Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 944

Chapter 944: Chapter 129- Reece – Operation Save The Girls Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




It was almost six in the evening on the night of the intended murder. Those men thought that they were going to lure five young girls from my city and kill them as a statement, as a message to us. Well, they had another thing coming. We were definitely not going to let them do that. Not as long as I was here and alive. I was going to protect my city with my life.

Right now, Gabriel was going from person to person in the ballroom on the main floor of the castle. It was the only place that was big enough to hold all those that were going to be part of the search tonight. And they all needed to have the runes put onto them.

We were using three of the runes that Gabriel had researched. We were using ones to hide what we were from the Jaegan. If they had something that was supposed to help them see us for what we were, then this rune should block that sight of theirs. Next, we were using the true sight rune so that we could see through their cape. Hopefully it worked, otherwise this was all a wasted effort. And lastly, we were using a protection rune that was mixed with a mental clarity rune. That was to make sure that the little light of theirs didn’t work on us at all. It would be really bad if we were all taken out by them because of that light.

To make the rune stronger, Trinity had made a magical pen that was infused with her magic and the root of a Fae plant that was called Sister Luna. It was silver and glowed when the light of the moon touched it. This pen that Gabriel was using didn’t use ink, instead it used Trinity’s magic. She was once again protecting us all. It was something that she had done before, and she would do it again and again. She couldn’t stand for the people that she cared about being in danger.


It took a little while for Gabriel to draw all of the marks. He had to draw three of them on more than a hundred people after all. Thankfully, he was just about done so it was almost time for us to leave.

The men and women were divided into their groups with various people leading them. The leaders included me, Trinity, Trevor, Valerian, Samuel, Wesley, Carter, Noah, Riley, Landon, Shawn, Dietrich, Vincent, Gabriel, David, Shane, Cedar, Paul, Rawlynne and Jackson. We were all to coordinate a detail that was to scope out the park, monitor the mall, and follow the men from the mall to the restaurant and eventually to the park. It was going to take a lot of time and effort to get this night to be considered a success, but we were going to make sure that it all went off without a hitch. And we were also getting the proper law enforcement involved as well. FBI and local police that were nonhuman were parts of the teams that were going to be out in the field. We would see to it that this was all done. We wouldn’t lose a single person tonight, and we were going to capture the men that were trying to kill our kind. And from here, we would lure the others out. This would be over soon. I just knew that it would be.

Finally, all the marks were in place, and it was time to get going. I walked to the front of the ballroom with Trinity and looked out at the sea of people that were looking up at us.

“Thank you all for being here. This night might seem stressful, but I am sure that we will all come through it with no problems at all. Let’s give it our all and capture all of these people. Let’s save our people and our city.”

“YEAH!” The knights and guards that were in attendance cheered happily as Trinity addressed them. Most of them only ever saw her, they didn’t talk to her, and she didn’t address them directly. This was likely a truly exciting time for them.

We left in waves. Of course, we couldn’t have a hundred and twenty people leave the castle all at once, that would be suspicious to all those living peacefully in the compound. And I didn’t want to alarm them at the moment. This was all about protecting people, not just those five girls, but all of my people.

Trinity and I left with Shawn and Dietrich. The men and women that were in our groups left in small waves before and after us. We had told them where to go and we would be in touch with them through mental link. There was no need to worry about them right now.

Trinity and I, not wanting to be seen by the Jaegan, since they knew what we looked like, were going to be scoping out the park from a distance. And when it got closer to the time to stop the attack, we would make our way to the park itself. We were going to be hands-on in this part of the operation as well. Why not? Really, I mean, we have been part of everything else up to this point, right? Why stop now?

‘Queen Trinity, I see the girls that you mentioned.’ The voice of Garret, one of the knights that we assigned to the mall came through my mind. He was addressing her, but all of us in charge could hear him. ‘They are walking toward the exit. There are several people waiting outside the mall in different groups. I have a feeling that a few of the groups know each other though, since they keep looking at each other.’

‘Alright, Garret.’ Trinity didn’t move or even look like she was talking to someone as she looked at the park. She was using those eyes of hers that could zoom in and out so that she could see from great distances. It was a skill that I really wished that I had at the moment. ‘Follow them, but don’t make it obvious. Stay in contact with us and the others. I want this to be a coordinated effort.’ She finished addressing him, but I knew that the others hadn’t heard her. Just me and the rest of her personal entourage. And that was to say, all eighteen of the other leaders.

‘All of you, be on your guard. There might be more than one group that is at the mall. There are several sets that are lying in wait for the girls as they make their way to the exit of the mall.’ I thought that the others needed to know what was going on.

‘Understood.’ The word came from several of the men and women at the same time.

It was boring, waiting here for them to get to the park, but it was what we needed to do. This was the place that we said that we were going to be waiting for them so that we could be first on the scene when they attacked the girls.

‘Queen Trinity, I see that the five men have made contact with the girls. They are obviously charming them since the girls are smiling and giggling like, well, like teenage girls.’

‘Good observation, dumbass.’ Trevor’s voice came through after Garret’s did. I knew that he wasn’t making it so that Garret heard him though. It was just for the rest of us leaders.

‘That other group that was looking at the men are following them. I knew that they were together.’ Garret’s voice sounded vindicated or proud of himself as he spoke in my head. ‘The other teams should work on following them now.’

‘Alright, understood.’ Trinity responded to him calmly before addressing the whole group. ‘They have left the mall. I am sure that others have eyes on them now, follow them, but do not get yourselves caught. Don’t even get noticed. There is another group that is following them, I want those people watched as well. I am sure that they will follow them to the park later. We need to catch them all.’

‘Yes, Queen Trinity.’ More of the same word echoing in our heads as they all responded to her.

After several minutes there was another voice. We weren’t getting play by play commentary from them, just when something happened, and that was making it feel like all of this was taking too long.

‘They have stopped at a restaurant. That other group is waiting outside across the street. Two other guards have gone inside the restaurant to keep an eye on them from in there while the rest of us watch the building from all sides.’

‘Don’t lose track of any of them.’ Trinity ordered them.

‘How many are there in the second group?’ No one had told us this part yet.

‘Seven. There are a dozen of them altogether. Five with the girls and seven following them.’

‘Got it. Now we know how many we are up against.’ I acknowledged their words and started to think about this. If we manage to capture all twelve of them, we might make a sizable dent in their ranks. We needed this. We couldn’t afford to let this opportunity get past us.

“Don’t worry, Fido.” Trinity gripped my hand and she leaned in close. “We will succeed. I just know that we will.” She kissed my cheek as she said it and I felt the relief wash through me. I hadn’t even known how tense I was until then.

“I know we will, Trinity.” I kissed her on her lips. A soft, sweet kiss that told her that I appreciated what it was that she was doing for me. “I know that we will get them. We will save those girls. And we will put an end to all of this. It’s just a matter of time.” I smiled and tried to force any and all negative thoughts from my mind. I needed to focus, and I couldn’t do that if I let doubts and worry invade my thoughts.

We waited for them to get done eating. The communication lines were silent for what felt like hours, but I knew that it was just a half and hour to forty-five minutes or so. Somewhere in that range at the very least. The place that they went to eat was not all that busy, so I knew that it didn’t take them all that long to finish their meal.

‘They are on the move again. They should be heading to the park soon. Let’s get ready to follow them again.’ I heard the voice coming through. It was sent to the entire group and I felt that it was giving them all that little bit of an edge that they needed. They were ready to do this. They were ready to save those girls.



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