Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 119: Pandaren Brewmaster

Chapter 119: Pandaren Brewmaster

There werent many people in the internet cafe, but as Chen Mo sat down, someone shouted, Wow, its the god gamer. Youre finally here!!

Chen Mo was shocked to see Zou Zhuo coming out of nowhere, fearing that Chen Mo might escape or something.

Chen Mo stood down and turned on the computer.

Zou Zhuo sat next to him and said, God gamer, there are a few other God gamers who want you to join the group Im in. Kaiser is also in there. Kaiser actually wants to play a few games with you.

Chen Mo replied, Oh, but I really cant be bothered.

Zou Zhuo was shocked to be declined even after bringing up K-god! All God-gamers indeed stoic!

Chen Mo launched Warcraft to search from another ranked match.

Zou Zhuo was stuck in a hard place, he couldnt get on the floor and begged like the group suggested he do.

Zou Zhuo took out his phone and set a message to the group, I finally met SIlent again! But hes not joining the group, what should I do? Its very urgent!

The messages came in pretty quickly.

Real Silent??

Pics or it didnt happen! Quick, show us a video!

What is there to do other than ask him to accept you as his student!

AAHHHHH, whats the address? I wanna go there!

The group had been discussing the past two days.

After Silent gained popularity, the group noticed that the player who played again Zou Zhuo was Silent!

That means Zou Zhuo has seen Silent himself, thats incredible!

There were many in the group who said on the forums that Silent is a real person, and looked quite young too, and that someone had seen them with their own eyes. But of course nobody on the forum believed them thinking they were lies.

But the moment to prove themselves right finally arrived!

Under peer pressure, Zou Zhuo stood behind Chen Mo and took a short video. The video didnt contain much, just Chen Mos incredible hand speed on the mouse and keyboard, as well as some shots of the screen.

My goodness, this hand speed. Its worthy of the title Ultimate Tentacle Monster!

You gotta be spraining your hand like that

I feel like I have one less finger than he does

That screen, my goodness is that played back at eight times speed? I cant understand anything at all!

That hand speed is probably real!

But what should we do if the god doesnt join the group? Do we need K-god to do it himself? @Kaiser

Kaiser: Forget about it, dont force them to join if they dont want to. @Zzz keep your eyes on him and learn from that.

Everyone expressed their disappointment in chat, Oh, thats too bad!

This time Chen Mo was playing against Night Elves, although they were fighting for a long time against Chen Mos Blademaster, they eventually lost.

Chen Mos rating was now at 3794.

It didnt feel like anything special, so Chen Mo searched for another match.

-Inside the group-

Hes searching again! Go queue, K-god! Try and queue together with Silent!

Kaiser: Im in class

Everyone was speechless.

It took some time to search for a match as his rating was so high, it took nearly five minutes for him to get a match.

It was still morning, but there were almost four-hundred thousand total viewers across all platforms watching Silent play ranked matches. Although this was all streamers across all platforms, it was still an incredible number!

Especially last night when Silent beat Nightwind using mass towers, and then spelling out NB! using towers on the map increased his popularity by a lot.

The audience were incredibly happy upon seeing his opponent.

Digwa!!! Gourd god! Hahaha, Silent queued into Gourd god this time!

Gourd-god, please beat him with that disgusting tower strategy to make him suffer from his own invention!

Yeah, I agree! Gourd-god must use Silents strategy against himself! Avenge us!

This Gourd-god guys ID was Digwa, although nobody knew its true meaning, people would just pronounce it as spelt[1].

He wanted to change his name, but as the viewers used it more, he accepted the nickname. He even changed his nickname on many platforms to Gourd.

Digwa was the top three human players in China, at three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two points, basically the same rank as Kaiser.

After loading in, Gourd was also shocked to meet Silent.

My goodness, I actually met him!

Of course Digwa saw the match yesterday of Silent vs Nightwind, and got plenty of inspiration from it. He was a Human player anyways, and had a better understanding of these strategies than anyone else, and realised that it was an amazing strategy.

He also played a few matches with other high-skilled players to confirm how good the strategy actually was.

Silent had been winning straight matches gaining a lot of points in the process. Gourd felt that he would meet Silent eventually, but didnt expect it to be so soon.

Digwa entered in chat, S-god, pleased to meet you.

Silent replied, GLHF.

Gourd was speechless, this guy really doesnt like chatting, hes even too lazy to reply in Chinese!

This time Silent randomed Night Elves.

The chat was incredibly exciting.

Gourd-god, built towers! Destroy him! Make him feel the terror of Guard Towers!

Hahaha, what comes around goes around. Its finally Silents turn to play Night Elves against Humans!

Although they knew Digwa couldnt see, the passion from the fans never stopped.

Digwa was probably thinking about how Silent would react if he used his strategy against him. If he beat it, that means that the strategy isnt fool proof. If he doesnt beat it that means its a design flaw?

The Peasants were working hard to mine gold and build buildings.

The fans were plenty excited: Hahaha, Gourd-god is doing so well! Beat him at his own game!

The commentator was a bit nervous as they saw how strong the tower strategy was from the humans. Silent wouldnt lose to his own strategy right?

Alright, it seems like Gourd-god does plan to beat Silent using the towers strategy. Lets take a look at SilentHmm? Whats wrong with that Altar?

From The perspective of the spectator, it was obvious that the Altar of Elders was built late, as Demon Hunter was trained much later than Archmage.

At this point, the scouting Peasants managed to find the glowing altar, and turned away immediately.

As the humans leave, the Night Elves cancel the training of the Demon Hunter. A wisp was already waiting at the Tavern in the middle of the map, and as the time came, it summoned a neutral Hero: Pandaren Brewmaster!

The viewers were shocked, there was indeed a plan in place!

My goodness! Pandaren Brewmaster! Feel like Silent has things in store! He mustve known that his opponent was going to use his strategy against him!

Is the Pandaren Brewmaster good? Ive used him before, and he felt quite squishy. Can this beat Guard Towers?

The Brewmasters Breath of Fire is really strong! It can hurt buildings too! It seems like Silent came prepared!

It looks like Gourd-god never noticed??

Does he think that his opponent is going to be the Demon Hunter as usual?

Indeed, Digwa didnt expect Silent to train a neutral Hero. Moreover, he saw that the Altar was glowing from his own scout!

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