Collide Gamer

Chapter 753 – Trio Date

Chapter 753 – Trio Date


Yawning, John sat at the breakfast table and resisted the urge to grab his phone. It would have looked like he was bored with the presence of his girls. Although there was a lull in the conversation, there was plenty to be entertained by. The actual reason why he tried to dodge looking at his phone was that there would be some notifications on it, guaranteed, that pulled him towards work. Some minor incident or two competing administrators accusing each other of completely misusing the law and insisting that the highest authority in the land had to declare who was right. Something was always up.

Getting into the habit of looking at these things during breakfast was a shortcut towards never having relaxed mornings ever again. Therefore, he left the technical device in his inventory and instead yawned a second time, before deciding that this was the morning on which he went for a fourth slice of toast.

“Eliza, Undine, Siena,” he suddenly spoke up, “we’re going on a date today.”

“Sure fucking thing!” Eliza just agreed, despite this coming out of nowhere.

“That does sound… tempting,” Siena sighed in her overtly sexualized voice. “You will make it worth my while, I am sure.”

In contrast to those two, the abysstide elemental did have some reservations about this. While nibbling on a piece of chocolate, slowly melting it and absorbing it that way, she tilted her head. A moment later, John shoved back her inquiringly advancing spirit and gave her an amused look. Undine didn’t show any change in her expression, tried a second time, and was pushed out again. A third try prodded around John’s mental defences, the water spirit trying to flow in under the door. To no avail, John was vigilant, and Undine found her mind once more unable to connect to his.

Now she looked a bit annoyed, swallowed the rest of the chocolate and stared at him. The black, mascara-like shadow around her eyes emphasized the narrowing of her lids as she tried to punch through with a series of precise strikes. None of them went past, the Gamer was the master of his own mental facilities.

Finally, Undine gave up and resigned herself to the fact that she had to have the conversation out loud. “Is this to cheer me up?” she asked and leaned forwards.

“In part,” John responded and almost spread the butter over his hand, rather than the toast, as a big display of glistening slime girl cleavage distracted him. Two magnificent orbs that spilled on the table. He managed to concentrate long enough to do things correctly and throw some meat on top of the melting, salted animal fat. “Mostly, I want to take you out to the mundane world. I think that’d be interesting.”

While Siena didn’t have a way to hide herself through shapeshifting, the new clothes John had gotten her allowed her to participate regardless. If there was a single issue, it was that Siena didn’t have body heat. She was as cool as the moon looked in the summer night. Which, metaphors aside, wasn’t actually that cold. About 24 degrees Celsius, according to a thermometer. Not cold enough to make John’s love-making sessions unpleasant. However, prolonged contact with a mundane person could lead to some minor issues. She would already have to keep her distance from others, otherwise someone could brush against her invisible tail.

John was willing to take those small risks.

“What’s the other parts?” Undine continued her inquiry.

“I get to show off three of my girls to the public.” John grinned and pointed at Undine, Eliza and then Siena in turn. “The goth lover with the big tits; the emotionally unstable, submissive girl-toy; and the sadistic, chocolate redhead.” Those were in reference to their human disguises. Well, except for Siena, they were pretty much true regardless. “AND,” he finished his explanation, “I get to have fun doing it, so it’s a triple win.”

“Still onboard,” Eliza declared. “Although I have no fucking idea what you have in mind.”

“Neither do I, but New York is big, we’ll find something,” John suggested and shrugged. “I’ll just leave Jack to do the paperwork. Beatrice, do I have any meetings I HAVE to attend to this afternoon?”

“Negative,” Beatrice kept the answer simple. “Although the blowjob schedule will be affected because of this.”

“Already on it,” Rave mused, hanging on her phone. That was more than just her taking this burden off John, his girlfriend moving so the date would run smoothly was clear approval of it happening. “Ya three will lose your timeslots this morning, cause, ya know, fair game.”

Undine and Eliza nodded, while Siena grumbled something but kept any actual complaints to herself. After that, they finished breakfast and John went to work. It wasn’t as quiet as he had hoped. With no backlog, all he got was what fluttered in throughout the day.

