Academy’s Second Seat

Chapter 98: When Winter Ends, Spring Comes (2)

Chapter 98: When Winter Ends, Spring Comes (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"As expected, this place feels the most comfortable"

I stepped down from the carriage and stretched.

In the Royal Palace, you were given many such conveniences too,

Rie pointed out with a sharp gaze.

"Well, there's a difference between being provided with comfort and actually feeling at ease,"

I replied teasingly, shooting her a playful grin.

Luna chuckled awkwardly at our banter.

We had just returned to Liberion Academy from the Royal Palace.

Initially, only Luna and I planned to return.

However, out of the blue, Rie declared she'd join us back to the academy.

Some knights looked displeased by her decision, but I decided it wasn't my place to worry and simply smiled it off.

For the time being, we went our separate ways to our respective rooms.

Given the long tiring journey, I didnt think it'd be smart to dive straight into my studies.

I entered my room.

Considering I had been, in essence, kidnapped and returned, I had no belongings to unpack.


Without anything to put away, I flopped onto my bed.

Even though I rested well in the Royal Palace, nothing beats the relaxation of one's own home.

Turning my head, my gaze landed on the calendar.

"A kidnapping episode, and the year has slipped by."

While under treatment at the palace, the year had changed.

I wasn't planning any special celebration for the New Year, but realizing the year had slipped by gave me a sense of loss.

More importantly, a new semester awaited.

Fresh first-year students, altered futures, and futures I would need to change.

Looking back, none of the incidents from the original game had happened as they should.

Still, I clung to the futures I knew.

But now, I couldnt afford to.


While I was able to handle the altered incidents, Evans very character seemed changed, and I was powerless against that.

First Seat.

During the final exams, Evan and I had tied for the top spot.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

No matter how hard I tried, Evan was supposed to be the prodigy, always one step ahead.

Yet now

Having seen Evans limits, I couldnt place my trust in him.

I need to change things...

I had to take charge.

I bore the responsibility for the altered future.

Not just to ensure my own survival, but to save everyone at the academy.


Raei Translations


Several days later.

In the main building of Liberion Academy, on the third floor's women's restroom.


A woman, dressed in a tailored suit, had her hair tied up in a ponytail.

She was tidying herself up in front of the mirror.

"Ah... I'm so nervous."

She playfully tapped her cheeks with her fingers.

She was Gracie Lifegold, a wizard who came for an interview for a new teaching position.

Originally, she had been a teaching assistant at the academy, but after an offer from the royal palace, she worked as a Royal Wizard for three years.

The title of Royal Wizard was a highly prestigious position one could achieve as a wizard without a formal title.

It was impressive that Gracie, a commoner, had been given the Lifegold surname during her tenure as a royal wizard.

However, she had a dream.

"I just want to relax a bit now...!"

Gracie wasn't fond of hard work.

Even magical research, which most wizards adored, didn't appeal to her.

Such research was okay only when done in a relaxed leisurely manner.

Even if one loved their work, doing it constantly without a break would inevitably lead to burnout.

Then came an opportunity for Gracie.

Vice Principal Oliver had been relieved of his duties

Professor Cromwell was forced into the position of Vice Principal, leaving his previous post vacant.

This led to an open recruitment for a new professor at Liberion Academy.

Believing she was fully prepared, Gracie exited the restroom.

"But why does it seem so deserted?"

Gracie muttered to herself.

It felt strange.

She had assumed that the open recruitment would attract many applicants, but she saw no one around.

"My mentor did say the professor's position is highly sought after that the competition would be fierce..."

Her mentor was none other than Professor Cromwell.

Before taking on the duties of Vice Principal, Cromwell had taken a vacation.

During this period, he met with acquaintances, spent time with his family, and wasn't just idling around.

He realized that with his promotion to Vice Principal, a position in the magic department would become vacant.

And if it wasn't filled soon, he'd have to juggle both roles.

With the determination to prevent that, Cromwell had searched for a suitable candidate.

And he had chosen Gracie.

"This is odd..."

Puzzled, Gracie continued walking down the corridor.

At the end of her path stood the principal's office.

Yet, even as she approached the office, she didn't encounter a single soul.

"Just what..."

Gracie felt something was wrong.

Before she could further ponder, the door to the principal's office swung open.

"Ah, Professor Gracie. You've arrived."

Principal McDowell greeted her warmly as he stepped out.

"Pro... Professor?"

