Be happy with sports

Chapter 451 Jake Vacations 3

Chapter 451 Jake Vacations 3

But even Jake didn’t want to try the madness of trying to run with 4 seconds less time than before for km, he would try to decrease 2 seconds per km to see what he could do, so the other day very early after Eva left to go to Jake’s restaurant went to the race track at his house and Coach Davis arrived shortly after.

"Jake, I didn’t approve of this because you can’t understand what you’re trying to do, we can say you’re almost at the general limit of marathons if you decrease 1 second per km you have to decrease more than 42 seconds in a total time of racing."

"So, as you are in the elite of runners, you can manage to do that, what you have to understand is that 1 second less per km makes a lot of difference at the end of the marathon, which didn’t make much difference before."

"What you are trying to do is run 4 seconds less per km and so you want to decrease your total running time by more than 168 seconds, this is very dangerous for you."

"As we still have three months I will let you run 1 second less in 43 km in today’s training, you will not run 50 km as you normally do, and if you can easily do it tomorrow we will try to take another 1 second per km."

Jake had to agree with Coach Davis because he knew Frank was doing it for his sake, besides, even slowing it down by just 1 second per km Jake knew it would help him run even faster.

So after getting ready and having managed to run the 50 km in the best time he had before he was more confident of achieving that, Jake had to use the system to control his running pace and his time.

So it was not difficult for him to take exactly 1 second of each km of running, thinking normally taking just 1 second of each km should be a very easy thing, but only an athlete who ran knew how difficult it was.

Jake controlled his pace well in the race and he managed to get through the 20 km with ease, Coach Davis hoped that Jake would be able to run the first 20 km easily because of his good resistance, after the 40 km that Jake would feel the difference more in the race.

Jake continued calmly and passed the 30 km and then also passed the 40 km, Jake had high control over what happened to his body and he can see that after 40 km he felt much more tired than the day before.

He could feel that the tiredness was bigger, but he still wasn’t tired because normally he still had another 50 km to run, Jake continued and ran the last 3 km still not feeling tired and can finish the 43 km that he had combined with Coach Davis.

Even running 1 second per km faster than the day before Jake was much less tired because he had run 7 km less than the day before, seeing that Coach Davis could not deny that he was really surprised because he thought Jake would have a lot more difficult on his first day.

Jake managed to finish the 43 km in a time of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds, that time excited him and Coach Davis too, because Jake had run almost 1 km more than the 42.2 km that the marathon usually had and got a better time than his current world record.

So Coach Davis allowed Jake to run a second faster the next day, so Jake was excited that he would get half of what he wanted, and Jake was confident that he could slow down 1 second more on the next race day.

Jake made dinner every day that they were at home and Eva came home to have dinner with him, Eva realized that Jake was excited and realized that Jake should be training again and had managed to improve and so he was happy.

Eva was happy to see how hard Jake was at training himself even though he had reached the height of the marathons and had the money to live his whole life, many would surely give up on the marathons and try to just play basketball in the NBA and still be praised if they had the talent that Jake had.

The other day Jake went running the 43 km again after doing the warm-up and trainer Davis arrived Jake went running thinking about taking another second for km from the time he had managed the day before.

Jake had to improve his time because he no longer knew when he would have time to do such long training, so he could be his last training in many years, in this next Chicago marathon Jake intended to break his world record again.

That’s because honestly, he didn’t know when he could run another marathon again, he intended to run the Chicago marathon every year if it was possible, but that could irritate the coach of the Los Angeles Lakers team.

His current world record was 2 hours, 5 minutes and 55 seconds that he achieved in 1997 at the Berlin marathon, and that record would be broken next year if Jake did not improve him.

So Jake wanted to run to create a world record that would not be broken for many years, so Jake could lose a few years without running in the marathons until he broke his world record again.

Thinking about it Jake was even more willing to run and did 1 second less per km than the day before, Jake ran 1 km in 2 minutes and 52 seconds this time and that time was really fast.

Again, Jake had no difficulty running until the first 20 km, but after that, he started to feel that he was trying harder and getting more tired, Jake knew he had the resistance to run in that faster time.

But what he felt was that he was straining his muscles in that race and that was something he hadn’t felt since the marathon he got injured in New York, of course, he didn’t feel he was pushing his limits and all athletes should feel this normally after 20 km running a marathon.

After reaching 30 km Jake started to feel like he normally felt only after running 43 km in his previous training time, Jake hoped for this and even though the day before it was easier to run Jake knew he would suffer to be able to run 50 km as he usually did in training.

Even so, it was a running pace that Jake would normally manage and so he kept running and passed 40 km, after going through 40 km of marathon Jake felt more tired than he felt running the 50 km normally, which is why since the beginning he wanted to start training by being 2 seconds faster.

Even so Jake managed to run another 3 km and thus complete the 43 km he had to run, Jake certainly felt very tired as he normally did not feel after training, of course, Jake thought he could still run a few more kilometers and still you wouldn’t need to use the stamina bar.

Jake ran this 43 km in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 16 seconds, Jake didn’t know that, but with him running like that he managed to shock Coach Davis again, that time running in 43 km was already well below Jake’s world record and it seemed like Jake could still take his time better.

Coach Davis was impressed that he had already coached other athletes with less talent than Jake, so he knew that normally after a few months of training it was normal to see the younger and slower athletes having minute improvements in their time in racing. long distance.

This was normal for talented athletes who had no training time until it reached the time that an elite athlete can achieve, that time for athletes who dream of winning marathons are running in less than 2 hours and 20 minutes in a marathon.

Until that time, the athletes’ improvement is very fast and it is normal to see athletes like Zack improve his time by more than 1 hour after a year of training if they are compromised.

But in Coach Davis’s experience after 2 hours and 20 minutes, the athlete’s improvement slows a lot, even the geniuses take months to improve a minute in their time and it wasn’t something stable and in some marathons, they could have better times or worse.

But Jake managed to improve his time which was already faster than the time of the world record that was his own in almost 2 minutes in just 2 days, things that would take months of training for athletes who were training with a time of 2 hours and 20 minutes.

And it was even more shocking because Coach Davis knew as Jake’s coach that he hadn’t coached his races for more than 6 months before that, so after that, Coach Davis learned that Jake’s body really worked differently than other athletes.

Seeing that Jake was not feeling exhausted or in pain even though he ran 43 km, Coach Davis thought that if he wanted to help Jake achieve better results he had to find out what was Jake’s limit.

"You did very well today, Jake, with this race time you can certainly guarantee the world record for many years, but as you said we don’t know when we will have time to do training like this again."

"So I was thinking that before this Chicago marathon as we are just going to train you to run the marathons, we could see what your limits are, so tomorrow you will run 1 second less per km, I believe you can do it with this pace faster."

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