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8 days ago
Inside the 3000m underwater station, an international group of scientists and engineers live and... Read more Inside the 3000m underwater station, an international group of scientists and engineers live and research for possible settlement of entire human race. Park Mu-hyun, a reserved dentist joins the station in hopes for a quaint life in the deep sea. However, things quickly go south when the station gets attacked by a mysterious group of people.As the water starts to fill in the living quarters, Park Mu-hyun grabs his backpack and immediately runs for his life, but where to? Now, the peaceful station becomes the ultimate survival stage of cult madnessand chaos. Collapse Abusive Characters, Arrogant Characters, Character Growth, Death of Loved Ones, Depictions of Cruelty, Determined Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Near-Death Experience, Politics, R-15, Secrets, Thriller, Time Loop is this a tribute Yo watchu mean by that 🤨 i think i know I take back what I said, it's a good work, although it is extremely racist, (with Chinese and Japanese), usually Koreans are extremely kind and altruistic, while Chinese and Japanese are bad and "evil"Rank B- Ah… I feel like this novel is a bit off for me, time loop huh? Anyone mind if this is worth my time? This feels like it would be a good K-drama, but not a good novel. To Atlantis Here We Go... Better not implode nahyou wildin bro💀 Park Mu-hyun, a reserved dentist joins the stationyou've got top of the class engineers and scientists, and then a dentist 💀 and then we will learn that actually he was a one of a kind genius with maybe photographic memory and superhuman abilities and he just chose dentist as time pass. its not too unrealistic, research stations in the artic also have a dentist and doctor to keep the smart people in good health Hmm underwater base and weird creatures 😯Open for fun join the ranobe discord, link in my profile