Collide Gamer

Chapter 765 – At home

Chapter 765 – At home


“…so that’s what’s happening over there right now,” the Gamer said, as he put his signature under another document. He was going through the most boring part of the work day, the one where he had to scribble his name, corrections or questions on documents. Once that was done, he had to scan the document, file the resulting image file properly on his computer, then print a physical copy to file properly in actual files and then the original document would be sent back to whomever he received it from.

It was an incredibly repetitive task and he had to do it for about 73 separate pieces of documentation. It would have been great if he could say ‘paper’ but most of these forms were stacks of five pages and upwards. If anyone ever thought that being the leader of any organization was exciting, they had not fought on the paper trail. The only entertainment provided on this battlefield was the flash of the scanner and the ‘brrrrrr’ of the printer.

Normally, he loved to delegate all of this to Beatrice, who could do everything except for the signing. The passive maid thrived on monotonous tasks, while John was barely able to stomach the necessity for them. Any other assistant could have also taken this burden from him, it was low-skilled labour that only required basic knowledge about the filing system they used, but most of the documents handled were classified in some fashion. Right at this moment, John was scanning the details of the newest military provided contact lenses, lining out the attributes of the new series that would go into mass production next month. That wasn’t anything he wanted random people’s eyes on.

He would also have needed to wear pants, which was almost as big of an issue.

‘Of course, that girl over there could try helping me, but I think that’d do more harm than good,’ John thought and looked over to the person he had been talking to in the first place. Bored, Eliza was sitting on Beatrice’s glass table and browsed the web. ‘Alternatively, this one could do a lot of good, but I think she doesn’t feel like it.’ His eyes wandered over to Scarlett, who was lying in the foldaway bed of the office, her phone in hand and likely going through her own workload. Both were very much naked. “Neither of you seem particularly enthusiastic about this news.”

“The creepy blonde has been found, fucking hurray!” Eliza exclaimed. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m actually happy that her bony ass is back on the menu, as weird as that literally soulless bitch is, but just hearing it said during your regular reports doesn’t exactly inspire me to go all crazy happy.”

“Ditto,” Scarlett just noted from the side-lines. “Except she isn’t literally soulless, Eliza, get that right.”

“I’m sorry, literally has an empty fucking soul. Better, techno-cunt?”

“Better would be if you were the slightest bit respectful.”

“An Eliza that was promised to choke on dick for an hour but hasn’t felt balls on her chin for an hour is a pissy Eliza,” the blood mage grumbled loudly. “How come you can’t fucking manage that, John?! You basically run two minds separate from each other, but you can’t differentiate between two cocks?”

“Libido,” the Gamer responded and sighed. He had put the paper into the scanner the wrong way around and now the thing was upside down. “Scarlett, why does our work program not have a way to flip an image?”

“Because I can’t patch every last fucking thing so quickly,” the Technomancer retorted. “Also, because the rage mails the technical support gets because of it are hilarious. Anyway, can you continue the explanation because I’m actually wondering about that as well.”

“Well, see, if you have a Libido well over 100, it gets pretty hard to just ‘ignore’ such impulses,” he explained. “I can keep my composure, but you lot make me feel way too good to ignore. That aside, even if I COULD do that, it doesn’t change the fact that both of my bodies ejaculate at the same time, meaning the main problems persist.” He had gone through the motions and now had the document scanned the correct way around. “I would personally love to see this patched. If you ask me, it’s pretty stupid that the most independent Extension is bound to the same ejaculation and sleep timers. I feel like I should have an option to de-sync these things. Dealing with time zones is going to be a total bitch down the line.”

“Girls, say ‘thank you, Gaia, you’re the best’,” the Gamer instructed.

“Did she just patch exactly what you wanted?” The redheaded Technomancer perched up on the bed, likely wondering if it was finally time to get under that table. Since most of the girls were out and about right now, the blowjob duty fell on a limited few. It was very good that three of those were the two biggest masochists and the queen with the deepthroat addiction. Not that Metra didn’t pull her weight when it came to taking shifts, being his sex slave and all that.

“No, she is going to patch exactly what I want,” he responded. “After the first challenge.”

“Ah.” Scarlett laid back down. “So, another day of only opportunistic dicksucking. Fantastic, just the kind of stress relief I was looking for.”

“How about you take the time to catch up on some sleep instead?” John suggested.

“I slept 13 hours today because you had Metra force me to stay in bed and I lost about 12 million because of it.”

“You didn’t lose that money; you just didn’t make it.”

“What’s the difference?” Scarlett smiled at him, making clear she was just joking.

