Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 213 The Skeletal System Of A Plane (Final)

I need a plan… maybe I could use my summons to distract them? But I don't know if they are recharged yet… so let's test it out with one of my weaker summons.

Poking my head out of the stone wall, I was immediately assaulted with a barrage of gray lasers, but before I hid back in, I used [Summon: Walking Jungle Hydra].

A massive plant-like hydra appeared in the middle of the clear liquid, and nothing happened to it, but it didn't matter as it crumbled into dust only a few seconds later.

"Okay, they're recharged- urk-"

I barely manage to dodge a few hundred laser beams to the face before swimming my way upwards until I hit a familiar hard ceiling that blocked my way.

After immediately recognizing it, I activate [Forbbidden Magic: Medusa], causing the ceiling above me to start cracking with a shattering sound following after.

I swam just a bit farther up until a large dose of sunlight beamed my head which squinted my eyes that hadn't adjusted yet.

And before I even looked around, I summoned all of my remaining summons before pulling my body out of the stone and flapping my wings right after, making sure I got enough space between myself and the flying eyes which I knew were close.

Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut

My summons had died, and their ethereal light form was absorbed right back into me.

"Damn, not even a quick breather," I say before reactivating my scythe, which I had stashed away earlier as I couldn't bring it inside the smooth stone.

As soon as I summoned my three-bladed scythe, a tornado of bat-like gargoyles started to fly around me, and each flap of their wings ripped through the air, sending blades of wind that I was easily able to deflect with a slap of my hand.

But even though the blades of wind were easily deflectable and negatable, their sudden appearance clogged my vision and was annoying even if I didn't slap them away.


I took a few swings with [Apocolyptic Swing] mixed in, which was enough to kill half of the tornado that swirled around me, but they were then filled in with a seemingly infinite amount of flying eyeballs.

They're made out of stone, so Zeus's Nimbus won't do shit… and purgatory will probably shatter again- wait, I'm out of that labyrinth, so maybe it will work now?

[Throne World: Purgatory]

A long dirt field appeared around me, with everything else disappearing. It was just a long dirt plain with a black sky, and the flying eyes were still swirling around me but were blown back by my sudden activation of the throne world.

Suddenly, a feeling shot through my brain as if I had grown a new limb, and it felt like I had been using it since I was born.

p It felt natural, and as soon as I moved this "new limb," thousands of different monsters that I had slain appeared around me, guarding me as if I was their queen.

I didn't even need to move my limbs to control these monsters; it just felt natural as I controlled them with my mind.

"Slaughter," I mutter before even more monsters with ghastly appearances appeared before me.

They charged towards the large horde of flying eyes, with the larger monsters ripping through large chunks while the weaker monsters were just small fry that served as a sacrifice for the bigger picture.

Not a single one was even slipping through, but that didn't mean I could relax.

And even though these monsters were mostly attacking on their own, in the end, I was controlling them and making smart decisions that they would never begin to fathom. So I needed to keep up with everything around me, making sure I didn't miss a beat.

Half an hour had passed, and my mental fatigue was starting to hit me.

Keeping track of all my monsters was a feat impossible for a normal mortal, but as I had [Godly Senses: 8], I was able to keep track just a bit better than normal.

"They're not stopping," I mutter before deactivating [Throne World: Purgatory] and activating [Forbidden Magic: Hermes].

My throne world shattered into shards of glass with the monsters that I had full control over slowly dissipating into dust which scattered through the air.

And as soon as I felt a strain on my body, I flew through a slight opening in the tornado of gargoyles.

Once I saw the familiar opening within the roof of the long corridor, I flew through it before time resumed once again. But before the surrounding eyes could charge towards me, I dove into the smooth stone wall while taking a peek at the barrier.

Huh? The barrier is getting less transparent…

Different reasons flowed through my mind, but I couldn't come up with anything solid…

Let's try tapping it and see if things don't go through it as easily anymore.

I poke my head out the side of the smooth stone wall before flying out and immediately throwing a punch towards the only slightly transparent barrier.


I was sent flying back as soon as I collided with the barrier, surprising me as I thought my hand would've gone through at least slightly… but it didn't, and instead, it sent me flying backward with just a touch.

Flapping my wings with as much power as I could draw, I just barely managed to keep myself above the raging clear liquid, which I was still wary of.

Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut

I snapped my head in the direction of the flapping sound of wings and wasn't surprised as I saw hundreds of thousands of flying eyeballs charging towards me.



Flying backward, I make my way to the barrier where I saw it had 2 massive cracks in it.

They branched out from where I originally punched the barrier, but I didn't have much time to [Inspect] it as the flying eyes were charging at me once more.

While dodging the thousands of grey laser beams, I looked at the [Inspect] information I received.

[Ninth Tier Barrier (Damaged)]

[The fourth highest tier of barrier allowing only one-way entry. Breaking this barrier is impossible to any mortal besides archdemons or archangels.]


As I internally cursed at the nuisances that continued to harass me and ruin my plans, I dove into the smooth stone wall to serve as a slight break before I summon my scythe and test out my idea once again.

Slamming my scythe into the barrier with [Apocolytpic Swing] behind it, even more cracks begun to appear, which eventually split into even more cracks. And then even more. And more. And more. And more. Until…


The sound of glass shattering echoed through the hallway, but as I was too invested in destroying the barrier, I was shot in the back by a few gray laser beams, which caused parts of my back to petrify.

Huh? I didn't even sense the lasers coming right at me… how is that possible.

Slowly, I turned around while still in the air and saw that the eyes were merging as some were disintegrating into dust.

Meanwhile, I flew into the dome-shaped room and signaled for Bella to follow me as the clear liquid had flooded the room. It continued to make no sound, but as it continued to rush into the dome-shaped room… it seemed to expand.

"Mistress! Where should we go!?" Bella shouts as she flaps her massive red wings while tightly grasping Amelia's wrists.

"Follow me as this thing seems to be still forming!" I shout back as the creaking and breaking of rocks could be heard from beside us.

Turning my head, a massive humanoid figure could be seen. It was four- no five times bigger than the original gargoyler, and it was so massive that you could only see half of its body with the remaining half poking out the opening of the ceiling inside the large hallway.

A drop of sweat dripped down my cheek as I could tell just from its presence, and I didn't even need my godly senses to notice… that this thing was much stronger than me.

It was also at least 10 times stronger than the original gargoyler, and I could only admit defeat as I had no shame with flying away.

"That thing could kill me with one swipe of its hand," I say as we all exit through the open ceiling and fly away as fast as possible.

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