Academy’s Second Seat

Chapter 88: Winter Vacation (4)

Chapter 88: Winter Vacation (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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A carriage adorned with the royal emblem of a dragon arrived at the front of Liberion Academy.

"No, I said I'm not going."

Rie voiced out defiantly, a frown etching her face.

"Um... His Majesty insisted on bringing you back...."

The knights, visibly bewildered by Rie's refusal, replied.

Despite their attempts to persuade her, Rie held her position.

This standoff between Rie and the knights continued for about ten minutes, and soon Rie began to shiver visibly.

From earlier, Rie seemed to really despise the cold.

Though she was wrapped snugly, she could only fend off the chill for an hour or so in the open, where the wind bit harder.

"Why don't you go inside since it's cold?"

I suggested, guiding Rie gently.

Rie appeared momentarily surprised by my intervention but soon offered a warm smile.


With my words, the knights seemed to snap out of their stupor, lowering their heads in apology.

"We're sorry. Let's talk inside."

Together, we made our way towards the dormitory.

I went to my room briefly to change out of my wet clothes and then made my way to Rie's room.

The discussion, or rather the argument, between Rie and the knights was still ongoing.

"No, I said I'm not going now, okay? I'll go on my own later."

"But a snowstorm is coming soon, won't it be hard for you to go then?"

"Then I simply wont go."

Arms crossed, Rie stood her ground.

"Oh, Rudy's here?"

As I entered the room, Luna, who had been at the back, greeted me.


Hearing Luna call my name, the knight, seated, glanced up at me.

"By any chance, are you Young Master Rudy Astria?"

"Ah, yes."

At my confirmation, the knight greeted me warmly, rising from his chair.

"Oh, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about the Oliver incident."

He extended a hand, cordially shaking mine, although it seemed out of place in our current situation.

But I shook back anyway.

"I really look forward to your future. When the Young Master enters politics and starts active work, I wonder what kind of figure you will show... Haha, the future of the empire is bright."

He chuckled merrily, but even though it was nice to be praised...

As the knight's eyes shifted from me to Rie, understanding dawned on me.

This was a plea for assistance.

He wanted me to persuade Rie to return to the royal palace.

But honestly, I wasnt inclined to help this knight.

Rie's wishes should be respected, and I didn't feel it was right for me to push her, especially when it wasn't my place to interfere.

Frowning, I addressed the knight,

"Nothing will come out of you saying that to me."

The knight seemed to understand and scratched his head in an apologetic manner.

"Ah...I'm sorry."

With a nod at the knight's regret, my eyes found Rie, now settled on the sofa.

"Anyway, I'm not going back. I have things to do."

"...Things you have to do?"

The knight's interest piqued at her words.

"I'm researching magic right now, so I can't go back until it's done."

Rie's voice carried a tone of unwavering determination.

"Sigh... Your Highness... If it's research, can't you get help from the Royal wizards?"

Yet Rie remained unaffected.

"What's the point of that. And I feel more comfortable researching with my friends than those old men."

"And isn't it very cold here..."

"It's not cold at all?"

Rie rebutted the Royal knight's words point by point.

The knight's words gradually faded away.

Then a knock was heard.

"Um, Young Master Rudy, are you in there?"


I was confused.

After all, this was unquestionably Rie's room.

"Come in."

Following Rie's invitation, a maid walked in.

She was the same maid who had hurried to Rie's side earlier.

The current situation eerily mirrored that one.

"Um, Young Master Rudy... A carriage has arrived."


I was taken aback by her words.

Rie had been receiving countless letters from the Emperor, but for me to get one...

Then it clicked.

"Could it be brother..."

"Yes. Lord Ian Astria sent a carriage."

I clenched my teeth at the news.

A carriage without even a prior letter?

The letter Ian had sent didn't mention anything about sending a carriage at all.

He had merely said let's meet face to face.

It seems he took action when I didn't respond.

Following the maid, a knight stepped into the room.

He was Thomas, the knight I had met on Homecoming Day.

"Young Master Rudy. I've come to escort you."


Thomas offered a warm, friendly smile.

He appeared pleasant, but remembering what they did to Astina on Homecoming Day, I couldn't think too highly of him.