Today, one of those things happened to be a mediation between two (now locally elected) guild leaders that apparently had a bloody history that stretched back a few generations. Both seemed intent on continuing their feud by whatever means possible – except those that would cause John to send over Metra to eliminate both sides of the conflict. Because of that, there was no way John could have condemned either of them, and if he got rid of both over a fight that stayed verbal, that wouldn’t have served him either.

The level of mutual hatred was high enough that even John’s outstanding Charisma failed to deliver any results in a timely fashion. For an hour, he had to listen to past complaints, carefully navigate his responses to stay impartial and wonder whether it was even worth keeping them on his good side. Given that they were both going to be members of the House of Commons, the answer to that was yes.

In the end, John solved it in a rather basic way: he paid one of them to completely move out of the neighbourhood, so the two would never have to see each other on their turfs again. John also got a hundred-some Abyssals into the sparsely populated south that way, so it was a win-win. A very long-winded win, since both parties wanted to be the one to stay. Only after repeatedly and carefully sweetening the deal did one of them cave and agree.

When John finally put down the phone, he spent ten full minutes face-fucking Aclysia. Not only was he immensely frustrated that he had lost a full hour worth of experience, but that amount of time without sex left the Gamer horny anyway. Especially since the weaponized maid had waited under the table the entire time.

If he hadn’t paid extensive attention to her afterwards, there was also a chance that Aclysia would have some colourful ideas about what to do with the two gentlemen that had prevented her from tending to her master for half of her two-hour shift. It wouldn’t have been pretty. An Aclysia that had a vibrator stuffed into her pussy, got face-fucked and commanded to cum repeatedly, however, was a kind and forgiving woman. Another fifty minutes of regular serving smoothed over her remaining frustrations.

After that, the work day went on as normal and John called it earlier than usual, leaving at 14 o’clock and teleported back home. He came into his apartment just in time to watch and help his dates get dressed. Eliza was the quickest since she liked to stick with the same clothes: black leather pants, black t-shirt, a tad oversized, and the black choker that hid her hair and unhumanly pale complexion under a layer of brunette and a comprehensible level of whiteness. For shoes, given the weather, she went with sandals. No bra.

Siena also refused to keep her breasts contained. With her otherworldly body, sagging was less of an issue. That aside, John was a firm believer in the science that suggested bras didn’t even help with sagging and should be, except to exercise easier, completely ignored as a clothing article. Of course, he wasn’t an actual expert on bra science, so that might be totally wrong as far as he knew. He just liked to imagine that it was false, because he liked to see things jiggle and nipples poking through shirts was strangely alluring.

Speaking of alluring, Siena decided that the best way to cover these huge breasts of hers was to wear a tank top that created an absolutely scandalous amount of cleavage. It was cropped as well, mostly because she needed to keep her lower back free to accommodate the tail. The extra appendage being invisible was due to Siena’s own powers, that it didn’t look like she had a hole in her lower back was thanks to the clothes.

The white colour of the top elevated the milk chocolate tan of her illusionary skin, the colour change active once she put on black-framed glasses and pendant. The teardrop-shaped amethyst nestled between her boobs. It was basically impossible not to stare.

John knew this would get him a bit angry over the course of the day because some sleazy gazes would linger longer than he found appropriate. However, between his possessiveness and his pride, the latter won out and he was much happier to show her off.

For legwear, she took a pencil-skirt in dark grey. Paired with the illusion of black high-heels that layered on top of her natural foot shape, she got something between the sexy teacher and sexy secretary look. The silky, dark red hair only helped to increase the impression.

Undine took the longest to pick her clothes. She wore a fusion between a t-shirt and a corset for the upper half. The latter was mostly decoration; the criss-cross running strings did a little bit to emphasize her waist, but didn’t have the restrictive properties of a proper corset. Not that there was anything to restrict anyway. If there had been, the slime girl could have just adjusted her overall body shape.

Although not quite as intense as Siena’s display, Undine’s boobs did their own work to stretch out her choice of top and create a delicious, pale cleavage. The clothes did a much better job at hiding the majority of it though. Unnecessary as its magical properties were for her, Undine also put on the choker and, finally, surprisingly normal pants. Not that it mattered, her hourglass figure turned them into a deadly weapon regardless. Black shoes that technically classified under high-heels, but were neither that high nor that pointy, rounded up the image.

