Daomu Biji: Restart

Book 1: Chapter 37

Book 1: Chapter 37

"We found that big amplifier in Yang Daguang's ancestral grave, I said to Fatty. It was pointed at the South Sea Kings coffin, right? In that tomb, we could hear all the sounds on the mountain clearly. Fatty nodded and I continued, "I think the Yang familys tomb was built according to this South Sea Kings tomb. This thing is a huge sound amplifier, which collects the surrounding sounds from the whole tomb."

"Like thunder?" Fatty asked and looked at the ceiling. "The seaside isnt a good place to listen to thunder."

I shook my head. The South Sea King didn't want to hear the decibels of thunder, he wanted to hear the frequency (1). And he could hear the frequency more clearly under this sea rock since it could also filter out all the echoes.

The whole tomb was a huge "listening device". But it wasnt for listening to the sounds of the earth, it was for listening to the sounds of the heavens.

Everything on the walls was specially designed for this purpose. But as time went on, the ancient tomb was covered by a thick mudflat and the thunder was muffled.

If people's ears were covered, they would hear the internal sounds of their bodies, like their heartbeat and blood flow. In other words, after the outside noises were cut off, the pipes in this ancient tombs walls started to pick up the underground sounds.

These sounds gathered and amplified in the ancient tomb through a huge sound collecting device. As the numerous sounds gathered together, it created a sound like a boisterous market.

The sounds we had been hearing were the underground noises covered by the mudflat. But where were the sounds coming from? They sounded just like a large group of people talking.

Were there a lot of people buried under this mudflat? Or was this mudflat very special?

And why did South Sea King build an ancient tomb here? Couldnt he have done it somewhere else? If he was listening to thunder here even though there was something wrong with the underground area, was there a special reason?

I looked up and thought of the abandoned tomb passage.

If there was an answer, it was probably up there in the abandoned passage. Why did they abandon it?

Fatty was thinking the same thing and nodded to me, "Go up and have a look?"

I nodded. We couldnt get into the tomb chamber right now and Liu Sang's situation was unknown, so it was better to find out what we could.


TN Notes:

(1) Decibels is like the intensity/loudness of sound. Frequency is like how often it occurs (the number of cycles of a sound wave in one second). The higher the frequency, the more high-pitched a sound is perceived.

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