"Why are you here?"

I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Ah, didn't you receive the letter from Lord Ian?"

"No, I got it."

With a carriage already sent, I couldn't use the absence of a letter as an excuse.

"I'm doing some magic research right now so I can't go."

"Magic research?"

Thomas echoed my words.

"It looks like I won't be able to leave until I finish my research."

"Ah, I don't think that will work."


I narrowed my eyes at Thomas' rejection.

However, Thomas appeared unfazed and continued.

"Right now, the head of the family is also at the Astria mansion in the capital. It was decided that the family members and related people would have a meal together. That's why Lord Ian is looking for you, Lord Rudy."

Hearing this, I gritted my teeth once again.

While I found Thomas irritating, what he said made me pause.

Such a gathering was not mentioned in the letter.

However, I had already discarded the letter, and even if I hadn't, challenging his claim would be difficult.

"Sir... if you don't return, the Duke might get upset... Will that be alright?"

Thomas's words may have sounded like he was looking out for me, but essentially, it was more like a veiled threat.

I took a moment to think.

Was his statement true?

I doubt it.

Would the Duke and Ian genuinely invite me to a family gathering?


But, on the off chance that it's true...

After a bit of thought, I made my decision.

"Understood. I'll go."

This was a situation I was bound to face sooner or later.

But first, I needed to make some preparations.

Wouldn't I need my own protective measures?

Upon hearing my agreement, Rie and Luna looked at me, their expressions full of surprise.

"Rudy, are you going?"


I didn't respond to Rie and Luna's questions and instead turned to Thomas.

"Just give me a moment. I need to organize the research materials I've been working on."

"Ah, that much is possible."

"Luna, can you help me for a moment? I have some things I need to bring."

Luna tilted her head in confusion.

The truth was, I wasn't really bringing any research.

That was because I was only an assistant.

"Yep! Got it."

For now, Luna held off on further questions and approached my side.

Together, we went to my room.


Raei Translations


After Rudy announced he would retreat to his room and then vanished.

Rie turned to Thomas,

"If Rudy's going to the capital... Does that mean the Astria mansion there?"

"Ah, yes, that's correct."

Responding to Rie's words, Thomas gave a nod of confirmation.

Upon hearing this, Rie swiftly turned her head towards the Royal Knights.

"I'll be heading back too."


"Considering things, getting assistance from the royal wizards seems best for my research. It's also cold here, so I should rest at the palace."

"But... you said researching with friends is best... and that it wasn't that cold..."

"Is there a problem with me leaving?"

"No, no! I'll prepare the carriage immediately."

The Royal Knight appeared a bit taken aback, but he promptly left.


Raei Translations


Meanwhile, in Rudy's room, Luna entered, looking rather bewildered.

Rudy, without expressing a word, walked over to a drawer in the corner.

He pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer.

"Rudy, what's that?"

Luna asked, but Rudy didnt reply and instead tore the paper.



Luna was startled by Rudy's sudden action, but seeing no change in the room, she tilted her head, puzzled.

"Luna, listen closely. I've activated silent magic. So, no sound will be heard from our surroundings."


Luna couldn't conceal her shock at Rudy's unexpected words.

"Anyway, my relationship with my brother isn't great. It probably got worse after the Oliver incident."

Upon hearing Rudy's words, Luna gave a nod.

"And when I return home this time, it's hard to predict what might happen. So, you need to write a letter and send it to the Astria mansion in the capital."

"A...a letter?"

Luna tried to remain calm.

She had many questions, but it didn't seem like the right moment to ask them.

For now, she focused on the urgent facts Rudy was sharing.

"Also, in 5 days, if you don't receive a response or if I don't return, please ask Professor Robert or Professor Cromwell for help."

With that, Rudy gripped Luna's shoulders.

"I'm counting on you."


Then, Rudy quickly collected a few scrolls and books from his drawer.

"I'm sorry I can't help with the research... I'll be back soon."

With a hastily packed bag, Rudy prepared to depart.

"Ru... Rudy."

At that moment, Luna called out to him.

"Please be careful... don't get hurt..."

Hearing Luna's words, Rudy offered a soft smile.

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