City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 286: Chance

Chapter 286: Chance

The huge monster fell down hard on the sea floor. I controlled the skeletons and buried the body inside the seabed, like the army of undead.
They cannot get discovered until it is time and that is an easy thing to do, seeing the monsters in the sea.
“These fucking monsters are not letting me hide in peace; every week, at least one would attack, and I would risk getting discovered,” I complained to the woman beside me.
I am bored. There is nothing more to do on the seabed than hide. I cannot even work on the bodies of monsters I had killed. There is a faint chance that doing that might get me discovered.
I couldn’t afford that.
“A few months. We will move, the moment the old man dies,” she said, and I couldn’t help but grin in joy and burning rage.
“I hope that old bastard dies quickly. I cannot wait for my revenge!” I said with gritted teeth. It is because of that bastard; that I had to suffer great pain and humiliation.
If not for undying majesty, saving my soul from degradation, and giving me a suitable body, I wouldn’t have been standing here.
A strange expression appeared on the woman’s face and there was a joy that I didn’t like.
“What is it?” I asked, seeing that despicable look on her face. “You won’t be able to kill him. It is forbidden now.”  He said and I couldn’t help, help but be shocked.
“Him, nobody?” I asked. 
He might be an official in a little city and a member of a merchant house, but it matters a little to them. 
They had killed the kings; a minor official is nothing.
“Not nobody, a host of legacy,” she replied, with joy dripping out of her voice. “It can’t be!” I said, not wanting to believe it.
“It is,” she said, and now she is grinning, seeing my expressions.
I have been waiting for my revenge for a year. There was not a single minute where I wasn’t thinking about killing the bastard as painfully as possible.
I wanted to send a message to confirm, but it is not allowed. We might get detected through it; it is why this despicable woman is here, to bring the messages.
It took me a while to calm myself down, and I turned to the woman. This time, there is a smile on my face.
“So, what he has the legacy, he will get what is coming for it. Just like, the host of Savors club did,” I said, and it was my turn to grin.
“Master Silver, Mage Valentina is here for you,” informed Jill. “Send her in,” I said and activated Get Ready.
I had taken a nap; I had been working since I had stepped onto the land. Especially after I had entered the establishment, where I granted Carla and others the authority before I met with the staff to take their view about the new plan.
That meeting lasted for over five hours and left me so tired that I fell asleep. I had woken up, just a minute ago.
As the skill washed over me, I felt good and alert. It also made me look more presentable, straightening my hair, and clearing the creases from my suit.
The skill not only makes me look presentable but also makes me feel refreshed. That effect has become more powerful since the advancement of my primary class.
The door opened and Valentina walked in. She looks beautiful as always and is excited, but there is also nervousness in her eyes.
“Lord Silver,” she greeted and made a mocking bow. “I will take offense, if you do this after, I formally granted lordship,” I said with a straight face, but she just smiled and rolled her eyes.
“So, what changes do you want to make?” she asked as she took a seat, before turning her eyes to the folder in front of me. I didn’t slide it toward her, instead activated my skill.
Vision Projection
Immediately, her eyes dilated, before becoming distant for a couple of seconds. When she came back, there was shock on her face.
“They are some massive changes,” she said finally. “It is why you should have brought Architect Davidson. I had told you to bring him,” I said. 
With my establishment turning to the legacy, I could get the services of any firm and higher leveled individuals. Some of them, had even contacted me, saying they and their firms were ready to offer their services to me, free of charge.
They may be higher-leveled and have more resources, but Valentina is the one who knows the establishment and understands my vision.
She is the one who built this place. There is no one better than her to do the job.
“You will need the permission to make such huge changes,” she said. It is clearly a question, not a statement. “I am in the process of getting it,” I replied, and she still kept looking at me, but I didn’t give her the answer to the question she was asking.
Even I didn’t want to think about that option and hoped, the Count would make the prince agree because nobody would like the second option.
“I have a request,” she said suddenly, and the nervousness hidden in her eyes came out. 
“What is it?” I asked after a moment of silence, feeling it wouldn’t be a simple request.
“I want you to hire Ed,” she said. 
Edmond Amellus; I asked about him when I helped Valentina to get a practice license for him, and what I heard wasn’t good, but I did it because she is a friend.
“You are asking a lot, Valentina. The reputation of your friend isn’t good, and it will make some powerful people angry,” I stated clearly.
He had been sentenced for stealing the designs of his teacher. A powerful architect in Belnin, who is said to have the potential to breach the Lv. 50. 
Though, she had said. It is a false conviction and seeing how rushed the trial was, it likely was, but still hiring him comes with the risks.
“I know it is risky, but Ed is good. I can bet my reputation, that he is the best person to bring our vision out. Please give him a chance,” she said, looking at me with pleading eyes.
I sighed.
“Fine, I will give him a chance, but I am doing this for you,” I said, reminding her of what a big risk it is for me. “I know and I will be forever grateful for it,” she said and closed her eyes.
“He will be here in a minute,” she said as she opened her eyes. It seemed like she had brought him with her.
I also closed my eyes and called the people. The meeting will be long.

