Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 957

Chapter 957: Chapter 142- Trinity – Rebels Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




I spent the time that Reece was gone building more cells in the dungeon. We needed to have a place to put these people when they got here. I was refusing to believe that Reece and the others would fail in this part of their mission. The were going to get all the others, the one sthat Claud had told me about. They were going to arrest them, and they were going to bring them back here. And that meant that we would need to have a place to put them all.

It didn’t take me all that long to build the addition to the dungeon. I just needed to imagine what it was that I needed in this place and use the magic inside of me to make it happen. This type of magic was a lot easier when I was here in the castle. And especially considering that I was underground. The magic that was strongest here, under the ground, was all coming from the Lei Lines that crossed at this exact point of our lands. The Lei Lines were pure magic that kept the world running with no issues at all. And even more than just that, they powered my castle even when I wasn’t here. They made life smooth for all of us that lived in this area, even as far away as Colorado Springs and Trinity Falls. They were all protected and run by the Lei Lines.

It took me all of ten minutes to get the rooms made, but I was able to go above and beyond. I was trying to prove that I was a kind and generous person. That was why I was going to make sure that the people that were already in the cells, as well as the others that were coming soon, would have a decent place to stay.

The rooms were set up the same, but I altered them all just a little bit. I was making the beds and chairs more comfortable. I gave them better lights that weren’t just the super bright ones above the tables. And I gave them simple stall showers. That last one was mostly for me though. If I needed to come back down here, I didn’t want these people to stink to high heaven.


They had all the items that they needed though, and that was what mattered. I also made several dozen uniforms for the prisoners. This way we would be able to identify them from a distance.

While we waited for Reece and the others to get back, I had the guards that were still here tell the dozen current prisoners to clean themselves up and to change into their uniforms. They would be unchained for the time being and then they would be allowed to move around their rooms to their heart’s content. They will not, however, be able to escape or end their lives. Their runes were all changed and there was no way for them to activate the death rune on their necks.

I found those marks strange. I mean, why make it so that your lackeys would be able to kill themselves? Why give them that option? Were the leaders so worried that the lesser family members would betray them if they weren’t able to kill themselves right away? That was just nonsense in my opinion. They didn’t trust anyone in their own group, not even their own killing squad.

Another twenty minutes or so and all the prisoners had been changed and taken back into the rooms. I didn’t want to force the guards to stay in there at all times though, so I needed to make sure that there was something else to help them. Since the prisoners had a private area for their bathing and bathroom needs, I added cameras to the cells. And of course, I put doors onto the bathroom area. They would have sufficient room in there to change and do their business. But since we needed to monitor the people that were in there, we needed to have this last level of defense.

With the cameras in place, and the prisoners informed about them all, I had the guards go into the newly erected security room. They were able to monitor the cells from there, including sound if it was needed. Hey, you know what, I felt like I was being truly understanding and generous right now. Yes, there were likely those that thought this was going too far, but then they probably wouldn’t know what had happened to my people. They wouldn’t know how dangerous these people were.

Oh, and the moment that all of those prisoners had been released from their chains so that they could change, the guards fully searched them and found any and all weapons that they had. We had gotten some of them earlier, but there were a few things that had been missed. So, yeah, I think that what I was doing was fully important. I was just trying to protect my people as well as the prisoners.

After a little while longer, Reece and the others came back. They were marching eighteen people into the dungeons with the other guards. All of them were a little shocked when they saw the changes that I had made, but they didn’t say a word about it at all. They knew that, as the queen, I would do what I thought was best in this situation.

“All of you are here because you are part of a murderous cult.”

“WE ARE NOT A CULT!” A woman next to Shawn screamed as she listened to my words.

“Yes, you are. You have been brainwashed to do the bidding of a man that has no true motive aside from running the world. That is a cult in my mind.” I glared at her. “Now, all of you are going to be assigned a cell.” I pointed at them. “They are quite a bit more comfortable than a lot of prison cells, in my opinion. Not that I have ever been inside of a normal prison cell. There are uniforms for you to put on after cleaning up. However, the cells are being monitored. You will need to change in the bathroom, which has no cameras. All of you that just arrived will have your runes changed before you are given a cell to go into.”


“No way!”

“You can’t do that.”


“Don’t fucking touch my runes.”

“You bitch!”

“Monster! You are a dirty rotten monster.”

“Animal!” They were all at once. The words were all different, but the intent and meaning behind it all was the same. They were mad at me for even thinking about changing their runes. Oh well. It needed to be done, and they would get over it eventually.

As I finished explaining these things to the new prisoners, Reece came over to me. He looked like he needed to talk to me about something. Something that was important.

“Shawn, Dietrich, can you two see to it that the marks are changed.” I called out to them. “I will give you the sight.” I waved my hands and saw that their eyes glowed just a little. It was the same magic that I used on myself earlier. They needed to know that the runes were changed, and to do that, they needed to know where the runes were.

“Trinity, come with me for a moment.” Reece took my hand and pulled me along behind him.

“Sure.” I spoke a little sarcastically. I mean, he hadn’t really given me the option of not going with him, so I just pretended like I was agreeing with him. You know, while he dragged me along behind him.

“I learned something else from Clovio today.” He whispered softly when we were in the corner.

“OK.” I made sure not to look at the group. I didn’t want the rest of the Jaegan to know that Clovio was a traitor.

“There is a woman in their group from the school that is most likely on our side. We need to talk to her and see if she is innocent and if she can be trusted.”

“And you think that he is telling the truth about her?” I just needed to make sure before we spoke to her.

“He has been honest with us since we brought him here. He and Warrick both. As much as I hate to admit it, they are going to be big allies in all of this. We need to protect them, and any of the others that are innocent and are willing to turn against the family. They aren’t all bad.” He looked like he was torn. He hated that this boy had tried to play our daughter, but as an Alpha and a king, he knew the importance of looking at the bigger picture. And the bigger picture here was clearly one that had several layers of paint that we couldn’t see yet. We were making strides and breakthroughs left and right, but we were still just scratching the surface here. There was a lot more that we needed to see, to learn, and to do. And if this girl that Clovio wanted us to protect could help us, then I was willing to do that. Assuming that she was given the clearance by Vincent or Gabriel. They were on their way back down here to help with the interrogations again. We were all so busy at the moment.

“Alright, Reece.” I nodded at him. “Let’s see what we can do. For that girl and all of the others.”



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