She was playing a fair bit to John’s newly discovered taste for her gothic appearance and he loved her for it. Variety was very important, especially when it resonated so nicely with the black hair and the natural mascara around her eyes. It was enough to be noticeable, but not nearly enough to look forced or too slutty. It was in the small area between casual and classy.

John himself decided, after a shower, that he would go out in a light grey shirt and a pair of jeans. As comfortable as his suit was, he wanted to wear something else every now and again. All of that done, they headed out. A quick stroll over to the Transport Station and they teleported to the mainland. John did NOT want to take the tourist ferry off Liberty Island. Not only was it unnecessarily inconvenient, but seeing the real-world Lady Liberty up close made it feel inadequate, given the number of upgrades he had made on his end to the statue and her surroundings.

Instead, they emerged in Manhattan and just started walking. Once they hit the edge of the barrier, John left it and pulled his elementals with him. Since she was in his party and nearby, John was also able to take Eliza with him. Like basically everything else about the supportive or utility side of his powers, she could have resisted such a move, but then she would have needed to just follow them on her own.

Once in reality, John just strolled up Broadway. For the moment, they were walking separately. There were too many obstacles, signs, scaffolds, trashcans, not to mention the people, that they could have moved about as a three to four people wide unit. Instead, they moved in the typical group fashion, sticking closely together but separating if a particularly hurried person didn’t feel like there was another path but through them. Which happened quite often. For more reasons than the hurry.

“Did you really fucking have to put your tits on a showcase?” Eliza asked after she was almost trampled over for the third time, being considerably shorter than the average guy and said average guy being distracted by something off to the side. “We are trying to have a date; you are dressed like you want to be sold at the local ‘let’s-get-rid-of-old-shit’ auction as some sort of multi-use tool that contains a full knife set, fleshlights and two giant, useless jugs!”

“I think the people here know how to appreciate beauty,” Siena purred, smiling at the third guy who clearly checked her out in passing. Looking down on Eliza, in a deliberately mocking fashion, she added, “You know you could just grow bigger ones. You should be able to put a bit of fat tissue into your tits.”

“Yes, yes, and I could grow to become some woman that has legs like stiltz if I fucking wanted to, shut the fuck up, you stalking piece of shit!”

“Stop complaining about my body if you can change your own but don’t,” Siena nonchalantly reached out to Undine mid-walking and cupped the breast closer to her. Equally relaxed, she then lifted that jiggling thing a few times. “Be like Undine here, a quiet and good girl.”

The abysstide elemental indeed seemed to care fairly little. Neither about Siena’s actions nor about the reaction this solicited from the nearby public. Not until Eliza dodged a fourth person and shouted, “IF YOU TURN TOO DUMB TO OPEN A BANANA WHEN SEEING A CLEAVAGE, GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT AND GET A FUCKING DOG TO GUIDE YOU AROUND!”

She got a very typical New York City answer with a less creative but just as enthusiastic combination of swear words. Grabbing Eliza, John forced the group to move on before the exchange could escalate into an actual scene. While Siena snickered to herself in a quiet and devilish way, the abysstide elemental said, “Your humour is childish as always.”

“Perhaps,” the (currently) redheaded elemental said and continued to grin. “I prefer… direct.”

“Well, if you are going to directly annoy her,” John put an arm around Eliza’s shoulder and kept at least her around as they manoeuvred through the crowds, “I am going to give her the favour of protection.”

“HAH!” Eliza let out a mocking laugh, followed by a pause, followed by yet more laughter of the unsteady and crazy variety. “…Fuck, I hate crowds,” she then declared, suddenly shrinking away from all the gazes. “And I hate it here!”

“Extra too many people?” John asked.

Undine dropped back a step to be next to her summoner and answered instead, “Last time’s incident.”

“…Right.” The Gamer looked around. They weren’t too far away from where he had bought a mundane suit some months ago, and where Tamara had publicly harassed Eliza, reason suppressed by her blood addiction. “That was a thing that happened.”

“Did you lose it in your mental archives?” Siena asked. Asking whether he had forgotten would have come up with a definitive no, the Gamer didn’t forget a whole lot of things and if he did, alcohol was usually involved.

“I didn’t have it assigned any high priority,” he admitted and shrugged. “Let’s get off the main road then, I’m sure we’ll hit a few more pleasant parts.”

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