Becoming Legend

Chapter 164: The Offer Still Stand

Chapter 164: The Offer Still Stand

"We should talk inside," Twali said, pulling himself from bowing. He then raised his hand, all fingers pointed toward the room beside the barracks.

After surveying the surrounding, Twali gestured Ned toward the room.

Ned and Twali moved along the crowd. Reaching the door with the House Tarragon symbol, Twali clicked to open the door. Ned made a mental note with the gesture, he seemed to be instructed to have Ned received the best accommodation.

Upon entering the room, Ned first noticed the weapons hanging on both sides of the semi-circular room. To his right was a lance, a mace, and a bow. The other side wasn't looking different either: another lance, a hammer, and a blade. Aside from the bow, the rest of the weapon seemed to be made by a single person. The weapons were made with grey iron, and the hilt was wrapped in leather clothing. The bow on the other hand was made with only a simple wood, and with holes engraved on its body. The bow was broken without its string.

In the middle seated a man. Muscular, wide shoulder, and strong grip. Brown hair, with some grey, trimmed to look to accept his pointed jaw. A scar on his left eye covered with a black patch, it looked fresh. Behind him, to his left, was a high table placed with cups and a kettle, steaming.

He stood with haste seeing Twali entered the room. "Master Twali!" Yes. He cried and bowed almost touching the glassy table with his forehead. Brown hair cut too short almost bald. The table and chair were identical with its circular engraves. Across the table, were soft cushioned long chairs.

Twali gestured Ned to sit on the other side of the sofa and turned to face the bowing man.

"That is enough, Master Mold," Twali said, hands behind his back.

Mold stretched and heave a relief looking at Twali. "To be called Master by Master-Servant Twali," Mold said, adjusting the patch on his left eye. "Surely I don't deserve the respect."

Yet, his eye seemed to show envy and annoyance. Twali saw the same, yet he doesn't care. He waved his hand. "You've done well enough to maintain Sudden Plate branch," Twali said. "Sorry to take your time, but this is the safest place inside the manor. If you could leave us, Master Mold."

Mold seemed to be reluctant at first. He cocked an eyebrow looking at Ned. Without much of a choice, Mold left after fetching a brown coat hanging beside him. He then bowed to Twali and left the room without saying a word to Ned.

Ned sat after Mold left the room. The sofa was designed red, it was accomodating with its soft cushion. Ned straightened his back, hands on his lap. There was no window, so lamps were fixed against the wall. It shone yellow while the fire burning straight inside the glassy enclosing.

Twali moved toward the high table, opened the kettle, and smelled it with an agreement. He then poured the content of the kettle into the cups. It poured black or dark brown.

He then moved back to Ned, gave the cup, and waited for Ned to drink the black tea.

Ned drunk the tea, as always, it was House Tarragon standards. Ned couldn't help but smile with its sweet taste, steam oozed off the cup.

"Disaster Tea," Twali said, taking a sip on his cup. "Gathered from the Inner part of Du'kki Forest." The cup clanked against the saucer after finishing the tea.

Ned was silent.

"Our own House member gathered it," Twali added, looking at Ned with narrowed eyes. "You've seen them, we have our team of Hunters. Exclusive and trained by House Tarragon's best warrior."

Still, Ned remained silent. Cup rested on his hand.

"We gather Hunters around Bogblot," Twali said, being consistent. "This here is Sudden Plate branch. You could say this is our main branch since it is the closest to the island." He nodded behind Ned, to where Du'kki island was.

Ned didn't give a response. To Twali's eyes, it was unusual for a kid like himhe was fourteen. He should speak, a lot curious about things. But, no. Not once, Ned didn't give Twali a chance to read him.

"House Tarragon have hunter branches in every major city," Twali insisted to give Ned information about their House. "Bogaressi, House Tarragon seat of power have hunters stationed there. But mostly high ranking, serving the lord. We also have one at Mooran, West of Bogblot. Balathesi, far West of the region. Blogsakari, South of Bogblot Region and"

"And tell me why I am here," Ned said, cutting Twali. He seemed to like black tea. He sipped another, emptying the cup.

Twali smiled, reaching for Ned's cup. Ned gave the cup and saw Twali stood, put the cup back to the high table, went back to the sofa, leaned forward, smiled, crossed his hands under his chin; elbows resting on both his knees. "I wonder what Lord Sven saw at you. Lord was... Very reserved outside strangers. Yet, days ago. After meeting you once, he used me to follow you. He never did this to his eldest, to personally use me to follow someone."

Ned took a deep breath. Why indeed? Ned thought. Must be because of the Mark. But, he said it himself, he wasn't too attached with the lore of the Mark or its uses.

"Using me was... Very personal, and very important for Lord Sven," Twali said. He waved his hand, pushed his back to the sofa, and crossed his leg. One atop the other. Shiny boots came into a display. "First, you destroyed the Mana Stone. That alone piqued my interestnot for Lord Sven. But for me? Mana Stones were a dream for Mages, even Lesser Mana Stones are important. They will kill for it. But you? Destroying it?"

Ned sighed. Resting his back to the sofa. And like Twali, he crossed his legs. "It seemed that I owe you one," Ned said, smiling but enough for Twali to recognize the faint smile. "So, before this conversation went deep. I would like to give my appreciation. Thank you Mr. Twali. For saving and carrying me back to here, and... For breaking an Oath."

Twali's eyes went wide with surprise. "How"

"Sasani," Ned said. "It was her who told me about you carrying me back here. About breaking an Oath. So, if you could tell me why are you following me?"

Twali smiled, dark brows thinned in the middle. "Everything you want," he said. "We could give you more of those mana stones, assistance, resources, you name it."

"For what?"

"Lord Sven's offer still stands," Twali replied. "Let House Sskat be under House Tarragon."

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