Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 951

Chapter 951: Chapter 136- Trinity – Interrogations Part 4 (VOLUME 5)




I waited a moment until the others told me that they were done with their runes. I was going to release all of the prisoners at the same time. That would just be more efficient for me.

“W..wh..what are you doing?” Claud’s shaking voice squeaked toward me as I watched him. I had finally sat down, yet I wasn’t talking or moving at all. I was waiting and listening inside of my head.

“I am waiting for the others to tell me that the runes have been changed. I don’t want to release the bindings again and again, so I am going to do it all at once.” I gave Claud as friendly of a look as I could manage. And for some reason, he seemed to jump in fear. Then again, he could be scared because he was still suspended in the air as he waited for me to free him from the vines.

“The others? Are you expecting a phone call or something?” He was trying to sound angry and like he didn’t care, but he was genuinely interested. I could hear the curious note underneath the fear in his voice.


“No, not a phone call really. You see, we can talk telepathically. I could speak to someone that was completely on the other side of the world. Even if they were twelve thousand, four hundred and fifty miles away, which by the way is about half of the circumference of the earth so that would literally put them as far away from me as possible. Well, to be technical, I would have to add another half of a mile, but who would really check up on that if I didn’t put that last two thousand six hundred and forty feet at the end of that statement.” I was finding all of this very funny at the moment. Especially because Claud was thoroughly confused by my words. He didn’t seem to understand what it was that I was trying to accomplish with that statement, and that was nothing more than me killing time until the others spoke to me.

‘All done, Trinity.’

‘Good to go.’

‘The runes are changed.’

‘Ready for him to be untied now.’ One after the other I got confirmation from them all. They were all done and it was time for me to release those people from the vines.

“Good news, Claud. All the others have had their runes changed as well. I can finally untie you now.” I rose to my feet as I approached him. I didn’t need to touch him, this was just to cause him more panic. “Isn’t that just wonderful?” He flinched when I reached toward him. “Ha ha ha.” I stopped my hand and turned around, while doing so I released all twelve of them from their bindings. I knew that I didn’t need to tell the others to chain them all to the chair and table, so I wasn’t going to say a word. Hell, I didn’t even have to tell the guards that were in here with me. They immediately walked forward and grabbed Claud as he still hung in the air. “All set?” I looked at the three of them and released the magic around Claud. He was still held in the air by the guards. They were strong enough to support him as they carried him over to the chair and sat him in it.

I waited a few moments for Claud to be bound in a different way. He wasn’t a Claud burrito that was barely in the chair. Now, he was a fully bendable and posable Claud action figure that needed to be strapped down so that he wouldn’t run away. And thankfully, it only took the guards a few moments to get him into place.

“Would you like us to stay, Queen Trinity?” I was asked as soon as Claud was secured.

“That is up to you. I don’t mind one way or the other.” I shrugged in response with the words. The men looked at each other and then returned to the back of the room. They were mostly quiet unless spoken to, so I didn’t care if they watched the interrogation or not. As long as they didn’t interfere it was fine with me.

Now that Claud was properly in his chair, he looked a lot less funny. I guess I was seeing him as a bumbling idiot while he was cocooned in the vines. Well, I guess cocooned is the wrong word. None of them had been wrapped completely. They had just been wrapped up enough to stop them from moving at all. Other than that, they were themselves. Still, it was funny.

“Now, are you more comfortable?” I asked Claud, and I could tell that he didn’t want to talk to me, but he did it anyway.

“Yes.” He looked angry about the automatic and probably forced response. It was the work of the runes though, so he couldn’t help it.

“Don’t worry, Claud. When all of this is done, we will remove all of the runes. You won’t be forced to obey forever.” That would be cruel, but effective. Still, I couldn’t do it, no matter how much easier it would make things.

“Whatever.” He snapped at me, clearly pissed off.

“Now, can you tell me who it is that started all of this?”

“Our ancestor. Alaric Jaegan.” He once again answered against his own freewill.

“No, that is not true.” I shook my head at him. “Alaric was a friend to the shadow world. He and others of my kind kept peace with the humans and nonhumans. They had a team that stopped people from destroying lives.” I felt strange explaining this man’s family to him, but he was definitely wrong here.

“No! You’re wrong.” He was not going to accept what I was telling him. Maybe I should have put an acceptance rune on him. I had hoped that the open rune would make him open to new ideas as well, but I guess not.

“One of Alaric’s former friends, a vampire that hunted with him, is here today. You saw him at the park. He knew Alaric and what he wanted in life. And we have Alaric’s journal that says what his position toward my people was. He wasn’t the reason for this. He wasn’t the cause of this hatred for nonhumans.”

“Yes! He was! I am telling you, Alaric is the one that made us this way.”

“You are confused, Claud.” I shook my head. This wasn’t going to get me anywhere. “Let’s move on. Who put this plan into action? Who is leading the family right now?”

“I..I..I don’t want to tell you.” As Claud tried to avoid telling me anything at all, his face slowly turned red. He seemed to be fighting the rune as hard as he could. His mouth was shut, his teeth biting hard onto his lip as he fought to stop himself. It was no use though, as his face started to go from red to purple, he was forced to tell me. “’s Reginald. He was the one that took over when werewolves killed Uncle Rayk.” That was news to me. If memory serves, the man that he just mentioned was killed by the family.

“Claud, Rayk was killed by Viktor and Klaus. He was not killed by werewolves. He wanted to unite the family with the shadow world again. He wanted to return to what Alaric had planned for the family for so long.”

“No!” He screamed. “That isn’t true!” He was so sure of this, so sure that I was wrong, that he wasn’t willing to listen to me at all. “MY FAMILY IS GOOD! WE KILL MONSTERS! WE PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! AND WHEN OUR MISSION IS OVER REGINALD WILL RULE THE HUMANS AS THE RIGHTFUL KING!”

“That is nothing but bullshit!” I snapped at him. “Reginald just wants to rule the world, he isn’t interested in saving people. And he just wants us out of the way. He knows that we would never let him take over like that.”


“No, Claud. You’ve been lied to, but it’s not been by me. I am sorry that you never knew the truth, that you were brainwashed into this. You never had a chance, did you?” I watched Claud shaking his head as he cried. Large streams of tears were pouring down his face as he fought against the magic that was compelling him to talk to me.

“Stop it! You’re a liar!” He was sobbing now. He wasn’t going to fight me anymore because the magic was in control, but he was still going to reject the words that I told him. “Liar!”

“Claud, who all has killed someone? Of the twelve of you, how many have killed one of my people?” I needed to know how guilty they all were.

“W..w..we all did! I..I..I killed that girl in California. Fritz, Patrik, Jonathon, and Adrian killed in California as well. The others, Marc, Jonathon, Carsten, Phillipp, Christian, Hans, and Pieter were some of the ones that killed in the other countries.” His purple face almost seemed to be crumpling in on itself. They were all guilty, and he was mad that he was admitting it to me.

“Then you will all be going to prison.” I shook my head at him. “Now, Claud, tell me where the others are. Where are the leaders of the family? Where can we find them?” This was the biggest thing that we needed to know. This was the part that was going to break the entire case open. This and a few more details were all that I needed from him.



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