City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 206: Battling The Horde I

Chapter 206: Battling The Horde I

Thud Thud Thud
A few seconds after the birds made their appearance; I began to hear the faint shaking under my feet, which started to get louder by the second.
Everybody turned serious and gripped their weapons tightly.
Even Fang’s ears became taunted, but he remained in the position I had asked him to. 
More and more monsters gathered in the sky, but they didn’t attack. They just circled at a distance, away from the range of most attacks.
Some of our people and tools could target them, but didn’t. They are waiting for the right time.
Seconds turned into minutes, and now the earth beneath our feet had started shaking wildly like an earthquake, and the sound we were hearing felt like that of the ringing of a thousand drums.
It is so scary enough that every part of my body is asking me to throw my sword and run away.
It took me a few seconds before I was able to control myself.
Unlike me, all the people beside me had enough experience to not feel overwhelmed by such emotions.
Especially Zela and Jon. They had to make a journey around the extreme magic region to get out of Mayhurst Island.
A few seconds passed and I finally got the glimpse of the monster horde, and it shook to my heart that I unconsciously took a step back.
“They came,” said Jon, looking at the monster horde, which filled the small valley within a second.
Their numbers seem endless, continuously filling the valley without an end.
In a few seconds, they got closer, and I could see them more clearly.
In the tide, I could see monsters of all sizes and shapes. Having Different colors and powers.
The majority of them bear the likeness to the animals, like elephants, wolves, lions, hogs, and many others, but some looked completely different.
Though, I will be wise to remember that, these are not animals, but monsters. 
They will easily tear through us if we give them the chance.
Roar Cry Roar!
Most of them belong to a species that I couldn’t name, and they are coming at us with roars and cries that begin to shake the hearts of people like me.
The birds that were circling the skies, at a distance away, let out loud cries and began to come toward us like their land kin.
Finally, the horde reached the place we wanted.
The first line of monsters begins to fall into the ground, to the deep pits. Lined with a bed of spikes. 
Where those sharp wooden spikes pierced their hides and killed them painfully. 
After the meeting with the nobles, sixteen days ago, I had gone to meet Ignatius, where we decided on this spot and started to make the preparations the same day.
We took help from the construction companies and called the trap masters to create these traps.
It took a considerable money, and we had to pay half of the bill. Thankfully, the baronies contributed a lot. 
The money we have spent is worth it. Seeing how monsters are falling to their death.
These pits are huge and deep and within a second, hundreds of monsters fell in them and died a horrible death, but it was not enough to make the monsters stop.
Roar Cry Roar!
The pits didn’t stop them and instead enraged them even further. 
The monsters stomped through the bodies of their dead comrades and moved toward us with even greater fury.
Unfortunately for them, the pits are not the only thing we have. We have something more; something truly destructive.
Boom Boom Boom
As the monsters crossed another line, our real weapons started their attacks. Fifty-seven cannons from the hills shot the cannonballs at once, with a defeating bang.
It was loud and filled with the power that even monsters seemed to have slowed down hearing them.
Even they could tell something destructive coming at them.
The cannonballs struck them with great velocity, which crushed their bones, and some cannonballs just tore through them before exploding into colorful death.
The cannons of this world differ from the earth.
Here, they didn’t use the gunpowder. Instead, they use the energy crystals, with an alchemical compound. 
It creates a powerful blast; that could even explode through the thick hide of the monsters.
The monsters got furious at seeing the barrage of cannon balls raining down on them.
Suddenly, a loud came out from the middle of the horde. It cut through all the sounds of monsters and cannons.
It is from the leader.
Immediately, the monsters came faster toward us with greater fury and also began to move toward the cannons in large numbers.
The birds, which were circling high in the sky, finally attacked.
A large number of them dived down toward us, while the wind blades, lightning bolts, and other elemental attacks came down from above.
As the birds moved, we also acted; our archers on the hills pulled up their bows and started shooting the arrows.
This is not all. 
The twelve ballistas revealed themselves and began to shoot the monsters high in the sky, that are attacking us with the elemental attacks.
At the same time, the special archer squad of Blackwell begins to target the monsters with those big crossbows.
More than half of the cannons came from Blackwell. All ballistas belong to him and also this squad of monster-hunting archers.
He only has a squad of them, and he had brought them here from the amberhold.