Eliza lowered her head until her chin rested on the table. “I just wanted to spend my Sunday morning feeling the air in my lungs getting used up as I struggle to keep my dom’s fat cock in my useless little throat,” the submissive whined. “Why are you even working on a Sunday?!”

“Because sometimes people decide it’s best if they send every bit of half-finished work elsewhere on a Saturday evening, so they get the feeling it’s not their problem anymore over the weekend.” A few moments of coordination between his two minds followed and the ambassador double smirked. “Well, you might just be in luck. I’m currently getting told where I can stay in Paradise. The challenges will play out over next week.”

“So, you don’t have anything else to do over there?” Eliza asked.

“Except for fucking on Miami Beach, yes,” the Gamer responded and tapped on the table, gladly taking the excuse to stop with the constant scanning for a few moments. “Break is about to be over, girls. Come here, I need to put the restraints back on before you get under the table.”

Eliza was much quicker at hurrying over. Although she knew all the motions already, she stopped next to John’s chair and let him ‘force’ her into the right position. Grabbing her by the arm, he forced her to bend forwards. Excitedly, the blood mage began to fidget. “Stay still,” John reprimanded, smacking her on the ass, once he had gotten up.

The fidgeting was reduced to a steady quiver, coercing little moans and a quickly growing wetness between her legs. The Gamer had to hold back to not take her over the table. Not only was this against the spirit of the work environment, but his actual body was still not in a private setting. He did his best to ignore the sweet beckoning of her purplish-pink pussy lips, and instead grabbed the restraints from his inventory.

It was a pair of leather cuffs, each with a clasp, that he wrapped tightly around her wrists with a few skilled movements and then linked together behind her back. Those in position, he produced a butt plug as well, lubricated it with Eliza’s own love juices, and pushed it into her back entrance. “Master,” the masochistic submissive panted afterwards, “can I have my gag as well?”

“Hmmm,” he hummed, genuinely needing to think about it. “No, I want you to use your lips and the ring gag would get in the way.” She made a disappointed noise, and John slapped her on the other ass cheek. “Your master has spoken, what do you say, submissive?”

“Thank you for even considering it, Master,” Eliza panted, only for the whole table to shake when John gave her a third slap with all the strength his Extension could muster. It was enough for the blood mage to yelp and throw her head back. “Thank you, thank you!” she repeated feverishly, while John slipped two fingers into her cunt and brought her to a quick orgasm.

“Under the table with you, before I forget myself,” John commanded, and she obeyed, chasing after the rewarding pleasure of his magical orders. “Scarlett, present yourself,” he then gave another one to the redhead that had been waiting her turn.

It was more fun ordering Scarlett around because she always retained a bit of wilful pride even when she was following her submissive instincts. Seeing the slight scowl on her face while she pushed out her ass fuelled his lust in many ways. He put the cuffs and butt plug on her as well and, after a few moments of deliberation, added a blindfold.

“No using your powers, except for emergencies, while you service me today,” he told her. “Do you understand?”

“That’s a waste o-“ A slap on her ass caused her to stop talking as the intense gasp overpowered her words. “Fucker, I-“ A second slap. “Listen to me, I have to-“ A third one. Before she could get any more complaints out, he gently grabbed her by the throat with one hand. Not enough to properly restrict her breathing, but enough to send a signal.

“Do you understand, Scarlett?” John asked for a second time.

“Meritocracy,” the Technomancer stated that single word with authority, and John immediately took all hands off her, only lifting the blindfold so she could look at him properly. That was their safe word and he knew she wouldn’t use it without good reason. “Seriously, I’m doing something important right now, so I can’t oblige that one.”

“Shame,” John sighed, as he would have loved having her undivided attention. “Nothing else you want removed though?”

“Just continue on at getting me off, you magnificent asshole,” she answered, and John pulled the blindfold back into position with a smile. He grabbed her by the hair and not-so-gently pulled her with him as he sat down. He groped her body for a little bit; except for her ass, most of her was pretty lean. After he had brought her to orgasm by kissing her and playing with her flat tits, he shoved her under the table.

Eliza helped her fellow masochist settle in the right position; blind as Scarlett was at the moment, it would have taken her a bit of feeling around to face the correct position on her own. With a few nudges of the blood mage’s shoulder, they soon had their faces side by side and parts of their torso pressed together. Their mouths were wide open, tongues stretched out and tasting the air, thick with John’s cologne and sexual energy.

All the Gamer had to do was roll forwards with his swivel chair. “Say ‘Gaia is the best’, girls,” he said, keeping the desired cock just out of their reach. He needed to tease them for over ten seconds before they finally broke.

