Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 164: Horrifying Monthly Revenue

Chapter 164: Horrifying Monthly Revenue

The next month was a month that shocked all video game media, video game designers and gamers alike .

Nineteen days into Onmyojis life there were more than two million daily active users. That number reached 3.9 million in twenty eight days, and broke four million at the end of the month!

The even scarier thing was that the player base was still growing rapidly. Some industry professionals estimate that if this growth continued, Onmyoji could reach ten million players ninety days in!

Ten million daily active players would put it on par with tabletop games like Dou Dizhu, and would leave the other mobile card games in dust.

The profitability of mobile card games are on a completely different level compared to table top gains. This many players suggests that Onmyojis monthly income could reach an incredible level!

Onmyoji reached the best sellers leaderboards a week after it was released, and was rapidly gaining momentum. It reached the top five in the second week, and surpassed Demon Slayers 2 to reach the top in the third.

Afterwards, Onmyoji comfortably sat on the top spot for a long time. There was nothing Demon Slayers 2 could do, as they stood no chance, no matter how much more advertising they did.

At this point, it was impossible to know how much Onmyoji was making because there was no point of reference. Everybody knew that it surpassed Demon Slayers 2s sixty five million, but by how much was still a question.

Many third parties were trying hard to figure out how much Onmyoji was making a month, but they could only perform an estimate. This was because there were a lot of players that downloaded the gaming from Thunderbolt Gaming Platform.

But many thought that the income from Thunderbolt Gaming Platform must be less that the official app store, and could surpass one billion combined.

The thought of a mobile game breaking a billion RMB a month would have never crossed the mind of any videogame designer.

Who couldve thought that soon after Demon Slayers 2 set a new record, another new record would be set, one that might be in the billions at that.

Only Chen Mo knew this number.

A month after Onmyoji was released, the highest daily active players was four million, second day retention of 47%, average revenue per user of 221.3, resulting in a monthly revenue of three hundred and seventy million!

The video game industry was shocked when Chen Mo released this figure publicly.

This number exceeded his estimations, but was still reasonable.

The ARPU was much higher than he thought, but it was dragged down by the relatively fewer players in this world.

This was because the players in this world were much more willing to spend, meaning that there were more medium to low paying players.

It was still reasonable because Onmyojis statistics from his previous life were even more ridiculous. It had more than four million peak daily active users, six billion in revenue in the first month, and fourteen billion in the second. There were more than two hundred and seventy thousand reviews on the app store in the first month, and 14.1 billion hits on the topic Onmyoji on Weibo in the first two months. You could even say it was a national phenomena.

In the parallel world, because Chen Mo couldnt compete with the advertising in the previous world, and the mobile gaming industry wasnt as big, resulting in a lower three hundred and seventy million, but still enough to give everyone a shock.

The previous top mobile card game Demon Slayers 2 only had sixty five million in monthly revenue, and Onmyoji destroyed it by an order of magnitude!

Even PC and VR game designers were discussing this.

Chen Mos Onmyoji broke three hundred and seventy million in monthly revenue? That means he has over two hundred million at hand? Really? Two hundred million?

Are you serious? Thats money, not happy beans!

Yeah, youd be incredibly rich to have a hundred million in assets, but this guy made that money in a month? Youre joking right?

So many VR game designers cant make that much, how did a mobile game manage that?

Its not that simple, what about the cost?

Cost? It might be ten odd million, Id take him a few days to make it back!

Im dumbfounded. No way, he must be lying right?

I think so too, hes probably lying to create publicity for the game?

But Onmyoji is still growing, itll probably be higher next month!

I have nothing to say!

Man, now I want to make mobile games. What can we do with PC games, we can barely make money!

Of course, the video game media was just as shocked.

Two hundred million into his pocket? Chen Mos mobile game is going crazy!

The winner of the mobile card game saga?

Chen Mo: started and ended the era of mobile card games

The secret behind Onmyoji making three hundred and seventy million a month

Player activity: How much did you contribute to the three hundred million?

Mobile card game professional: I dont understand this game

Onmyoji hadnt copped much anger thus far as most were still shocked by this game.

The high quality graphics and voice acting, rich combat, interesting story, and frightening profitability, these were all trending topics that only gave Onmyoji praises.

However, there were also many angry players.

The game was less time consuming after Chen Mo made changes to Onmyoji, so the hatred was all focused on one point: scammy.

Especially the resentment towards SSR cards, mostly coming from the unlucky ones.

There were more and more posts appearing on various forums questioning the drop chance of Onmyoji.

Is the SSR drop rate of this game lower than one in ten thousand? How come Ive never seen one? The people I know who spent a lot of money havent seen one either!

Yeah, I Am MT had a failsafe, how come it doesnt even exist for SR cards in Onmyoji!

I think Chen Mo made this game so horribly. I thought he was quite a nice developer, but it seems like I was wrong!

Ive spent nearly five thousand RMB and I havent even seen a glimpse of an SSR unit. Can you explain this to me Chen Mo?

I want to go up to the experience store and complain about this to him in person!

Me too, lets upvote this post so Chen Mo will see! You cant take our money like this!

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