1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 248: Don't Forget About Me! Antonius!

Chapter 248: Don't Forget About Me! Antonius!

"Non quia difficilia sunt non audemus, sed quia non audemus, difficilia sunt"

-        Church of England congregation

" It is so good to see the double headed eagle flag hanging in the city again." 

Hearing this by instinct Antonius opened his mouth wanted to say some thing in comfort of the old man, but his brain turned blank not knowing what to say. With a bitter smirk he gave this senior a tight hug patting him on the skinny back, and replied softly beside his ears. "Yes, indeed, it is so God damn good seeing this flag flying in the city again." 

Anjelo watched speechlessly from the behind and sighed. He too knows very well that why the admiral staggered just now, as he is caught in a state of cognitive difficulties. Every one in the fleet knows that although by name Constantine is the legitimate sovereign, but he never actually gave Antonius any real support except for the title, the flag and the banner; All the possessions that they have today is acquired by themselves expanding their lands inch by inch using the blade in their hand. Thus, it brings the question; Is their army considered the Roman army?

Anjelo knows that Antonius as a straight forward person is of course deeply in doubt about this question, and the words of the old man again reminded him of this making Antonius ask himself in the mind, which country does he belong to?

Just then, Alexios in the behind rolled his eyes again and another idea popped up in his mind. He climbed on top of the horse taking the high ground shouting out his words of Thrace Greek Dialect. "Citizens! Citizens of Thessaloniki! Shout out your wishes! Make the general hear your words! And your claps! Make it more like a grand triumph! Come on folks!" 

It is then the citizens of Thessaloniki started getting together to applaud the roars of their raw souls, applaud with all of their heart for the liberation of tomorrows, applaud for the memorable yet dreadful yesterdays, and also applauding for this man and this army marching before them, applauding for the familiar yet alien flags of the Imperium Romanum and the true cross of Orthodox Christianity. 

The senior citizen Antonius hugged and patted just now struggled away from Antonius' arms with his entire body trembling and more tears gushing out of his eyes and kneeled down on the ground, bellowing. "Long live stratgos Antonius! Long live stratgos  Antonius! Long Live stratgos  Antonius!!!!!!"

"What are you doing mister!" Shocked by the senior's act Antonius attempted to pull him back up standing on his feet, but he felt like he is pulling a ponderous bronze statue with no matter how much force he use he cannot get this senior citizen up. 

Then, before he knows it, the words the senior just shouted is like a virus spreading through the air around making the other bystanders join in too shouting the exact same thing while applauding. Within a short moment the thousands of people over here formed a unified and thunderous voice shaking the sun and the skies.

"Long live stratgos Antonius! Long live stratgos  Antonius! Long Live stratgos  Antonius!!!!!!"

Antonius gave up all efforts trying to pull the senior citizen up, he too entirely submerged himself in the ocean of excitedness covered by tides by tides of cheers and hurrays, drawing his cutlass out throwing the scabbard away, and pierced his blade in to the skies every time the people in the surroundings shouted. Alexios, being the smart one, quickly ran backwards towards the sailors blowing the horns asking them to blow even louder enlightening the atmosphere up. 

"Antonius.Antonius! Antonius De'Ricci!" However, right in the middle of all the cheering, an indifferent voice came from the top of the parading troops loud and clear to Antonius' ears, halting the admiral's action as he turned around looking at where the voice came from, bringing the sight of the citizens together along with him. 

The voice came from above on the walls near the Postern of Romania, behind an arrow slit. A man can be seen jumping up and down with the help of a stool he is stepping on trying to make himself obvious to the crowd grabbing all the attention. Antonius can straight away judge from this man's shaking body and cherry red face flushing with blood that this man is drunk to the gills. 

"Antonius! Antonius De'Ricci!" This man, appearing to be Nikolas, shouted once more seeing that he finally acquired the attentions of the admiral. With a bragging voice he made a laugh and a burp that sounded pretty disgusting for god knows how many barrels of wine has he poured in to that mouth. "Antonius With out me You can dream about getting the city of Thessaloniki! Am I right?" 

Antonius felt like giving this drunk dude a slash with his wipe, but he resisted the temptation making a laugh back and thanked Nikolas instead. "Indeed! Indeed! Nikolas, with out you, I will not be even able to stand in this city!" 

"Hahahahaa." Nikolas made another burp gulping down some more wine from his flusk, and continued his performance pointing directly at Antonius. "SinceSince then You definitely cannot forget about my rewards after all of this! I have I have done so much for you For Thessaloniki. The city*Burp*" 

"Of course! Of course!" Antonius waved his hands fanning off the imaginary strong scent of alcohol feeling like he need to make an escape from this drunkard. "I will never forget the contributions of those who have benefited me, please, do not even worry about it, now if you would excuse me, I still have more urgent things to attend to" 

"Go Go! Antonius!" Nikolas danced around on the walls continuing to drink from that wine flask. "Go! Antonius! Just do not forget about my reward!" 

Antonius went back to his mount, this time totally disobeying the what ever manners and laws set for the lords and nobles for the respect of the Basileus. He rode off down the streets with his troops parading behind just like the same as usual, the only thing different now is that there is a nuisance continuing his nonsense in front of the public's eyes. For Antonius personally, he felt like it has been ages since there is some one who called him by his full name. He felt dismayed of course, but he did not think too much about it, as this drunkard really did contributed a lot to him. 

Antonius paraded through the grand city of Thessaloniki going on a sight seeing tour guided by thee locals, travelling around the city spectating the prize he has earnt. Antonius walked under the Arch of Galerius and Rotunda examining the historical sculptures of Narses reading the thousand years old Latin phrases. He went to the Bey Hamam bathe and had a look at the prisoners of war captured, and ordered to have them all imprisoned in the Heptagyrgion fortress temporarily. 

Antonius travelled through the streets and valleys of the city and had a taste of local delights like Bougatsa and Koulouri, accompanied with local residents gifting basket after basket of just ripe seasonal fruits of Rodakina Naoussas and Halkidiki olives, despite him refusing for countless times. Then under the invitation of the local Christian patriarch and religious leaders he had a visit to the commemorated basilicas, churches and monasteries of the city, and is astounded when he found out that there is another Hagia Sophia in Thessaloniki. 

Finally, Antonius and his men arrived at the government mansion of Thessaloniki, transformed from the previous Roman imperial place one must say that it is really a piece of fine art and a flawless engineering achievement by generations of workers constructing and expanding it. Antonius can even now say that he has a even better house than the emperor of the Greeks in the  Palace of Blachnarea, which now appears to be so dull in his memories when he think of it. 

The crowd of people entered the mansion through the screaking of the oak doors, walking through the piles of glittering golden treasures clustered on the ground, sending a hard odour of gold and silver plating through every one's mouth. Light shined in to the grand hall from the window with traditional mosaic artifacts filling the entire manor with a warming and glimmering summer light, and lastly in the end of the grand hall, a high backed throne made from silver casting and scarlet robes can be seen.

"It seems like the Ottomans and Greeks really knows how to enjoy their lives making every thing so damn comfortable isn't it!" Antonius' eyes almost formed a curved line grinning as he sank himself on to that throne with leather cushions and talked to his courtiers, sending his echo pondering across the hall making his voice sound majestic and powerful. 

"Aye, indeed." Abraham almost had his jaws dropping when he saw the lavish interior design and commented. "Only if we can bring the entire place on to our ships!" 

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