The arrows and ballistas begin to hit the monsters, while their attacks are being defended by our mages.
The monsters began to fall from the sky and even then; it didn’t stop their attack. They keep attacking, with a few of them avoiding the arrows and coming to attack the archers.
The archers are not standing alone. They are surrounded by a group of men, who will protect them from any monster attack.
I looked at the archers on the hills for a few seconds, before focusing on the monster horde coming toward us.
There is now only three hundred meters of distance had remained between us.
I knew that because archers and mages standing between us had begun their attack on the monsters.
Roar Roar Roar!
The monsters are no weakling, and they roared and began to launch the attack on their own. 
There are less than 5% of the elemental monsters there, but seeing their numbers are in thousands. They have more monsters, casting elemental attacks than we have mages.
They might have numbers and power, but we are intelligent, and we are using it to close the gap of power between us and monsters.
Hope we are successful in defeating them.
As they came closer, a barrage of spells flew at them, from ice lances to fireballs to wind blades.
We threw everything we had at them.
However, the spells that affected them most were earth and water elemental ones. They were being cast by Valentina, Zela, and other people, and they slowed the powerful momentum of the monsters.
They reduced their speed by creating earth shields, mud fields, and water spells like hydro bursts and water walls.
Not to mention; they are also using killer spells like Earth Spikes and Water Binds to kill the monsters.
The range spells and arrows killed a lot of monsters, but they finally reached us, and it was time for us to fight a bloody battle with them.
I gripped my sword tightly as I watched the monsters crashing against the first line. Despite being reinforced by the spells; the monsters pushed them back, before breaching the line.
We begin killing the monsters with our weapons, but monsters are also killing us.
I saw a big lion monster, tearing the head off of the person, while Ultol, a glitter-eyed hyena, tore the neck of another soldier.
These monsters are powerful and vicious. We have to kill them as soon as possible or it will be us that will be wiped out by them.
Monsters wiped out cities in a matter of hours. With their power and strong bodies, it is not much of a difficult thing for them. Here, there are a sufficient number of monsters to do that.
So, we must finish them as quickly as possible.
Seconds passed before finally, the monsters came in front of us, and their number was greater than I had imagined.
I shook seeing them and the fear in my heart was much deeper than just a reaction to seeing the large number of monsters at a close distance.
The fear is from deep within my heart. It didn’t belong to me, but to the old Remus who had been killed by the monster.
Old Remus loved to fight monsters. He killed many, till was killed by one. Now, I am feeling that fear and fury he had left behind.
I took a deep breath and controlled my emotions. If I let those emotions get the better of me; I will die. I need to be in complete control of myself and not let those emotions control me.
A moment later, a monster appeared in directly front of me and made a weird noise between clicking and whistling. 
It looked at me for a fraction of a second before leaping at me at a very fast speed. 
It is a Lemur monster, with red-fur and grey strips. It is twice the size of the normal Lemur and has extra-long claws, which it is going to use to tear my neck off.
I wanted to run away from the monster; use the skill and dodge as fast as I could, but I didn’t and instead remained on my spot.
I could feel the joy on the monster's face, seeing me frozen in my place. Thinking, the victory is already in its claws.
My heart is thinking the same.
The monster didn’t even take a second to reach in front of me and attacked.
Seeing that, I didn’t waste any time and took a step back and then a sharp left with Rapid Legs and swung my sword hard with Swift Blade.
The monster got alarmed seeing that, and it acted fast, but I was faster. 
My sword reached it in an instant, with enchantments blazing on its blade, before touching its neck and cutting it smoothly like butter.
A moment later, the blade came out cleanly, killing the monster.
I didn’t get even a moment to celebrate the victory before I swung back my sword at another Lemur monster coming from behind.
Quick Parry, I activated the skill a moment before my sword clashed against its claws, and deflected the attack, before attacking it, swiftly.
It tried to defend against the attack but saw my sword cut through its neck, as the enchantment on its blade flared again.
‘It worked,’ I muttered.
I had doubts whether the Quick Parry would work against the monster’s attack. I had asked Major Jarvis and even Baron Harrods, and both of them said, it should work.
It did, and there was not the slightest resistance being used against the monster.
It seemed like I could use it to parry any attack and it would work, as long as I used it against the attack.
It made me relieved. This skill, going to be very useful in helping me survive this battle.

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