Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 283 - Youre Safe

Chapter 283 - You're Safe

Whilst Atlantis was deep in his coma, so was Lina. The two had been unconscious for more than a day now, worrying everyone around them.

"You're horrible," the Queen instantly said to her husband the second she heard of what happened. "Under my own roof, as well!"

"My sweet, if I had told you my plan, you wouldn't approve of it," the King gently coaxed his wife, grabbing her and pulling her into his gentle embrace. He was worried she was standing for far too long. Ever since the birth of their child, she had never been able to walk the same. The doctors said she could never run. That was more than ten years ago. The truth remained.

Adeline, in all her beauty and grace, would never be able to run again. Her walking improved and so had her endurance. She could stand for longer periods of time, but her knees would eventually wobble, and she'd collapse without warning.

Due to her instability, Elias always held her close. He was worried there would be a day he wasn't there to catch her.

"As if I approve of it now," Adeline snapped, shoving him away.

Adeline approached the bed, but froze at the dark and dangerous beast. There was a beast guarding the bed, his eyes the color of blood, and his lips set into a thin line. She was out of breath from how handsome he appeared. Don't get her wrong.

Adeline knew her husband was charismatic, but this man was a completely different story. Kaden was tall and suave, his eyes sly as a fox, jaws sharp as knife, and jaggard attributes. He was more dangerous than he was alluring. Her husband's face was seductive, the kind that made heads turn. Kaden's features held a person's gaze for a long time.

"What do you want?" Kaden snapped at the Queen.

"Watch your tone," Elias snarled at the brute.

"How is she faring?" Adeline asked, despite both of their roughness.

Adeline could never understand their need to puff out their chest and figuratively bang it. Was it that difficult to get along? They were all worried about the same thing.

"Could've been a lot better had you not poisoned her," Kaden seethed, throwing her a disgusted glance before returning to his dying wife.

Kaden remained by the edge of the bed. He held her hand for so long that it began to grow clammy. Despite his irritable words, he gently pulled the blanket higher. She had turned and groaned too much in her sleep.

Kaden was beginning to grow more anxious by the minute. She had drunk the antidote. The doctor checked her pulses. There was virtually nothing wrong with her. The poison was pumped from her stomach. Her vitals were stable. Through and through, nothing was amiss. Even so, Lina ahd not opened her eyes.

Sweat gathered between her brows. Kaden quickly grabbed the cold towel by the bedside. He wiped her forehead clean. Then, he softly adjusted her hair back in place.

"For a rogue, you sure know how to treat her well," Elias murmured, leaning against the pole of the canopy bed. He peered down at the couple, realizing what a dashing pair they were.

Adeline made the same observation. She knew her gut could never betray her. She didn't trust Atlantis when he said Lina was his woman. There was no way. The sapphire ring was far too pale for Lina's fingers and she wore it like a dog collar instead. Holding back a sigh, she didn't know where Atlantis was. He disappeared.

Adeline only knew one thing. Kaden intended to hurt her. When the shootout happened, Elias carried her to safety alongside their children. When he was certain they'd be safe in the hide-out behind the painting, a group of men tore the cover down. They wore heat sensored cameras.

"She's paler than yesterday," Adeline worriedly said whilst twisting her wedding ring. A deep frown marred her face. She was frightful that something could happen to the lovely girl.

"No thanks to you," Kaden spat out, casting her a furious glare.

"Sassy," Adeline muttered, glancing towards the window outside.

It was raining. Water hailed from the sky in large droplets. She still remembered her children being held at gunpoint. But that was not where her anger stemmed from. It was the man that led the group.


Adeline instantly recognized the man from his eyes. Hazel didn't resemble him, but her eyes did. They said the eyes were the window to the soul, and Hazel's was crafted from her father.

"You will speak to my wife with respect," Elias snapped at the irritating man.

Kaden scoffed.

"It's fine," Adeline muttered. "We poisoned his wife, did we not?"

Elias narrowed his eyes. He refused to let that be a reason for the argument when Kaden had captured his children and wife. It turned out the man wasn't bluffing in the hallway.

"Where are our children?" Elias asked his wife.

Ever since the incident passed and they've been released, Elias was unnerved. He couldn't fathom the idea that someone could've captured his own children from his flawless plan. Now, Elias would need a safer hideout spot for his children. He always thought the painting idea was brilliant.

Even as they spoke, Elias's secret team of construction was building an impenetrable bunker.

"Last time I checked in with their security, they're in their Advanced Algebra class," Adeline responded.

There was no denying the prodigies Adeline birthed. Sometimes, she wished they weren't so smart. That way, they could grow up with a normal childhood.

"Not for long," Kaden said under his breath, just to frighten them.

"They'll be there for as long as children should," Adeline bit out. She knew the man wouldn't dare to do anything, especially with an unconscious Lina. Then, she realized that was false. He'd kidnap her if he could. She knew because her husband would do the same.

Kaden simply returned his attention back to Lina. She stirred in her rest, her brows growing taunt. She let out a small whimper, struggling against the blanket. Without warning, she kicked at the material.

"Shh, shh, it's alright," Kaden reassured her.


Kaden patted her on the chest, as one would to a child with nightmares. Tears slipped from her eyes. His heart broke on the spot, if that was even possible anymore. He realized all of his pain stemmed from her. Her rejection. Her escape. Everything agonized him. When he saw her in a wedding dress, all alone by the altar, sobbing and shaking, he nearly lost it.

"You're safe," Kaden said in a voice too low for anyone else to hear. Only she could.

Kaden never wanted to see her vulnerable. He never liked to see her cry. Her tears were his weakness. All she had to do was shed tears and he'd do anything for her. He wanted to hold her closer to him, but she had an IV drip attached.

Suddenly, there was a rough knock on the door.

"Come in," Adeline called out, since the rest were horrible hosts.

Adeline wondered how they were going to possibly survive without her. Kaden refused to eat anything. Elias refused to let Kaden out of his sight. The two were inseparable. They might as well get married!

"Boss," Sebastian stated, but paused when two pairs of eyes snapped towards him.

"Your Majesty, Your Grace," Sebastian reluctantly greeted them as he stepped through the doors. Even though his Boss despite the royal family, he had no choice, but to oblige.

How could he not?

Sebastian knew how wealthy the royal family was. Once this mess was settled, he hoped there could be a good business deal between them. Wraith laws had set up restrictions against a few of Dehaven Conglomerate apps. Despite DeHaven Conglomerate's lobbying with Wraith politics, things were barely budging.

"Boss," Sebastian continued. He briskly walked to his Boss's side and bent to whisper the information. Then, he paused, realizing there were two other Pure-Bloods in the room.

Sebastian strained up. He knew Pure-Blood senses were heightened, even if there were only two genuine ones, and an ingenuine one—the Queen. The Queen wasn't born a Pure-Blood, thus she was just a fake who had the blood of a Pure-Blood injected into her.

Sebastian quickly typed out the information onto his tablet in small font.

Kaden took a silent glance at the device.

[We've located Atlantis in a hospital one city over.]

Kaden glanced at Lina. Her tears had dried up, but there were small puddles on the pillow. He could only seem to frown nowadays. He paid for the information no mind. Instead, he adjusted her arms and tucked the blanket over her again. Seeing the knots on her forehead, he caressed back her hair. Gently, he placed a kiss upon her forehead.

Lina relaxed. Her hard breathing slowed into a rhythmic one. Seeing her relaxed, Kaden returned to the tablet.

[Ready our snipers.]

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