Gracie looked baffled. She hadnt even had her interview yet, nor had any announcements been made regarding her selection.

However, Principal McDowell referred to Gracie as "Professor."

"Haha, come on in for now."


Gracie hesitantly stepped into the Principal's office, feeling the tension in the air.

Gracie forced a smile and took a sip of tea.

A singular thought dominated her mind.

I need to escape.

I must find a way out of here as soon as possible.

A job with no other applicants.

An interviewer who implies you're hired even before the interview starts.

Clearly, it's the worst job scenario.

"Hmm, should I address you as 'Professor Gracie'? Or do you prefer being called by your last name?"

"Oh, just 'Gracie' is fine."

Gracie was clearly bothered by the continued addition of the title "Professor."

"Right. Some people don't like being addressed by their first names."

"Ah, you mean Professor Cromwell?"

Cromwell greatly despises being called by his first name.

That's why, even when introducing himself, he only reveals his surname, 'Cromwell.'

"Yes, you, being a Liberion Academy graduate, must know about Cromwell, right?"

"Yes, Professor Cromwell has been of great help to me."

"It's been about 6 years since you graduated That means you entered as a freshman when I just assumed the position of principal?"

"Yes, I heard you assumed the position during my first year."

McDowell and Gracie chatted amiably.

For a while, Gracie wore a genuine smile.

Suddenly, McDowell checked his watch.

"Oh, look at the time."

Gracie, seeing McDowell's reaction, tilted her head curiously.

"Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Yes, I have plans with my family. I apologize."

"No worries. It was fun reminiscing about my academy days."

Lost in their conversation, time had flown by.

McDowell grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

"Just leave the teacup. My secretary will handle it. See you at work tomorrow, Professor Gracie."


Before Gracie could understand the situation, McDowell had vanished.

In shock, Gracie stared at the door where McDowell had disappeared.

"No, wait. I didn't say I'd..."

But McDowell was long gone.

There was no reply in the empty room.

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

"Professor Gracie, here are the documents detailing your duties as a professor."


A woman stood beside her.

Gracie took the documents the woman handed to her and said,

"Ah, you must be the secretary..."

Without acknowledging her realization, she asked,

"May I clear the teacup?"

"Yes, but..."

Gracie wanted to return the documents and decline the job offer.

But she swallowed those words.

After all, confronting the principal directly seemed more appropriate than using the secretary as a go-between.

Refusing the job through her would be impolite.

I need to speak to Principal McDowell first thing tomorrow.

With that in mind, Gracie rose from her seat.


Raei Translations


The very next day, as soon as she arrived at Liberion Academy, Gracie went straight to the Principals office.

...Is he on vacation?

Ah, yes. Didn't he mention he'd be out with his family?

Principal McDowell did mention he had plans with his family, but Gracie hadn't realized that meant he was taking a few days off.

"When will he be back?

He should return in about four days.

"Four days...

With that, Gracie turned her attention back to the documents she had received the previous day.

She then headed toward the research lab listed on the papers.

Four days wasn't too long to wait, after all.

I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer

However, after those four days...

"Ah, Principal McDowell has other commitments and seems like he will be away from the academy for a while."

Sighing in disappointment, Gracie walked out of the Principals office.

Now what should I do?

She hadn't yet been properly briefed on her responsibilities, so she had nothing to do.

Yet, no one seemed to mind her just hanging around the lab.

After several days, her mind began to waver.

Maybe I should just?

However, she quickly shook her head, dismissing the thought.

No, something feels off. It's as if they're trying to lure me into something

Hey, isnt that Gracie?

She then heard a voice behind her.

Oh? Professor McGuire?

Hey~! It's been a while!

Professor Mcguire, who wore a broad smile, was one of the professors Gracie had been quite close to during her student years.

Ah! Youre a professor now? Should I be calling you Professor Gracie?

No! Absolutely not. I cant have you calling me professor.

Gracie emphatically gestured with her hands as she spoke.

Seeing this, Professor McGuire chuckled,

Haha, alright then! How about we grab a drink later? A heart-to-heart between two professors.

Sure! Ill drop by your lab after Im done for the day!

A little while later, Professor McGuire and Gracie found themselves at a local bar...

Hehe, Professor~! I promise~! Ill follow your advice to the letter~!

Good, you better!

Under the influence of the strong drinks and Mcguire's silver tongue, Gracie committed herself to taking on the role of a professor.

Without knowing this had all been a scheme orchestrated by the academy's staff.

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