“Do you think Valentina will be able to convince Lord Silver?” I asked nervously to the old man, sitting in front of me.
“If anyone could convince him, then it would be chief,” said the old man Davidson. It had been a few minutes since we arrived.
Val had gone to meet him, while the two of us had remained in the carriage.
The wait is unbearable. It had been unbearable since the party, when Silver told Valentina, he had a work for her. I had literally begged her to ask Silver to give me a chance.
It is an opportunity of the lifetime, that will leave the imprint for the generation. Most importantly, it will be a big step toward clearing my reputation.
That bastard used to get called to work on the legacies. Only architects of his caliber were asked to work on it.
Legacies are delicate, too much change, and the host might end up losing it. It is why an expert hand was needed on them and I hate to admit it, but the bastard was best at that kind of work.
That is why I need this chance. To prove that despite everything he did to me, stealing my life’s work, he had not crushed me or my ambitions.
Working on the legacy is the best way to do that.
I hope Silver gives me a chance, just one chance. I will not disappoint him; I will give him my everything. I am confident I can do this. If I was not good, that bastard wouldn’t have stolen my designs and sent me to jail.
I was in my thoughts when the ring on my finger lit up and a smile appeared on my face.
“She did it,” I said with tears coming out of my face.
“Didn’t I tell you, if anyone could convince Lord Silver, it would be Chief,” said the old man, and I smiled.
‘Don’t fuck it up,’ it was the message from Valentina. Which was her way of telling me she had got me the chance, but also warning to not fuck it up.
I could tell she had taken an enormous risk for me. If I fuck it up, I would be not only fucking up, the greatest chance I got but also Val and her friendship with Silver. Something she cherished, even before he gained the legacy.
The old man opened the door and got out; I followed behind him. 
We are at the back side of the establishment, where there is a small garden. It is normal, but it looks enchanting with the power of legacy.
I looked at it all as I walked toward the door.
We had just reached it when a beautiful woman with platinum blond hair appeared at the door. If I am right, her name is Margaux Swan. She used to be madam before leaving the position to run the circle.
Val said she is one of the people that Silver trusts the most.
“Miss Margaux, you are looking charming as always,” said the old man, and a small smile appeared on the woman’s face. “Thank you for the praise, Mr. Davidson,” she said in a soft but clear voice, with a faint hint of authority in it.
“Master Silver had asked me to give you two the tour of the basement, before taking you to the office,” 
Hearing that, my eyes lit up. 
“Chief had guessed right. She had said that the basement would be the target of Lord Silver's changes,” said the old man, while the woman smiled and led us inside.
The moment we stepped inside. The wonderful effect of legacy amplified tens of times, nearly stopping me in my tracks. It was so good that I wanted to stop and enjoy it.
Unfortunately, that is not possible. I have to impress these people, and doing anything that will create wouldn’t be wise.
The staff moved around us. They barely glanced at us, but greeted the woman with respect. 
Soon, we reached the entrance of the underground. As for how I know? Well, I have been studying the blueprint since I left the party that day. 
Val had made me sign a contract and take a powerful oath before giving it to me. 
I had focused on the basement the most. Val told me, it would likely be the place that Silver would want to make the changes.
It seemed like she was right.
“Miss Margaux, I want to cast a spell and use my skills to record and study,” I said as we stepped into the basement. “You have permission.” She said after a second of silence.
I cast Magic Pictures and activated Architects Eyes and Draft Blueprint.
Valentina had already provided everything to me, but the data gained with my skills and spells, work the best for me.
“The basement had three floors and aside from the studio and few rooms, everything is unoccupied,” said the woman. 
I knew it already. I also knew what each room used to have. I was quite surprised when I read the information Val had given me. I mean, who provides the whores, with library, swimming, and even magic classes.
No wonder, this place had turned into a legacy.
She showed us all three floors, every room. I had even seen the studio, which Val had said, was a thing that would blow my mind, and it did.
The thing that excited me is how big this place is. The underground covers 92% of the whole plot, that includes underground parking. 
It couldn’t help but make me wonder how much area he wants to do the work on.

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