Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 136: Notice

Chapter 136: Notice

Geez, they are still using tutorials?

My goodness, its actually really detailed!

According to what they say, we can make these four maps too? Anyone could do it?

Man isnt this the same as Plants vs Zombies? And its more rich than Plants vs Zombies too, you could mix and match hero abilities, make new items and levels!

Thats crazy! Isnt this basically a game editor in Warcraft?

Yeah, you need permission to use the editor video game designers use, but this editor doesnt require any rights. Its also really simple, basing it on the limits of Warcraft. You could probably make many different games using this!

Alright, Im going to try it out!

There are many new game modes in Plants vs Zombies, and the highly rated ones are really fun too. Im looking forward to see what the players will be able to make!

I heard that theres a top-tier modder in Plants vs Zombies who got hired because of how well they did.


No idea, I just heard of it.

Oh man, I want to work at Thunderbolt Entertainment too! There must be a lot of bonuses!

The players were all riled up after playing a few RPG maps. It didnt matter if they were talented, many of them started trying to learn the editor and trying out their own maps.

Of course the people who were able to map actual maps were probably less than one percent, let alone make a high quality mpa.

The makers of high quality maps must have some knowledge in designing, good inspiration, as well as taking suggestions and feedback from the players. They also need to modify and improve on them day after day, comparable to making a simple game.

However, Chen Mos objective was complete upon getting the players riled up.

As the RPG maps gained popularity, Warcrafts sales obviously increased yet again.

Many players egged their friends on to buy the game. These players werent into the traditional RTS format, but Warcraft was now a way of socialising with friends with the inclusion of RPG maps, increasing the sales.

It didnt take long before Warcraft followed the footsteps of Plants vs Zombies, with various different types of maps being created by players. Although these maps were simple and primitive, Chen Mo felt that it was a good start.

As soon as the players are interested in it, the growth should be really fast.

Never doubt what the players could do once given the opportunity.

At this point, Chen Mos development of Warcraft was set aside.

The game was still early in its development stage to the players.

The PvP mode was still in full swing.

High skilled players are appearing one after another on Ranked matches.

And the more and more people outside of China were feeling the love of Warcraft.

The RPG maps attracted a huge number of non-RTS players, many of them were making their own RPG maps.

But for Chen Mo, the development of the game was almost at the end. He did everything he could do to guide the players, all thats left is for the players so enjoy what the game has to offer.

From this point onwards, RTS games will only follow a slow decline. This was fate, and Chen Mo wasnt about to change that.

Ever since the development of Warcraft until now, going through releasing the game, stomping the ranked ladder, releasing the international version, and making RPG maps Chen Mo had always been working. Chen Mo was quite tired and wanted to take a break.

Using a high quality game like Warcraft breaking the RTS genre, Thunderbolt Entertainment successfully pivoted from mobile games to PC games.

Of course this didnt mean mobile games development was coming to an end. It was up to Chen Mo to decide what game he was going to develop.

What will he do next? Chen Mo wasnt decided either.

Early next morning, Chen Mo received a phone call from Lin Mao.

Hello? Chen Mo was still quite drowsy.

Hello? Chen Mo, I made a game in Warcraft, could you promote the game for me? asked Lin Mao.

Chen Mo laughed, What? Youre playing Warcraft too?

Yeah. Sigh, I was never an RTS player, and basically set it aside after I finished the story. But after you released the update, I realised the World Editor is quite enjoyable. I never noticed it before that, so I decided to make a map for fun. said Lin Mao.

Chen Mo replied, Ive been quite busy lately, so I havent contacted you guys.

Geez, theres no need for that. You must be busy to make a game like that. By the game, this game is amazing. You even made it overseas to represent us Chinese video game designers, said Lin Mao.

Geez, its nothing. Also, I havent heard from Zhao Zihao for some time, what has he been doing lately?

Oh, I think hes overseas for some personal matter. I never delved any deeper. Hes from a rich family after all, its not entirely surprising for him to go overseas and have fun. By the way, since its been so long, you wanna grab a meal together some day? asked Lin Mao .

Chen Mo sat up on his bed, Some day? How about tonight, Ive been free recently anyways.

Alright, its tonight then. Ill take a look for what to eat, and you do the same too. Lets discuss later. By the way, have you seen the notice on the editor?

Chen Mo was shocked, Notice? What notice, I havent been on the videogame editor for a few days now.

Lin Mao was speechless, How could you overlook something so important. I wanted to talk about that too. Alright, you take a look and we can discuss later.

Chen Mo was left with confusion after hanging up, What notice?

After his morning ritual, Chen Mo went onto the videogame designer editor. There was a notice upon logging in.

Chen Mo was shocked as this was something he had never seen before.

Illusion Game Engine was made in China, and as a VR capable editor, there were many things that had to do with VR.

Evidently this video game editor wasnt so simple. This mustve had the governments support and couldnt have been done by some random company.

The reason for the huge sums of investment to develop a videogame editor capable of making VR worlds and allowing its users to use it for free was because countries all over the world put emphasis on VR technology.

The official app store and Illusion Game Engine had strong ties with the government. Otherwise it would be impossible to build such a massive, complete system, allowing video game designers to grow and flourish from the ground up with no obstacles in the way.

Chen Mo was confused, what was the objective of this notice?

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