“”Gaia is the best!”” they exclaimed, and he went back to work, boxing them in under the table.


In Florida, the Gamer’s actual body felt a strong urge to lose his pants. “Siena, could you come here for a second?” he asked, and, slightly confused, the moonshade elemental strut over. As close as the elementals were to him, they could not directly sense what was going on with the Extension. Not if the double was that far away and not if they weren’t hooked up to it. “Bend over,” he commanded.

“Oh?” Siena looked down on the visibly pulsing tent in John’s pants and grinned. “Why would I?”

John did not have the time to barter with her. That she had been the closest when this necessity had risen had been a stroke of bad luck. “Pick something you want, just bent over already!” he demanded, not sure how long he could hold on. The pants vanished and left a dick ready to explode out for the viewing.

Licking her lips, the shadow spirit said, “I’ll do you the favour for the pleasure’s sake,” while turning around. Her hands had barely connected with the back of the armchair when John grabbed her by the hips and plunged into her. For another drawn-out moment, he felt the tension in his body, then her hellish pussy assaulted him from all sides. Tiny tendrils wiggled, caressing him like ten-thousand tongues, rolling and contracting like pulsing folds and exuding steady lubrication. None of that was necessary to send him over the edge, as he came the second he pressed his groin against her squishy ass.

While he would have gotten off either way, it was undeniable that Siena’s insides were heightening the ecstasy of the moment. Especially once his seed caused her to climax herself. Instinctively, her insides clenched around him and rippled, aiming to wring every last drop available from his shaft.

“Whew,” he sighed once it was over. “Thanks… could you let me go?” Siena’s tail had wrapped around his midriff and was now making it impossible for him to pull out.

Grinning devilishly over her shoulder, the silver-blue eyed elemental made her answer clear before she even said anything. Constellation covered hands held on more tightly to the couch. “You will need my assistance again anyway in a few minutes, won’t you?” she asked in her sensual voice and gyrated her ass seductively, her folds doing their own work to bring him great pleasure. “Spare yourself the effort, you are already right where you need to be.”

She wasn’t exactly wrong, so John, while feeling both Scarlett’s throat and Siena’s cunt, just resigned himself to scanning his temporary home from where he was.

It was a charming apartment of medium size, the kind that a student graduate could afford after having the lucky break of landing a job in their area of expertise but before the years needed to climb the corporate ladder. A living room bordered on a bedroom. While the latter was barely large enough to contain the queen-sized bed and two nightstands, the living room had the space to accommodate a wall system with standing flatscreen, a couch, two armchairs and a minibar. Said minibar was fully stocked and located next to the kitchen door. Through Aclysia’s eyes, John spied that it could be accessed from the other side of the wall as well.

‘I am developing a disdain for kitchens that are separated from the main room,’ the weaponized maid let him know while she checked the equipment. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it had all the necessities and some extras like a toaster and a microwave, so they would manage. ‘A housemaid should have the privilege to watch her master over the counter while she cooks and see the reactions of the crowd to the smell of her food.’

‘I just want to see your smile while you prepared my meals,’ John gave his rationale why he preferred open kitchens. On a more pragmatic note, it was just easier if everyone could grab the food from the counter without having to funnel through the choke point of a door. That reason wouldn’t have gotten the beaming happiness from his first maid, however.

‘Our reasons aren’t that different then, my John, for I want to see you whenever possible.’ She stuck her head out of the kitchen door to watch him instead. “I desire Master’s attention next,” she announced.

“You will have to wait for a little while, servant,” Siena mocked in a friendly bantering way.

“If my patience is drained, you will find that slicing bread is a skill that can be extended to make butts a whole lot flatter,” Aclysia warned.

“Oh, you would deprive your ‘master’ of one of his beloved behinds?”

“In the emergency case that it would be healthier for him, sure.”

“You mean if he doesn’t give you enough attention to satiate your crazy side.”

The weaponized maid opted not to answer, only cleared her throat and vanished back in the kitchen. John, in the meantime, shifted mental attention to Undine, who inspected the bath. ‘Tiny tub, no jacuzzi,’ she told him when she felt his mind. Indeed, the bathroom was little more than a sink, a joined shower-tub unit, a toilet and a washing machine.

‘Guess we’ll have to look for some sort of public bath then,’ John thought. That would make things slightly awkward with the post orgy clean-up. Orgies that would doubtlessly happen repeatedly because, aside from the general proclivity of the group towards them, they were stuck in a space too small for their numbers and the only distraction was a television. Thankfully, public sex was A-Okay around here, so they didn’t need to confine their fun times to this area.

“Well, let’s kill the time until tomorrow,” the Gamer said.

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