Demons Beside You

Chapter 510 - This Isn’t A Sci-fi Movie, This Is Magic…

Chapter 510: This Isn’t A Sci-fi Movie, This Is Magic...

The two exchanged awkward glances.

Chen Zhao made a gentlemanly move. “Ladies first.”

Margaret thought for a moment. Since she’d come all the way here, there was no reason to stop here.

She walked forward. “Sir, what is your name?”

“Louis Klalime,” the other replied.

When Margaret heard this name, she reflexively raised her head.

Even though she was a doctor, she’d still heard of Louis Klalime’s name before.

Plus, she didn’t think that the handsome Louis Klalime from the media or newspapers would look so miserable now.

Wasn’t this Louis Klalime, the top billionaire from financial newspapers?

“Mr. Klalime, where do you feel uncomfortable?”


Just then, Louis pulled on his right arm with difficulty. He was handcuffed.

“My right arm isn’t under my control,” Louis said. “It keeps destroying and attacking uncontrollably.”

“How is that possible?” Margaret froze. This kind of mental patient was too strange.

Was it dissociative identity disorder?

But with DID, shouldn’t it be two or more personalities fighting for control of the body?

It wouldn’t be only control over a part of the body.

Chen Zhao watched Louis’ right arm from the side.

The right arm was very strange. Chen Zhao sensed an unordinary aura from it.

It was a demon’s aura! A demon was controlling his arm.

No, it should be demonic blood.

Louis Klalime’s body contained a demonic system.

However, his demon blood wasn’t mixed into his own blood like other half-demons.

His demon blood was separated cleanly and only existed in his right arm.

This was like Chen Zhao. His right arm contained demon blood too.

The blood of the Mouth of Gluttony!

Plus, his right arm had lost control before.

But now, he could completely control his right arm.

“It’s coming... It’s coming again... Go, go away! Ah!” Louis suddenly started yelling.

He really wanted to control his right arm, but it wouldn’t follow his will at all.


He broke the handcuffs apart. The entire metal rod on the headboard of the bed was broken.

Scared, Margaret hurriedly stepped back.

Louis reached out his right arm and snapped the metal rod.

He swung it down at Margaret, scaring the wits out of her.

Just then, a hand grasped Louis’ right arm.

His right arm was indeed strong, but it was just weak to Chen Zhao.

It wasn’t even like 1,000 kilograms. Chen Zhao easily controlled Louis’ with his left arm.

“You...” Louis stared at Chen Zhao with shock.

Chen Zhao raised his left arm, lifting Louis to the air.

“So strong.” Margaret stared at Chen Zhao in surprise.

On the plane, he must have been the one who’d pulled the cabin door’s lever.

Louis’ right arm was still trying to struggle, but Chen Zhao held it in his iron grip.

Chen Zhao suddenly frowned. He could feel the power in Louis’ right arm strengthening.

“Margaret, can you go out for a bit?”

“Why? I am Mr. Klalime’s doctor.”

“But you can’t do anything here. Louis doesn’t have a mental disorder.”

“No, I believe he has a mental disorder. I think it’s a type of dissociative identity disorder.”

Margaret insisted stubbornly on her own opinion. Chen Zhao threw Louis down.

Louis broke the bed and Margaret yelled, “How can you do that? How can you treat Mr. Klalime like that?”

Just then, Louis climbed up.

“Miss Margaret, please go out.” Louis already realized that something was amiss with his right arm.

Scales were growing out of his right arm. This was obviously not normal.

It wasn’t because of some disease either. His right arm had mutated.

“Mr. Klalime, please believe me. I can help you solve this problem. That illegal doctor isn’t right in the head himself. There’s no way he can solve your problem.”

Chen Zhao’s face darkened. Not right in the head?

Didn’t I just talk to the air for a few minutes on the plane?

“Please go out!” Louis yelled.

“Mr. Klalime...”

“Someone come and help Margaret out.”

Margaret was unwillingly taken out of the bedroom. Then Louis finally stood up.

By now, his arm was very thick and he even warped the metal rod in his hand.


Louis’ right arm smashed heavily onto the ground. The black lines that snaked from his right arm covered his right cheek.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong with me?” Louis asked with difficulty. “I feel that it’s my entire right side of the body that’s losing control, not just my arm.”

“There is the blood of another species in you. It’s fighting for control of your body.”

“Stop joking around. This isn’t a sci-fi movie.”

Suddenly, Louis punched at Chen Zhao without any warning.

Chen Zhao also raised his right arm and punched squarely at Louis’ fist.

He took a step back, but Louis went flying. He smashed into the wall with a loud collision.

“Did you hear that?” Margaret yelled outside. “That Chinese man is messing around... No treatment is like that.”

“Boss.” Right then, a few people ran in from outside. They’d heard the noise and come to check the situation.

“Get out. No one is allowed to come in without my permission. Get out!”

The people saw that Louis had been hit, but since their boss didn’t care, they couldn’t do anything either. They could only exit from the bedroom.

As Louis breathed heavily, his arm swelled in size again.

Chen Zhao walked over slowly. “Of course this isn’t from a sci-fi movie. This should be from a fantasy movie.”

“It’s coming again. It seems to be really angry. Give me an idea. Hurry and give me an idea.”

“It’s simple. Disable it,” Chen Zhao said. “It’s okay. It’s just a moment and you’ll be okay.”

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