.] "Hey Oditr, why are the humans and the beastkin sort of a joke to you guys?" asked Lily.

Oditr raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is that's Kat's question?"

Lily nodded, "Yup but because she asked mine, now I'm asking hers. Just in case you really were sticking to the rule of one question per person," answered Lily.

Oditr let out a small laugh and said, "As long as the questions are ones I'm happy to answer I'm not going to be that strict. Though I suppose I am allowing everyone one uncomfortable question. Think of it as a reward for getting this far in the tournament or something. This one doesn't count as uncomfortable at all… as for the others? Eh I'll think about it.

"Now, the humans and beastkin. We make fun of them for different reasons so I'm not sure who to start with. I guess we'll start with humans considering we've got March here, but no beastkin," March just shrugged and kept eating. "Right the humans… well the big problem they have, is that they're refusing to move on.

"Ulf was… strong. Unbelievably so. Still is I guess. The humans have had him, and his wife around for a LONG time. Even as old as I am, I can't properly comprehend it myself. Even before he was king he'd still be popping up all over the place saving people, and then he was their main general in the war. He wasn't king till after that. What people don't understand, and I didn't either till I asked him…

"Is that Ulf is the single oldest living human… and he has been for a long, long time. He was the oldest living human after just a few centuries of his life. He's a figure that no human can remember NOT existing. He has been part of their culture for centuries. He's like… he's almost the human equivalent of alcohol for dwarves. The idea that he could just… not be there has been unthinkable for generations.

"The fact that he's now NOT THERE is something that all the adults can scarcely comprehend. Even when he handed his crown off, nobody actually believed that he'd just… leave. That he'd really go. Most people thought he'd go train the military again, or maybe become a martial instructor at one of the big academies…

"But he just left, and the whole human population has been reeling ever since. Some of the kids, and I'm talking like, five-year-olds. They're starting to get it, or at least there's hope they will rise up once they're older and show the world that they're fine. That Ulf might be gone from their kingdom, but that they don't need him anymore…

"The really scary thing though? It might not be true. There have been no true contenders for the throne. Heck, Ulf's daughter… um… fekin… no I can't remember her name which is really horrible of me. She's Auctifer's wife and she taught me how to make bows for higher Ranked people properly… but now I keep getting 'Bow Master' stuck in my head because I was calling her that as a joke… shit Marigold help me out here?"

"Artema," answered Marigold.

Oditr snapped her fingers, "Damn that was it. I was thinking Athena for some reason but I knew that was wrong. Anyway, yeah, Artema has been getting calls to come back and be queen for almost as long as they've been bother that one 'totally random' farmer about him actually being Ulf." Explained Oditr.

A round of snorts went across the table. Nobody at all believed that 'random farmer' was actually a normal farmer. In fact, at this point most of the people at the table had caught on to the fact that it was probably Steve that Thyme had invited… and that Steve was almost certainly Ulf.

Oditr continued, "Anyway, the problem they're having is that Artema's not interested in coming back, and even if she was? She can't have kids so this problem will just come up again when she dies or retires. Then there's the fact they keep going after Ulf trying to find him, or if they're right about the 'farmer' they can invite him back…

"But they can't. Ulf can't. I've seen his eyes sometimes, and they look… so very old. I suspect that the only reason he's still around is to help prevent another world war. With him still 'out there' the human kingdom isn't going to be attacked so it's… mostly safe even if it's government isn't doing so well. They're trying at least.

"But yeah… the humans need someone powerful to rise up and claim the title of king and it just doesn't seem to be happening at the moment. It's a problem for us as well… because everyone year or so someone proposes we go off and conquer the humans. They've got some good arguments a lot of the time as well, which makes it worse. I just have to point out the Ulf will never allow it…

"I just don't know how long that excuse will last. Ulf has been staying out of things for a while now, perhaps someone will start poking the humans as a test… and if he keeps doing nothing? We might only have four kingdoms soon,"

Oditr let out a long sigh before shaking her head and continuing. "So yeah, that's why we make fun of the humans. It's because they don't really have a proper ruler, and even though they're trying… as a whole the race is just kinda weak at the moment. They got too comfortable with Ulf to look at for them and now he's as close to being gone as a guy like him can be and they don't know what do to,"

"What do you mean 'Ulf can't'?" asked Burnice. "You said that a bit earlier, and I wanted to ask before you got onto the beastkin,"

Oditr sighed again, "Right well… I'm not entirely sure I should be saying this… but you know what? Ulf can stop me if he damn well wants to. It's mostly stuff I've inferred anyway. The biggest part of it? Old Man Ulf is just… tired. Most people can't comprehend what he's seen, heck I can't comprehend what he's seen either. He was… so important for so long. He's done so much. Killed so many people, so many things. Saved even more lives. Heck, he's fought off natural disasters that threatened the human kingdom more than a few times…

"Yet… I really think his wife dying is what broke him. When he was younger he didn't need her support. Then, when he was older and he found it, it helped him stabilise. Then, together they ruled a nation for what I think is the longest time in recorded history… and when she passed? It was done. Ulf never wanted to rule a nation. He NEEDED to rule a nation, and wanted to support his wife.

"Sometimes I wonder if he'd be better off finding a way to make himself weak again. To find new adventures… but nothing can really touch him. Not that I know of. None of the monsters or beast that I know of couldn't be slain by Ulf. I just… I don't really know what else there is for him to DO if that makes sense?"

"Well allegedly, he's taken up farming," joked Burgandy.

"Indeed, allegedly, he has," agreed Oditr. "Yes… perhaps he wants a simple life for a time? Perhaps he is just weary. I don't really know what anyone can do for him now. He… he's nice and kind and very grandfatherly… but just so, so tired that I can barely stand the weight when he allows it to creep into his eyes and bearing. I wish I knew what I could do for him… but I've got no ideas,"

"Perhaps…" Lily started and then stopped. Oditr turned and looked at Lily with curiosity. "Um… look… I'm sure it's something that has been thought of before…"

"No, go on," said Oditr. "Even if I've heard it before, a new perspective might open some other new ideas,"

"Well… it's just… why not try to figure out a way for him to leave the dimension? I mean… maybe not right now… or until the kingdom has stabilised or whatever… but perhaps… I… well Kat and I know that Rank 5, or even Rank 6 is not the end, even if it IS here. So perhaps he could find somewhere that things even stronger roam?"

"Huh… I don't think anyone has thought to mention that to him," said Oditr in surprise. "I've certainly not thought of it… and really? That could be a great thing for him. Not sure how I'd break it to him… and Thyme would probably be necessary for developing the spell that would let him leave… but it just might work. It might bring the spark back to his eyes."

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